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What Brings True Happiness and Joy?

Finding True Happiness

By Akinnusi GladysPublished 29 days ago 3 min read

Once in a small town, there was a boy called Tobi who is so anxious to find out the secret of true happiness. A day came, he met an old woman, who was one of the adored figures in the town. "Felixity is not synonymous with wealth or name, but experiences of those moments we will remember later"she boomed at him.

Tobi went deeply into thoughts about what the old woman said to him, and began to notice life's simple pleasures: the laughter of children, the scent of rain, the warmth of the sun on his face. He realized that joy comes from within, from appreciating life as it is, not as he wished it to be.

Along with these days, his heart has been going through various feelings from loss to gratitude up to the smallest moments. He cared so much about people that he spent his time with the needy ones, contemplated the beauty he saw around, and enjoyed the love of the people living near him, he realised that the real happiness is a state of mind, not a place you can reach.

This, after all, was how the story of Tobi came to its full circle, at his very heart, where he finally learned that contentment and happiness are within ourselves, being nurtured by the five ingredients: love, kindness, joy and gratitude.

What is Happiness?

Happiness is an emotion that people feel when they are happy, satisfied or contented. This experience is generally related with mood. Though it may vary from person to another. However, psychologists often term it as subjective well-being.

1. Daily Habits to stay Happy

a. Smile: When you smile, you demonstrate happiness as well as feed your brain with dopamine( producing joyous chemicals) . Even if you are a kind of person who doesn't smile naturally, take a moment to a fake a smile and see how it reflects on your mood.

b. Exercise: This vice of ours also benefits us in the process with the abatement of numerous psychological disorders like stress, anxiety, and depression coupled with a sense of self-esteem. You can conveniently do simple activities like walking, yoga, or stretching to keep you fit and also to get the good feeling as much as possible. Discover the activities that truly make your heart electrified.

c. Prioritize Sleep: Remember that you ought to get about 7 hours of night sleep every night. The fact that you are completely rested is not just important for your mental and emotional state, but for your health in general as well. Listen to your body and get some sleep.

2. Different Perspectives on Happiness

Hedonia: Seeking pleasure and avoiding pain.

Eudaimonia: Pursuing meaning, purpose, and self-actualization.

Mindfulness: Being fully present and accepting the moment.

Measuring Well-Being: Use tools like the Subjective Happiness Scale or the PERMA model (Positive Emotion, Engagement, Relationships, Meaning, Accomplishment) to assess your happiness.

3. Surround Yourself with Positivity

Choose Happy Influences: Spending time with people who bring you joy is worth every second.

Focus on Positive Memories: Recall the happy moments and relive them.

Prioritize What Matters: Commit to expend the essential innate human resources in those areas where you will probably encounter joy and accomplishment.

4. Practical Strategies In Cultivating Happiness

a. Take Care of Yourself: Self-care should be the first thing to deal with. Happiness grabbing you when you want to proceed on any trip is attributed to meeting all of your physical, emotional and other needs of your life.

b. Involve Yourself in activities: Engage in activities that makes you happy be it painting, dancing, gardening and so on.

c. Stay Mindful at Each Moment: Be sure to be present and poised in every passing moment. Managing stress and good general welfare will follow this deep focus.

d. Write Down Your Feelings: Journaling is the best way to get some truth out of your inner world, to sort your thoughts and stay positive.

e. Give Back to Others: Kindness is the spur which sets actions that type of fairness in motion.

f. Set Growth Goals: Keep on going for your personal development targets and do not stop on your progress, move further.

The important thing is to have fun along the way, because the aim of life is not to arrive at a certain place. Develop yourself, tend your impulses, and if necessary, mute other voices that might bother you, but embrace the energy that comes from yourself. Most importantly, be grateful for what you have.


About the Creator

Akinnusi Gladys

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