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The power of positivity

Become a positive

By yasmine saeedPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
The power of positivity
Photo by Karsten Würth on Unsplash

It is impossible to overstate the value of positivity in a world that frequently seems to be ruled by negativity. It is a force with the capacity to change people's lives, boost their spirits, and spread joy. Positivity is a way of life and a philosophy that can result in significant change rather than just making you smile all the time.

Why is positivity important? The effect it has on our physical, mental, and emotional health is the key to the question. When we adopt a positive attitude, our viewpoint changes, enabling us to recognize the beauty and opportunity that exist even in the most difficult circumstances. It aids in the development of resilience, enabling us to overcome setbacks and face difficulties with grace.

Choosing to be positive in spite of bad feelings means acknowledging them rather than ignoring or suppressing them. By encouraging optimism, we cultivate a favorable mental environment that allows us to see opportunities and solutions where others see barriers.

However, positivity is not something that can be turned on right away. It involves effort and repetition. Here are some methods to help you tap into your inner strength of positivity:

1. Being grateful: Being grateful is like sowing seeds of thankfulness in your soul. Spend some time every day thinking about your blessings. They might be as straightforward as a warm cup of coffee in the morning or an emotional chat with a close friend. By intentionally turning your attention toward the positive, you can do so by noticing and appreciating the gifts in your life.

2. Surround Yourself with Positive People: We should be careful who and what we expose ourselves to. Being around by upbeat people who are supportive of our development and exude positivity can drastically change our own mentality. Select friendships and groups that encourage and inspire you.

3. Practice Mindfulness: Using mindfulness techniques like deep breathing, meditation, or simply being completely present in the moment can assist us in developing a positive outlook. We liberate ourselves to fully enjoy the joys and wonders of life by grounding ourselves in the now and letting go of concerns about the future or regrets from the past.

4. Reframe Negative Thoughts: Although our minds have a propensity to focus on the negative, we have the ability to change the way we think. Whenever you have a negative thought, actively fight it by looking for a different angle or rephrasing it. As an illustration, instead of telling yourself, "I can't do this," tell yourself, "I haven't figured it out yet, but I'm making progress."

5. Share Kindness and Positivity: Positivity spreads quickly, and a single act of kindness can start a chain reaction that affects a large area beyond our immediate surrounds. Through modest deeds of kindness, encouraging words, or merely a sincere smile, you can spread your positive energy to other people. Making someone else's day better also makes you feel better about yourself.

It's not always simple to embrace optimism, especially when facing difficulties and hardships. The power of optimism, however, shines the greatest during these trying times. These are the times when we demonstrate our fortitude and capacity to persevere in the face of gloom.

Remember to be kind to yourself as you set out on this journey to a happier life. Progress, not perfection, is the goal of positivity. Allow yourself to slip and err, understanding that each failure presents a chance for improvement.

The power of positivism ultimately resides inside each and every one of us. It is a decision we make every day and a commitment to our wellbeing. Let's choose positive, cultivate it, and allow it to enrich our lives by bringing us joy, resiliency, and a firm belief in the splendor that life has to offer.


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    YSWritten by yasmine saeed

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