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Are there gadgets that can help you in your home?

Have you considered using technology to make your home more efficient?

By Claudie DelafossePublished 2 years ago 6 min read
Are there gadgets that can help you in your home?
Photo by Ivan Didenko on Unsplash

There are all sorts of gadgets available online that can make your life easier. But where do you start? Most people just Google "home gadgets" and then you're inundated with sites that have 100s of results which in turn, makes it difficult to decide what's the best for you.

A smartwatch that you can use to control your smart home

The home is becoming a lot more "smart" these days. There are dozens of devices that can help you with your home, including some that you might not have even considered before. Here's a look at some of the top gadgets that can make life easier: Smartwatch. You don't have to be an astronaut or a secret agent to use one of these devices, but they do come in handy around the house.

A smartwatch can keep track of your fitness goals and remind you when it's time for your next dose of medicine. It can also be used to control other smart home devices, like lights and door locks. Smart thermostat. Your old thermostat probably hasn't changed much since it was first introduced decades ago, but today's models are much smarter — and much easier to use.

You can control them from anywhere using an app on your phone or tablet, or even by voice commands through Amazon Alexa or Google Assistant. They'll learn your schedule so they know when it's time to turn on the heat or AC before you get home from work every day.

An automatic coffee machine to make your morning coffee.

Are there gadgets that can help you in your home? A good example of this is an automatic coffee machine to make your morning coffee. This will save you time and effort, which means more time to spend with family. The same can be said for other gadgets, such as a bread maker or rice cooker.

If you are busy during the day, then it might be a good idea to purchase one of these devices so that dinner is ready when you get home. There are also gadgets that can do things like vacuum your carpets or mow your lawns – all without any human intervention!

These are not only great for busy people but also for those who don't have much energy left at the end of their working day. You'll find that there are many different types of home automation systems available on the market today – from smart plugs and sensors to self-cleaning ovens and refrigerators!

They each come with their own unique features and benefits, so it's up to you as an individual whether or not they're worth investing in or not.

A smart doorbell that lets you see who's at the door from wherever you are.

It's no secret that the home is becoming increasingly connected. We have smart thermostats, doorbells and lightbulbs, but what else can be done to make your house smarter? Here are a few gadgets that can help you in your home: Smart doorbells If you want to know who's at your front door without having to run out of the room, then a smart doorbell is for you.

The Ring Video Doorbell 2 lets you see who's at the door from wherever you are — and it also has a built-in camera so you can see what's going on outside. It also has motion sensors so it will record everything that happens while you're away from home. You can even talk through it if someone rings!

Smart speakers to play music in every room of your house.

Gadgets and technology are often presented as the solution to most of our problems. They can save us time, help us be more productive and improve our quality of life. Cordless vacuum cleaners, smart speakers, robot mops and washers — they all sound like they'll make your life easier. But is it really true? Are these gadgets actually useful? Or are they just shiny objects that distract us from real problems? Here's a look at some of the most popular home gadgets and how they can help you get things done around the house: Smart speakers.

These devices can play music in every room of your house. They also let you control other connected devices such as lights or thermostats with your voice. Robot vacuums. You no longer have to worry about cleaning up after Fido or Fluffy with this automated helper that cleans floors automatically.

It will even return to its charging station when it needs more juice or when its battery runs low. Lighting systems. You can control lights in every room using a smart home system or through voice commands with an Amazon Echo device or Google Home speaker (and even Apple's HomePod).

Ceiling fans throughout the house, programed for the by-room temperature you like best.

I have a question that is probably very basic: what are the gadgets available at home? I’m new to this forum and I’ve been reading some of the threads and posts. I’m very interested in all the different ideas and solutions people have come up with to make their homes more energy efficient.

However, I’m still not sure what all the different gadgets are out there. Are there things like programed thermostats, programed ceiling fans, programed air conditioners, programed water heaters? Is there a gadget that will tell me when my appliances need maintenance? Can I get a gadget to tell me how much electricity my appliances are using? What about an appliance that automatically turns off when not needed? Is there a gadget that will turn on your lights when it gets dark outside? If anyone can answer these questions or point me in the right direction for answers, I would greatly appreciate it!

Thank you!

Lightbulbs that adjust their color temperature to the time of day to help keep your sleep schedule on track.

Are there gadgets that can help you in your home? Yes! There are plenty of smart home devices that can help make life easier and more fun. Here are some gadgets that will make your life easier: Lightbulbs that adjust their color temperature to the time of day to help keep your sleep schedule on track.

Smart locks that let you unlock your front door with your phone or even let you know if it’s locked. A smart thermostat that learns how much heating or cooling you need and adjusts itself accordingly. A smart thermostat that learns how much heating or cooling you need and adjusts itself accordingly.

A robotic vacuum cleaner that cleans for you!

It's an exciting time to be a gadget lover. The Internet of Things (IoT) has hit the mainstream, bringing with it a whole new range of connected devices to our lives. If you're looking for ways to make your home smarter and more automated, here are some gadgets that can help you out: Robotic vacuum cleaner - a device that automatically cleans your floors for you!

