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The Three Little Pigs

The Three Little Pigs Story: Content + Images + Lesson Plan

By PhoTucPublished 5 months ago 5 min read

Content of The Three Little Pigs Story


Once upon a time, there was a mother pig who gave birth to 3 piglets. The three pigs loved to eat so they grew up very quickly. When she saw that her children had also grown up, the mother pig said to the three little pigs:

– The children are all grown up now, no longer as small as before. Now is the time for me to let you go and for you to build your own house. But you must be careful, don't let the wolf catch you and eat you."

The three little pigs said goodbye to their mother and set off to build their own houses. The three little pigs started on their journey, saying to each other:

- We three brothers must be careful, don't let the Wolf catch us and eat us."

After walking some distance, the three pigs met a farmer carrying a large bundle of straw. The three pigs stopped to greet the farmer. The eldest pig said to him:

– Farmer, please give me this bundle of straw, I will make myself a house out of straw

The farmer happily replied:

– Are you planning to make a house out of real straw, boy? Okay, I'll give you the whole bunch of straw

The eldest pig happily took the straw the farmer gave him and built a house out of straw. After building it, he said:

– Now I have a house made of straw to live in, wolves will never catch me to eat me again

The pig's house made of straw

The second pig said:

– I will make a stronger house myself than your straw house

The youngest pig said:

- Me too, your house made of straw is very fragile, cannot withstand strong winds, I will also make myself a sturdy house."

The second pig and the youngest pig continued on their journey while the eldest pig stayed with the straw house he had just made. After walking some distance, the two pigs met a woodcutter carrying a large bundle of tree branches.

The second pig said to the woodcutter:

– Woodcutter, please give me this bundle of trees. I want to make a house for myself with the above branches

The woodcutter smiled and said:

- Okay boy, I'll give you all these tree branches. If you can, try building yourself a house.

When the woodcutter gave him all the branches, the second pig immediately built himself a house made of tree branches. After building it, he said:

– This house made of tree branches looks much sturdier than my eldest brother's house made of straw, now no wolf can eat me anymore.

The youngest pig said:

– I will build myself a house that is stronger than your house made of tree branches

So the youngest pig continued on his way alone, and the second pig stayed with the house he had just finished building. After walking some distance, the youngest pig met a builder who was pulling a lot of bricks on his cart.

The youngest pig stopped to greet him and said:

– Builder, can you give me the number of bricks above? I will build myself a house of bricks.

– Okay, little guy

He gave the little pig some bricks. Then the youngest pig built a house of bricks himself. It took a long time to complete, but that's okay because it's a solid house. The youngest pig is very satisfied with his house. Uncle said:

– Now, Wolves will never catch and eat me

The next day a wolf appeared on the road. He went to the eldest pig's straw house. When he saw the wolf, the first pig quickly ran into the house and closed the door. The wolf knocked on the door and spoke

– Hey little pig, hey little pig, open the door for me to come in.

– No, no,” said the little pig. "I swore, I swore, I won't let you in."

– Okay I'm angry and I'm angry and I'll blow your house up,” the wolf growled.

Then it blows and it blows. The straw house collapsed, the pig had to run to the second pig's house. The wolf chased the piglet and reached the next pig's house made of tree branches. The next pig saw the wolf and immediately ran into the house and closed the door. The wolf knocked on the door and spoke

– Hey little pig, hey little pig, open the door for me to come in.

– No, no,” said the little pig. "I swore, I swore, I won't let you in."

– Okay I'm angry and I'm angry and I'll blow your house up,” the wolf growled.

Then it blows and it blows, it blows and it blows. The tree house collapsed, and the two pigs had to run to the third pig's house. The wolf chased him until he came to the youngest pig's brick house. The youngest pig saw the wolf and immediately ran into the house and closed the door. The wolf knocked on the door and spoke

– Hey little pig, hey little pig, open the door for me to come in

”No, no,” said the little pig. "I swore, I swore, I won't let you in."

– Okay I'm angry and I'm angry and I'll blow your house up,” the wolf growled.

Then it blows and it blows, it blows and it blows. Real brick houses certainly do not collapse. The wolf was so angry, it climbed onto the roof. It entered the chimney and climbed down. The little pig opened the lid of the pot of boiling water. The wolf fell from the chimney into the pot of water very strongly. That's the end of the wolf's life.

The youngest pig was too smart for the wolf and so he saved both of his brothers.


Meaning of the Story of the 3 Little Pigs and the Wolf

The story contains a lesson about the courage and intelligence of the three pig brothers, working together to fight the evil wolf. From there, children will learn lessons about solidarity and love between siblings in the family.

Writing ExerciseInspiration

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