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myth behind it...shooooo

By jijo monPublished 11 months ago 2 min read
WHY IS BLOOD IS RED- Myth behind it

Seraphina, a strong and enigmatic goddess, dwelt in the ancient kingdom of Eldoria, where mythology and magic mixed. Seraphina was recognized as the guardian of life and creation, and her every deed was thought to have a significant impact on the earth.

Eldoria was a land of vivid hues and fantastic creatures, all created by Seraphina. Among all her creations, the most astonishing were the humans she fashioned from clay and starlight. Seraphina gave them the gift of life, and they thrived in her wonderful realm.

As people progressed, they began to seek knowledge and comprehension of their surroundings. They pondered the mysteries of existence, always curious to discover more about themselves and the forces that governed their lives.

One day, a young and curious human named Lior journeyed deep into the legendary Eldoria. Lior found himself standing before the entrance to a subterranean cave, fabled to hold the answers to the universe's secrets, thanks to a whispering wind. Lior entered the cave with courage in his heart, embarking on a trip that would forever change his vision of the world.

Lior came into a beautiful crystal lake that shimmered with an ethereal light inside the cave. This pool was thought to contain the essence of Seraphina herself - the very wellspring of life and creation. Lior felt an overpowering burst of energy as he peered into the water, as if the world itself was whispering to him.

Seraphina appeared before him in the shape of radiant light, recognizing Lior's real yearning for knowledge. She spoke to him in a windy voice and disclosed the secret of why blood is red.

"Dear Lior," Seraphina started, "the color of blood has a profound meaning." It reflects the unending dance of life and sacrifice, passion and purpose."

She went on to say that when she created mankind, she instilled them with her own essence - the colorful and flaming fire that raced through her being. This energy materialized as blood, a vital force that supported life and linked all living beings to the very center of creation.

"Red," Seraphina continued, "symbolizes the acuteness of life, the great adulation that courses through every heartbeat, and the animation that fuels your spirit. It is a admonition that anniversary bead of claret carries the bequest of conception itself, a attestation to the absolute aeon of ancestry and endings."

Lior listened with awe, arresting every chat as if they were categorical into his actual soul. He accomplished that the blush of claret was not alone a concrete affection but a abstruse attribute of the interconnectedness of all active things.

Grateful for the ability bestowed aloft him, Lior alternate to his bodies and aggregate the adventure of his appointment with Seraphina. From that day on, the bodies of Eldoria captivated a abysmal admiration for the blush red, all-embracing it as a angelic admonition of their all-powerful origins and their abiding band with the goddess of creation.

And so, the allegory of why claret is red became a admired account anesthetized bottom ward through generations, a attestation to the mystical affiliation amid altruism and the armament that appearance the universe.

Writer's BlockWriting ExerciseInspirationAchievements

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    JMWritten by jijo mon

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