Smart thermostat - adjusts the temperature based on your daily schedule, location and weather conditions. It can also be controlled remotely with an app or voice assistant like Google Home or Amazon Alexa. Smart lock - lets you unlock doors from anywhere using a smartphone app or smartwatch. A great security feature if there are kids at home or if you're away from home often for work or travel.

To conclude

Our homes we like to think of as the center of the world, their warmth gives us a sense of comfort and security. We can not imagine life without our homes. But not everyone has a home. Sometimes is difficult to have a house, especially if you have children to care for or if money is very tight.

If you have no house you are homeless and there are many people who are homeless in this world. Many organizations and charity groups provide care for homeless people, but it is often difficult to find housing options for them. It's true that housing prices are very high in many parts of the world and it's really hard for people to afford them.

It's also harder for people who live on minimum wage. Still if you've got some money saved up and want to spend it on your passion fruit bush or small pool then you should use the information from this article about things that you can buy for your home, but will make your life much easier.


About the Creator

Claudie Delafosse

📰Hi, I'm Claudie and I write about phones, tech, fashion and more. My work has been featured in Mashable, CNET, Gadgette and more! I live in London 🇬🇧 and I love to travel 🌎

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Comments (11)

  • Marie-Thérèse Robineau3 months ago

    Hey there! I stumbled upon this article by Claudie on gadgets that can make your home life easier, and let me tell you, it's a game-changer! From smart thermostats to robotic vacuum cleaners, it's like having a team of miniature helpers doing the chores. Kudos to Claudie for shedding light on these innovative gadgets!

  • Norbert Monteil4 months ago

    Who knew gadgets could make us feel like tech-savvy superheroes in our own homes? Claudie's article is a total game-changer - from smart assistants to robot vacuums, it's like living in a sci-fi flick (minus the aliens, hopefully). Time to upgrade my toaster - who knew it could be so exciting? Great read!

  • Jean-Paul Boulle5 months ago

    My dear Claudie, you've truly "plugged" into my lazy side! I am now a proud owner of a house that's smarter than me. As I lean back, sipping tea made by my AI-powered kettle, I fantasize about a gadget to teleport me to work. Thanks for the giggles and ideas!

  • Gabriel Escoffier6 months ago

    Claudie, you've got me eyeing my humble blender with suspicion! Hilariously enlightening piece on home gadgets. Feeling a bit like I've been living under a tech-less rock. Can't wait for the day when a gadget does laundry, cooking and vacuuming! Keep these gadget revelations coming!

  • Claudie, thanks to your article, my home is quickly becoming smarter than I am and it's nothing short of fantastic! Even the dog is intrigued by the new robotic vacuum cleaner! Your knack for combining wit and wisdom with gadgetry is unmatched. Keep the tech laughs coming!

  • Laurine Asselin7 months ago

    Claudie, your article made my manual can-opener cry! But I'm ready to move into the future, engaging in scintillating dialogue with my fridge over my choice of snack. Who said, tech couldn't amuse? Loved your insightful technophile dreamscape! Can't wait for the sequel. Back to my typewriter now.

  • Marius Deniau7 months ago

    Claudie, your article had me feeling tech-savvy and ticklish all at once! Who knew a thermostat could be so amusing? Now, pardon me while I arm myself with these gadget wizards and transform my home into a castle, minus the hassle! Witty read! #SmartHome_SmarterHomeowner

  • Laurette Baillieu9 months ago

    Claudie, you had me at 'Robot Vacuum'. My grudge with dust bunnies can finally end and with Spotbot, my dog might just get jealous! Your article is a gadget goldmine. Now, if only I can get my toaster to stop burning my bread next, eh?

  • Lou Martin10 months ago

    Well, well, well, it seems like Claudie has discovered some epic gadgets to turn her home into a futuristic oasis! I must say, I'm pretty jealous. I mean, who wouldn't want a robot vacuum named Mr. Cleanie? I'm tempted to get one myself just for the cool factor. Kudos to Claudie for finding these fantastic contraptions! I'm smitten with this article, way to go Claudie!

  • Pauline Boudon10 months ago

    Oh wow, Claudie! I must say, your article on gadgets that can help around the house is an absolute hoot. Now, I'm no expert on peeling potatoes or folding laundry, but I can dish out some stellar commentary! Great job on highlighting these intriguing gadgets. Furnishing my home with them might just make me look like a domestic goddess -- or at least I'll have less burnt toast in the morning. Keep up the excellent work!

  • Hector Allemand11 months ago

    I have to say, Claudie has really hit the nail on the head with this article! Who knew gadgets could be such lifesavers in the home? It's like having a personal assistant who doesn't talk back...unless it's one of those sassy AI devices! Trust me, you'll be tempted to upgrade your whole house after reading this gem!

Claudie DelafosseWritten by Claudie Delafosse

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