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How I Plan on Gaining Autonomy Only Working 2-4 Hours a Day

Escape Your Soul-Crushing Lifestyle Through Intentionality

By Jerrell JohnPublished 2 months ago 12 min read

"Success breeds complacency. Complacency breeds failure. Only the paranoid survive." - Andy Grove.

In 11th grade, I discovered my utter disgust with mandatory conformity.

As a digitally inclined teen, online schooling seemed a perfect fit. Or so I assumed. Turns out, complete freedom without discipline energized my hedonistic tendencies into overdrive, lol. After four months of neglected assignments, flunked exams, & failing 6 out of 7 classes, I sat indifferent across the principal's desk.

His proposal: Let my assistant teacher personally oversee my work daily.

My indifference rapidly changed to shock. I felt the air escape my lungs. Someone I barely knew was about to hover over me and micromanage my education. Like an obsessive helicopter parent. Albeit extreme, this is how I interpreted his proposal at that age.

I counter-proposed: "I'll go back to my home school!" I half-shouted, half-pleaded.

He agreed. Before releasing me from his office, however, he left me these haunting words: "You can't just do what you want when you're an adult. We all must fulfill responsibilities, whether we like them or not."

I marched out fuming. Who was he to write my future confined within the walls of obligation and limitation? I resolved right then to prove him wrong. I would create a life of my design.

Over the next months, I experienced a surge of determination that shocked my peers and teachers. I aggressively raised all my F's to A's & B's to make a point to myself. I wasn't rebelling against authority or the status quo. I was declaring autonomy over my life's direction. School was merely the first domain I felt compelled to conquer.

Upon reflection, three foundational realizations stem from that turning point which guides my thinking today:

- Personal Agency: Most settle into default lifestyles shaped by external narratives, rarely conscious of alternative paths to forge. By envisioning and proactively building towards a future reality that genuinely compels you, regardless of current circumstances or assumptions, you reclaim authority to influence your life's trajectory.

- Responsibility Precedes Freedom: Contrary to popular narratives, freedom without responsibility breeds chaos and anxiety, not fulfillment. By embracing difficulty and structure oriented towards meaningful goals, you cultivate the mental and tactical muscles that expand the capacity to steer outcomes. Only through this disciplined self-mastery is autonomy possible.

- Action Illuminates Potential: Vision remains an intellectual fantasy without the initiative to test it through action. As goals materialize from ideas into projects through repeated action, evidence (positive and negative) reveals possibilities previously obscured by internal doubt and external dogma. Progress depends on persistent experimentation without attachment to predefined results. Start, then self-correct.

I share this formative experience because sudden awareness of previously unquestioned assumptions drives lasting behavior change. And the most universal assumption begging to be challenged is that a secure, enjoyable livelihood depends on traditional lifestyle models.

I aim to provide an actionable blueprint for orienting your days towards reclaiming authority over how your days unfold.

One day at a time, the foundations build themselves.

For now, quiet the noise and simply begin.

The compass reveals itself along the way.

Become The Architect By Problem-Solving

Life can often feel chaotic or outside your control... because it is.

Obligations, obstacles, and external pressures direct your days with little conscious input from yourself. Like a leaf floating downstream, you operate based on circumstance rather than design.

This drift stems from lacking a key set of mental muscles: Vision paired with problem-solving.

A vision guides your desired direction. Like a north star pulling you forward. Problem-solving enables you to navigate obstacles as they arise, allowing tangible progress. Together, they let you become the designer of your life.

Let's break this down piece by piece.

Vision pulls, problem-solving pushes. Vision provides the trail, problem-solving paves the path.

A vision is the life you see for yourself and work toward realizing. The lifestyle, impact, and fulfillment you aim to actualize based on your authentic desires, not default societal expectations.

Problem-solving is recognizing and overcoming challenges that stand in the way of your vision. This allows tangible movement toward your desired aims. The skillset that turns vision from an abstract idea into a concrete reality through hands-on building, iteration, and persistence.

Writing facilitates both vision and problem-solving.

Writing brings clarity to vision over time by externalizing ideas. Putting vague notions and ambitions to paper allows patterns about who you are and what moves you to emerge. It enables you to identify common threads across your interests to inform a personalized vision.

Writing enhances problem-solving by enabling contextual application. As aims and priorities shift, challenges arise in new domains that require adapted approaches. Writing flexes mental plasticity by exposing you to diverse ideas spanning many fields. Whether exploring philosophy, building businesses, navigating relationships, or mastering health, writing necessitates personalized problem-solving with unique constraints and aims.

