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Questions on Writing a Book?

Seeking some help: a novice novelist's perspective.

By Ashley LimaPublished 9 months ago Updated 9 months ago 4 min read
Questions on Writing a Book?
Photo by Fang-Wei Lin on Unsplash

Hey, Vocalites. Today I'm looking for some help in putting together a future article. I'm hoping this will reach the right audience...

I'm wrapping up the first round editing process for my debut novel (I should be done tonight, yay!), and I'm wondering if anyone has any questions about what the process has looked like for me so far.

Obviously, everyone is different, and everybody approaches writing differently, but I figure if I can answer some questions, it might make the topic a little more approachable for those of you who want to write a book, but don't know where to start.

I know that I was there once. I never considered myself a long-form writer. For the majority of my writing "career," I focused on short stories and poetry. Diving into a full-blown novel two years ago was an unexpected surprise, and I never thought I'd make it this far. There really were some points when I never thought I'd finish, and I'm proud of all that I've accomplished.

I understand the feeling that this task seems daunting, if not, impossible. I want to pull back the curtain and talk realistically about what it looks like to write a book from start to finish (at least from my perspective because, again, everybody is different and my way of doing things may not be everybody's cup of tea).

Some potential topics for discussion: idea generation, outlining (or not outlining...), writing your way out of a hole, plotting a cohesive story, the editing process, etc, etc. Really, anything you can think of, I'm open to answering, and no question is off-limits. I want to focus on my answers on things that would actually be helpful for the community, which is why I'm asking you all what you would like to know.

I will clarify, that questions will not be answered in the comments of this story, I will be reserving any answers for the future article I intend on writing. I figure that way, the answers will reach more people than just those who decide to peruse through the comments. I will also be crediting everyone who asks a question unless otherwise specified (ie. I will link your Vocal account in the article upon its publication). Just let me know if you're okay with that or not (ie. I can omit your account if needed). I want to give credit where credit is due because I'm aware that I can not write this article without the help of my peers.

I will clarify, that I'm not an expert. I do have two degrees in creative writing, but I am not a published author, and I have not been picked up by an agent or a publishing house (yet... keep your fingers crossed for me!).

What I can offer you is true, grassroots, book writing. I barely know what I'm doing, but I know more now than I knew two years ago, and I feel as though my perspective could be uplifting and motivating for people who have been in my position.

Writing a book is an arduous, thankless task with no promise of any kind of payout in the end. It's something to be done for the love of the craft, and it's a great mental exercise. It's taught me discipline, restraint, and resilience. It can be a bumpy road, and you might even drive yourself off a cliff in the process, but as long as you get back on track, it can be so rewarding. The feeling of finishing a draft is something that's indescribable, and I wish it for everybody who's ever wanted to try.

I am a writer with ADHD. I'm a person who starts a ton of projects and never finishes them. I am not a person with natural ability, I'm someone who has to work really hard to be good at what I do. That said, I think writing is for everybody who wants to write. You can teach yourself how to do anything without any formal training, and that's what I want to offer.

If this inspires you in any way, please leave any questions you may have about book writing in the comments below. I will be compiling an article with questions asked in the comments in the next segment of my "I wrote a book series."

You can read the previous parts of the series if so choose here:

Thank you for taking the time to read this article, and I appreciate any participation. Much love!

Edit: I just want to show how close I am to this feat (finishing round 1 of edits) real quickly now that I think about it... I've edited everything up to this point for spelling and grammar, now it's just about going back and adding where things are lacking to hit my word count... I am so stinking close!


About the Creator

Ashley Lima

I think about writing more than I write, but call myself a writer as opposed to a thinker.

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  • Ariel Joseph9 months ago

    Soooo many questions as I'm struggling to finish something myself. One big question kind of along the lines of how to write yourself out of a plot hole, what do you do if you hit a wall so to speak? Whether it's an actual plot hole or just a section that you feel isn't working, do you have any advice about whether you think it's better to leave it and move onto something else or is there some technique you tried to be able to write through it? Some of the things I'm working on involve a lot of world building so at some point I burn out on outlining and just jump in and then find myself hitting walls frequently and then end up abandoning my projects for weeks at a time. Would love to stop doing that, lol, if you have any advice there I'd love to hear it! Congrats on this huge accomplishment! Keeping my fingers crossed for you you do get an agent out of it if that's what you're hoping for!

  • Ashley, you and I should a bit alike when it comes to our writing. I have ADHD too and have yet to write a full chapter for a novel; I have found poetry, short stories, and micro-fiction are my go-to. I would like to write a full length novel, I have the ideas that turn into plot planning, maybe a start of a chapter, but then I get sidetracked with other projects. (That might be part of the problem.) Any tips on how to keep focused?

  • Mark Gagnon9 months ago

    Congratulations on your progress so far! If I may make one suggestion, have someone else edit your book. No matter how many times you read it you’ll miss a glaring error because you know what it’s supposed to say. That’s the reason I have posted the first 8 chapters of my latest book on Vocal. You’ve been extremely helpful with this. Good luck with your project!

  • That's soooo freaking awesomeeee! I'll definitely be keeping my fingers crossed for you! And omgggg you're so close to your word count! You got this girl! 🔥🔥🔥

  • Kendall Defoe 9 months ago

    I will be providing a grade for your efforts... Seriously, this is great. And I have to get my work together, too. ;)

  • Mother Combs9 months ago


  • Alivia Varvel9 months ago

    Omg so cool that you're nearly done! I don't really have questions, just wanted to extend congratulations. I'm actually in the middle of writing my first novel myself so this is good motivation to see someone else accomplish their first as well. I wish you all the luck in the world with getting published! You deserve it!

  • Mattie :)9 months ago

    Congratulations, Ashley! That's so wonderful and amazing! I feel like our stories are somewhat similar in style etc. I'd love to hear more about your writing style and how you figured out how to write novels and all that good stuff :)

  • Jazzy 9 months ago

    Okay, this is SO amazing. I have only written a children's book, so I can't even begin to understand a whole ass novel. I struggle to create worlds and know how to create conflict. I then worked on how to put it all together. Can you speak to that process of outlining and assembling the whole thing? (I have a book on the backburner I should try and finish, but I'm just stuck!)

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