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My Vocal Story Gone Without a Trace

From Top Story Joy to Digital Dilemma

By Xine SegalasPublished 5 months ago 3 min read

Writing, in any form, is deeply personal. Each word is a fragment of oneself. My journey with writing has been lifelong, evolving from journaling a daily decades-old routine to authoring a book on life lessons I learned from raising dogs and children. I've also enjoyed penning over 300 book reviews and multiple articles about life.

Joining the Vocal community two months ago, I've found a supportive and encouraging space. My review of three graphic novels, "Pencil Lines and Plotlines," was featured as a Top Story, a delightful boost to my visibility and confidence. The thrill of seeing your work on the Top Story page is undeniable.

Recently, I was thrilled to be named Number 1 in the Emerging Writers category for the week of 12/27/2023. It’s an honor to be recognized alongside talented writers like A.B. Forbes and Gabbie Speirs. This accolade is especially meaningful as a rural writer, where the sense of community is vital.

Vocal Media excels in celebrating its members, highlighting popular stories and supportive community members weekly. One of my children's stories, "Spira, the Tiniest Tree," also made Top Story, increasing its readership potential. I eagerly shared it with my children.

However, during the holidays, I stepped back from technology to focus on visiting family. It was during this time I learned from my daughter that the link to "Spira, the Tiniest Tree" was broken. Panic ensued upon discovering the story had vanished from my Vocal profile.

After consulting with my sister and reaching out to the Vocal + Medium Café group on Facebook, I received invaluable guidance from a fellow group member, Mike Singleton. His understanding of the site and his clear direction on how to proceed were a beacon of support. I am so grateful for his assistance. I followed his advice and opened a ticket with Vocal's help desk. Nonetheless, with the holiday season affecting response times, I'm bracing for a slower resolution.

This glitch poses a frustrating setback. For readers seeking the Emerging Writers of the week of 12/27/2023, they're met with a "Page Not Found" message. It’s disheartening knowing the missed opportunities for readership and engagement due to a technical issue.

This experience has made me hesitant to share new stories. There's a fear that they, too, might disappear, rendering my efforts futile. It's a challenge to silence the self-deprecating thoughts that question my worth as a writer.

Despite this setback, I am determined to forge ahead and overcome this hurdle. My brief time in the Vocal community has already been incredibly rewarding. The support and encouragement I've received from fellow members have been a significant source of motivation, inspiring me to expand my writing horizons.

Shoutouts to Naveed and Dharrsheena Raja Segarran, and, of course, my sister, Daphsam. I am so grateful for their kind words of support and encouragement.

This positive feedback has spurred me to explore new genres, including poetry, and to embrace challenges that push me to experiment with different styles, such as the villanelle. These forays into uncharted territories have been both exhilarating and daunting.

While I continue to write book reviews and articles, I must admit my passion has waned somewhat, shaded by caution in sharing my work. This newfound wariness doesn't come from a deficit in confidence but rather from recognizing the capricious nature of digital platforms. This ordeal has underscored the necessity of resilience and adaptability in the unpredictable landscape of online publishing.

What's even more puzzling is that when I checked my Vocal Media app today - I saw I had 28 stories published, including my missing story. I was shocked, so I took a screenshot. I had to try the link.

Screenhot taken 12/31/23 at 11:20am EST

The story is there! This confuses me since I know I refreshed it the other day when I initially found out. But when I tried to embed the link just now in this story, it gave me an error. Aargh - damn you technology!

So, I went back to my phone, and I refreshed again. And it's gone - again.

I’m curious to know if others have faced similar issues. Any shared experiences or advice would be greatly appreciated. It would be nice to know that I am not alone in this. Not that I wish this technological nightmare on anyone else.

I hope my story serves as a reminder that, in the digital age, our creative expressions are often at the mercy of technology, yet our resilience and community support remain our strongest assets. Thanks for reading.


About the Creator

Xine Segalas

Exploring life through writing, art, and photography, drawing inspiration from the natural world and beloved tales. Author of "Xine's Pack of Strays & Others," about life with my dogs, I review books, hoping to encourage others to read.

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  • Dharrsheena Raja Segarran5 months ago

    I'm so sorry this happened to you! 🥺 I've had this happen to me as well, in 2022. At that time, I had 49 published stories but my profile showed 48 and that's how I realised. So I emailed Vocal and it was reinstated the next day. I have no idea why yours was missing again after they reinstated it. Did they reply anything for your ticket? Thank you so much for the shoutout, that's like so sweet of you! 💖 Also, just wanna let you know, Naveed doesn't actually read our stuff. All his comments are AI-Generated as well as his stories.

  • Shirley Belk5 months ago

    I loved that tiny tree story! Horrible mess and frightening. Have you tried googling your name and story to see if it pops up on the web? Not that it would fix anything, just wondered? In a world of plagiarism, this has to stop, dear vocal!

  • Test5 months ago

    I appreciate your openness and vulnerability in sharing this experience.I hope that a resolution is reached swiftly, allowing you to continue sharing your creative work with the community. Wishing you continued success and positive experiences in your writing journey on Vocal!

  • Daphsam5 months ago

    Really upsetting to hear that this happened, so sorry. Hopefully it gets figured out soon.

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