Strength compounds across contexts.

For example, I awoke to my distaste for external control through my failed attempt at online classes. This sparked a vision for autonomy. Leveraging writing to process insights over time strengthened my ability to solve misalignments vs. bitterly resenting life's obstacles.

Key Takeaway: Problem-solving abilities enable you to construct your desired lifestyle. An evolving vision guides the general direction, while problem-solving builds the road. Writing facilitates both.

Approaching life's obstacles from an architect's mindset powered by writing provides the key ingredients to claim authority over your circumstances.

The alternative... remaining adrift.

Question for You: What current responsibilities or routines feel misaligned with your core interests and ambitions? How could you progress towards autonomy in those areas?

Guide Your Lifestyle via Frameworks

Most people operate based on impulses and reactions rather than any process guiding their actions. Like a pinball reactive to triggers. They bounce scattershot based on inputs and emotions outside their control.

This reactive state leaves you trapped, fulfilling lower-level desires for safety and security rather than designing for higher-level desires like autonomy, impact, or fulfillment.

Becoming intentional about engineering outcomes based on your priorities is key.

The first step is adopting systems thinking.

A system is a set of mental models, workflows, and processes - inputs, outputs, feedback loops - designed to steer progress on goals. Systems leverage the interconnected nature of things to drive results through relationships versus one-off events.

Everything IS a system. Whether consciously designed or not. Your lifestyle and results emerge organically based on countless inputs and variables interacting. The issue is lacking awareness or direct influence over the system generating your current existence.

Intentionally developing system thinking skills grants superior analysis, troubleshooting, accountability, and control over outcomes versus leaving them to chance. It's adopting an engineer's mindset oriented around goals and understanding relationships between components.

For example, fitness outcomes link clearly to nutrition and activity systems.

By consciously tracking calories or macros and defining structured workout plans, your health metrics become predictable results of your system's design. Without intention, you succumb to momentary cravings and skip workouts, remaining trapped, progressing only by inspiration versus structure.

Likewise, content creation relies on systems thinking. Your audience growth and impact depend on the pace and quality of content output.

This requires identifying audience needs, mapping formats to address them, designing repeatable workflows, measuring resonance, and optimizing based on feedback. Systems thinking crystallizes each component's role in the broader pursuit of writing for impact.

Personally, I love applying my pragmatic framework of "Doubling Down vs Pivoting" for quick decisions. Is this activity aligned and worth investing more into or is it time to change course? Maintaining this analytical lens tuned to my vision steers me through ambiguity.

When expanded across all of life's domains from productivity to learning to relationships, systems thinking skills combined with goal prioritization breed reliably designed outcomes personalized to your aims. You shed reactive living for proactive authorship over the contours of your one life.

Question for You: What current decisions or recurring obstacles might benefit from being viewed through an intentional framework focused on your core values?

Frameworks Lead To Predictable Results

Most people lack internal operating systems filtering inputs and decisions towards their vision.

With no compass or map directing choices, each day unfolds based on impulses and external nudges rather than aligned progress toward aims. This reactive drifting leaves your life chaotic vs. composed.

The solution lies in instilling personal frameworks - flexible yet defined mental models encompassing processes, guidelines, and metrics steering your behaviors and priorities based on your goals and vision of wellbeing.

Frameworks act as personalized operational systems dictating your decision-making and actions on a macro level based on your aims and principles. Over time and iterations, frameworks grow predictive, breeding reliable outcomes expected from your approach versus hoping external forces produce desired results.

For example, a content creation framework outlines:

- The audience

- Formats to reach them

- Workflows for production

- Key principles

- Metrics indicating resonance

- Continuous improvement processes to enable impact over time

This systematizes writing from inspiration into structure. Public reactions determine better ideas versus internal guessing.

Measure experiences, then double down on those yielding disproportionate vitality for you. Over time, distill a customized framework facilitating high-leverage choices.

I built a personalized system producing a weekly newsletter, tweets, and threads while working 40+ hours at my 9-5.

By starting small then documenting and improving workflows, I avoided overwhelming myself.

Instilling personal frameworks mapping actions to outcomes puts you in the driver's seat of your life, navigating each twist and turn reliably based on your internal compass vs. outside forces directing you. They enable designing a life catering to your complete being - values, peaks and valleys, quirks and all - rather than conforming or settling for the elusive "one size fits all" path.

Question for You: What skills could you leverage to serve others while progressing towards your ideal lifestyle? What content could you create to spark that transition?

But, But, But...

