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My Ways of Growing as a Writer

Writing is a journey

By Lawrence LeasePublished 9 months ago 3 min read
My Ways of Growing as a Writer
Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Writing is a journey of self-discovery, communication, and artistic expression. Whether you're an aspiring novelist, a journalist, or someone who simply enjoys putting thoughts on paper, the process of growing as a writer is a deeply personal and fulfilling one. Here's a comprehensive guide on how to embark on this transformative journey:

Embrace the Writing Process:

Becoming a better writer starts with understanding and embracing the writing process. This involves multiple stages such as brainstorming, outlining, drafting, revising, and editing. Each step plays a crucial role in shaping your final piece. Don't rush through any phase; allow yourself to explore ideas, experiment with different approaches, and refine your work over time.

Read Widely:

Reading is the foundation of good writing. Explore a diverse range of genres, styles, and voices. This exposure will broaden your horizons, introduce you to new perspectives, and inspire fresh ideas. Analyze what works well in the writing you admire and consider how you can incorporate similar techniques into your own work.

Write Regularly:

Consistency is key to growth. Set aside dedicated time for writing every day or on a regular basis. It's through consistent practice that you'll refine your skills, develop your voice, and overcome creative hurdles. Even if you're not working on a specific project, engage in writing exercises, journaling, or short prompts to keep your creativity flowing.

Embrace Feedback:

Constructive criticism is a valuable tool for improvement. Share your work with trusted peers, writing groups, or mentors who can provide thoughtful feedback. Be open to suggestions and use criticism as a way to identify areas for growth. Remember, every critique is an opportunity to refine your writing.

Revise and Edit:

Writing is rewriting. Once you've completed a draft, step back and take a critical look at it. Revise for clarity, coherence, and consistency. Polish your sentences for grammar, punctuation, and style. Editing is where your work truly comes to life, so invest time in this phase to make your writing shine.

Find Your Voice:

Your voice is what makes your writing unique. It's a combination of your personality, experiences, and perspective. Allow yourself to be authentic in your writing. Don't try to imitate others; instead, focus on discovering and refining your own distinct voice. As you grow, your voice will naturally evolve, becoming a hallmark of your work.

Step Out of Your Comfort Zone:

Growth comes from pushing boundaries. Don't be afraid to experiment with new genres, formats, or styles. Trying something outside your comfort zone can lead to unexpected breakthroughs and expand your creative toolkit.

Learn from Rejection:

Rejection is an inevitable part of a writer's journey. Whether it's a rejected manuscript or a declined pitch, don't let it discourage you. Use rejection as a learning opportunity. Analyze the feedback, consider if there are areas for improvement, and keep submitting your work. Many successful writers have faced numerous rejections before finding their breakthrough.

Study Craft:

Writing is both an art and a craft. Invest time in studying the mechanics of storytelling, character development, plot structure, and other essential elements of writing. Countless resources are available, from writing books and online courses to workshops and seminars. Continuously refining your craft will elevate the quality of your work.

Embrace Patience:

Becoming a skilled writer takes time. It's a gradual process of growth and improvement. Be patient with yourself and recognize that your skills will develop over the course of years, not weeks or months. Celebrate small victories along the way and keep your focus on the journey, not just the destination.

Cultivate Curiosity:

Curiosity is a writer's best friend. Stay curious about the world around you, asking questions and seeking answers. Curiosity fuels your creativity, leading you to explore new topics, themes, and ideas that can enrich your writing.

Rewrite and Experiment:

Don't be afraid to rewrite portions of your work or even start from scratch if necessary. Every iteration teaches you something new and hones your skills. Experiment with different approaches to scenes, dialogues, or narrative structures. The more you experiment, the more you'll discover what works best for you.


About the Creator

Lawrence Lease

Alaska born and bred, Washington DC is my home. I'm also a freelance writer. Love politics and history.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  3. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran9 months ago

    Stepping out of my comfort zone is something I struggle with until now. These were very great tips!

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