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Previous existence Uncovered

Existence between times

By Hazel JoPublished 8 days ago 3 min read

Part I: The Secondhand store Shop

Evelyn had forever been attracted to old things — their murmurs of failed to remember recollections, the its secret stories they heald. So when she coincidentally found the little secondhand store shop on Elm Road, its creaky entryway enticing her inside, she was unable to pass up this opportunity.

The shop possessed a scent like matured wood and insider facts. Racks spilled over with discolored cutlary, blurred photos, and dusty books. In any case, it was the fancy mirror in the corner that maintained eye contact with her. Its edge, randomly cut and lined with plants and roses, appeared to beat with a calm energy.

The owner , Mr. Smith . His eyes, smooth with age, bore into Evelyn's spirit. "That mirror," he said, voice scarcely perceptible, "it uncovers more than simple reflections."

Part II: Reverberations of the Past

Evelyn hesitated for a moment to walk inside. As she looked into the mirror, her appearance obscured. Unexpectedly, she was as of now not in the faintly lit shop. All things considered, she remained in a sun-soaked patio, hundreds of years prior.

She wore a streaming outfit, her hair plaited, braids lined with sunfowers. Next to her stood a man — a fighter with eyes like tempest mists. Their hands brushed, and recollections overwhelmed her: fights battled, murmured guarantees, sneaked kisses.

Part III: Disentangling the Strings

Days turned into weeks, and Evelyn went back to the infomus mirror, in the shop, each time unraveling a greater amount of her previous existence. She was Isabella, and the trooper was Tristan. Their adoration challenged time,but misfortune destroyed them. Isabella's grief echoed through the ages.

Mr. Smith uncovered the mirror's confidential: it associated spirits across lifetimes. "To recall that," he said, "is a gift and a revile."

Evelyn couldn’t shake the memory of Mr. Smith smile. She returned to the antique shop, determined to uncover more about the mirror’s origins. This time, she noticed an old leather-bound journal tucked behind a dusty chair.

The journal belonged to Isabella—the same Isabella from Evelyn’s past life. Its yellowed pages contained inked confessions, love letters, and sketches of Tristan. Evelyn traced the delicate script, feeling the weight of centuries.

Part V: The Timeless Garden

As Evelyn read, the shop transformed. The walls dissolved, revealing a lush garden bathed in moonlight. Isabella stood there, her gown swirling to the wind. Evelyn reached out, and their fingers brushed across time. Isabella’s eyes held gratitude and longing.

“Remember,” Isabella whispered. “Our love surpases .”

Part VI: The Veil Thins

Days blurred by like a flash. Evelyn split her existence between the present and the past. She learned to navigate the veil—the beautiful boundary between worlds. Each visit to the mirror revealed more: Tristan’s bravery, Isabella’s sacrifice.

Mr.Smith watched, his eyes knowing. “The mirror,” he said, “is a bridge

Part VII: The Final Revelation

One stormy night, Evelyn glimpsed a fractured reflection. Tristan stood on a battlefield, armor dented, heart heavy. Isabella knelt beside him, whispering courage. Evelyn understood: they were bound by duty, torn by love.

She faced the mirror, tears streaming. “Why?” she demanded.

Mr. Thorne’s voice echoed. “To remember is to honour their sacrifice.”

Part VIII: The Decision

Evelyn (or should I say Issabella), was confronted with a decision: embrace her past… or return to the present. Her fingers followed the carvings on the mirror, feeling Tristan's touch. She saw Isabella's tear-streaked face and knew her motivation.

In the last reflection, she murmured, "I recall."

And afterward, the mirror broke, pieces of glass turning into limitlessness

Writing Exercise

About the Creator

Hazel Jo

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Comments (1)

  • Sweileh 8888 days ago

    Thank you for the interesting and delicious content. Follow my story now.

HJWritten by Hazel Jo

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