I know. All this sounds great, but between work, family, and other obligations, when do you actually have time to design systems or frameworks for yourself, let alone write?

Isn't this advice just encouraging you to go rogue and ignore responsibilities in pursuit of some unrealistic vision?

The quick answer - no, not at all. This approach is about reclaiming authority over your life and priorities first with cracks before making huge external leaps.

Of course, obligations matter. The key is upholding them fully while carving gradual space for self-mastery as your capacity expands. Start small. And build in the gaps.

- Use commute time for writing out ideas.

- Wake up early on weekends for focused learning.

- Schedule 20 minutes in the mornings or nights for journaling.

No need to suddenly abandon obligations. Consistency compounds progress incrementally.

Tiny gains accumulate into huge results over longer time horizons.

Mastery arrives through lifelong fine-tuning, not overnight.

The core mindset shift is recognizing you already operate within systems and frameworks! They've just been left on autopilot based on external and past conditioning vs. present aims.

With this evolved mindset, you uphold obligations while carving pockets of time to reclaim your agency.

Inspiration strikes during daily cracks in downtime, commutes, or waits if space is held open. Progress compounds gradually then exponentially.

But it begins with awareness.

Start where you are, not 10 steps ahead. Then momentum builds organically at a sustainable clip aligned with life's natural ebbs and flows. Consistency drives change. Mastery lives in the cracks. From a renewed mindset blooms limitless possibility.

Build a Personal Brand Around Your Interests

Are you aware of the hobbies, skills, or interests you're passionate about?

By documenting your journey, learning new skills, or delving deeper into topics you love, you can build an audience eager to learn from your experiences.

Gradually, this audience becomes a platform to earn income doing what you enjoy.

I'll walk you through my step-by-step plan:

Step 1: Build a Content Creation System

The foundation is establishing a consistent content output. This sharpens your communication, thinking, & creative skills. Providing continual value to attract an audience.

Start small. Aim to write one 500-1000 word article per week. Repurpose this into 10-15 tweets and one thread summarizing key takeaways.

Systematize this workflow until you have a sustainable process enabling further growth. Be patient; writing is a skill developed over time.

Start with copywork & share what you learn about writing to start.

Step 2: Thoughtfully Engage Other Creators

You need to be writing "in public." As in where other people are. Comment sections.

Once your system is solidified, shift some focus to networking.

Writing your own content is practice. Writing under other creator's content is performance. It's how you gauge if you're improving at writing (capturing & holding people's attention).

Identify 5-10 creators relevant to your niche. Consume and thoughtfully engage with their content daily through value-adding comments and replies.

Spark dialogue and debate around their ideas. Using the creator's content as prompts. Go beyond superficial praise; offer unique perspectives and analysis.

The goal is to build recognition and relationships with others (ideally the creators themselves) by boosting engagement and demonstrating your capabilities.

Step 3: Develop Your First Product

Package your writings and experiences into an educational product. This consolidates your knowledge into a high-value offering.

Identify the biggest personal challenge you have overcome in actualizing your vision. Extract key lessons and insights into a course.

Sell what's already selling - your personalized approach to an existing formula resonates with audiences.

People pay for aggregation & speed, not information.

Step 4: Leverage Relationships

Time to tap your new connections.

Politely ask creators you've supported if they can distribute your content to their audience.

Strategically highlight content emphasizing topical crossovers between you both.

The goal is to expand your reach through endorsements within aligned communities. Exchanges of value spark growth.

Step 5: Evaluate and Optimize

Continuously track performance data - traffic, follows, sales metrics.

Identify high-traction activities to double down on. Cut ineffective efforts dragging you down.

Reinvest freed up time for content and product refinement towards greater impact and income.

Stay nimble; let the data guide you towards increasing reach and agency.

The key principles are to start small, deliver consistent value, systematically build relationships, and relentlessly optimize efforts based on feedback.

Patience and persistence compound over the long run.


Identify current areas of misalignment between your responsibilities and passions.

Systematize repeated actions around core values like autonomy using metrics, not emotions.

Graduate from reactive to architect mindset. Progress starts with a mindset shift.

The right systems transform scattered efforts into compounding returns. Small changes persistently applied stack exponentially. I'm living proof - two years ago, I felt equally trapped. I operate far closer to my ideal lifestyle thanks to discovered principles, experimentation, and feedback learning.

You can design the life you desire.

The question becomes: How will progress begin for you?


About the Creator

Jerrell John

A visionary constructing his life purpose as an Author/Educator by building an impactful personal brand (& documenting the process).

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