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The Story of Surya Dev, { Sun } Sanjna’s Sacrifice, and Chhaya’s Secret

Do you ever wonder how Suryadev { Sun } is so bright? His brightness was unbearable for his wife, Sanjna. So did Sanjna leave Suryadev? Did someone else take her place?

By Shree Radhe"s WriterPublished 5 months ago 3 min read


Jai Shri Radhe — Radhe

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Suryadev’s { Sun } brilliance, Sanjna’s sacrifice, and the mystery of Chhaya


Sanjna, the beautiful daughter of the divine sculptor Vishwakarma, was married to { Sun } Suryadev. Suryadev { Sun } and Sanjna had three children. Vaivasvata, Yamuna and Yamadev, their married life was happy,

but Sanjna found it difficult to bear the excessive brightness and heat of Suryadev { Sun } . She could not stand his brilliance, and his heat burned her. Sanjna tried hard, but living with Suryadev { Sun } became unbearable for her.

One day, Sanjna performed a miracle. She created a woman who looked just like her, and named her Chhaya. Sanjna requested Chhaya to stay with Suryadev { Sun } for some time, and asked her to keep this secret hidden. Chhaya agreed, thinking that it would only be for a few days.

Sanjna went to her father. She told him about her suffering, and asked for a way to escape Suryadev’s { Sun } brightness. Vishwakarma tried to explain, but Sanjna would not listen.

Meanwhile, Chhaya was fulfilling her wifely duties towards Suryadev { Sun }. She even gave birth to three children. But over time, her attachment to Sanjna’s children began to decrease.

One day, Suryadev { Sun } became suspicious of Chhaya. He tried to get her to confess the truth. Chhaya initially tried to avoid the topic, but eventually she revealed her secret.

Suryadev { Sun } was enraged when he learned the truth. He went to Vishwakarma to bring Sanjna back. Vishwakarma explained Sanjna’s troubles to Suryadev { Sun }, and Suryadev { Sun } also admitted his mistake. He accepted that his brightness was the reason Sanjna had left.

Suryadev { Sun } wanted Sanjna to come back, but it was not in his power to reduce his brightness. Then Vishwakarma suggested a solution. He separated a part of Suryadev’s { Sun } excessive brightness, which reduced his shine and heat. Seeing this, Sanjna was happy, and she returned to Suryadev { Sun }.

But what happened to Suryadev’s { Sun } extra brightness? Vishwakarma used it to create three amazing things: the Sudarshan Chakra was given to Lord Vishnu, the Trishula was given to Lord Shiva, and the Pushpak Vimana was given to Kubera.

Thus, these wonderful objects, created by Sanjna’s sacrifice, Suryadev’s { Sun } acceptance, and Vishwakarma’s art, still remind us today of how beautiful the world can be when there is compromise and sacrifice.


This story offers several valuable lessons we can learn:

1. Understanding and Compromise: Sanjna’s inability to withstand Suryadev’s brilliance highlights the importance of understanding someone’s limitations and adjusting accordingly. While Sanjna initially created Chhaya as a solution, it ultimately created further complications. Open communication and compromise between Suryadev and Sanjna could have prevented the deception.

2. Accepting Consequences: Both Suryadev and Sanjna faced the consequences of their actions. Suryadev’s intense brightness caused Sanjna’s suffering, while Sanjna’s deception created mistrust. This reinforces the principle of taking responsibility for your choices and accepting their outcomes.

3. Transformation and Adaptation: Even celestial beings like Suryadev are capable of change. Through acknowledging his role in Sanjna’s pain and accepting a reduced brightness, he demonstrated the possibility of transformation and adaptation.

4. Sacrifice and its Value: While Sanjna’s initial abandonment seems selfish, her eventual return showcases the true meaning of sacrifice. She prioritized her well-being but ultimately came back for the sake of their relationship and children. This highlights that sacrifice often stems from love and understanding, but should be balanced with open communication.

5. Creativity and Resourcefulness: Faced with Suryadev’s excess brightness, Vishwakarma used his creativity to turn it into something beneficial, crafting powerful artifacts for other deities. This teaches us to identify opportunities within challenges and use our skills to transform them into something positive.


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Jai Shri Radhe Radhe

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Shree Radhe"s Writer

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    Shree Radhe"s WriterWritten by Shree Radhe"s Writer

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