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By Moharif YuliantoPublished 27 days ago 4 min read
Photo by Esteban López on Unsplash

The word "hero" evokes images of grand gestures, capes billowing in the wind, and battles won against impossible odds. But heroism can manifest in countless ways, defying stereotypes and residing in the most unexpected corners. Here are a few ways to explore the concept of a hero in a story:

The Unlikely Hero:

Meet Maya, a timid librarian with a passion for ancient languages. When a strange artifact arrives at the library, whispers of forgotten curses and a looming threat to the city draw her into a world beyond her wildest dreams. Maya, with her knowledge and resourcefulness, becomes the unlikely hero, deciphering clues and facing dangers she never imagined.

The Flawed Hero:

Kai, a once-celebrated soldier, carries the weight of a past mistake. Ostracized and haunted by guilt, he finds himself thrust back into the fray when a malevolent force emerges. Despite his flaws and inner demons, Kai must rise to the challenge, leading a team and confronting his past to protect the innocent.

The Hero's Journey:

A young boy named Ekon lives in a secluded village, unaware of the prophesied hero destined to save the land. When his village is attacked by monstrous creatures, Ekon discovers a hidden lineage and a truth about his own heritage. Guided by a wise mentor and armed with newfound abilities, Ekon embarks on a perilous journey, facing trials and forging alliances to confront the source of the evil.

Heroes of the Ordinary:

Heroes don't have to wear capes. Dr. Anya Sharma, a dedicated scientist in a resource-strapped hospital, tirelessly researches a cure for a deadly disease ravaging her community. Firefighter Miguel Lopez, risking his life every day to save others from infernos, embodies selfless courage. These everyday heroes fight their battles without fanfare, their heroism a testament to the human spirit.

The Power of Choice:

Heroism is not about strength, but about choice. In a dystopian society ruled by an iron fist, a young programmer named Ava stumbles upon a way to dismantle the system's control. Facing persecution and potential death, Ava must decide whether to remain silent or risk everything to fight for freedom. Here, heroism lies in the courage to stand up for what's right, even if the odds are stacked against you.

The Cost of Heroism:

The path of a hero is rarely paved with roses. Every victory comes at a price. A soldier may return home forever changed by the horrors of war. A scientist's dedication might cost them their health or personal life. Exploring the emotional and physical toll heroism takes can add depth and complexity to your story.


Heroes don't have to be perfect. Flaws and vulnerabilities make them relatable.

Motivation is key. What drives your hero to act?

Create a worthy adversary to test your hero's strength.

Show the hero's growth and transformation throughout the story.

Most importantly, let your hero's story resonate with readers, inspiring courage and compassion.

These are just a few ideas to get you started. The possibilities for exploring heroism in your writing are endless. So, grab your pen, unleash your creativity, and tell the world about the heroes that live within your imagination.

Heroic Twists:

The Anti-Hero: Subvert expectations with a protagonist who walks a morally ambiguous path. They may possess heroic qualities but operate outside the law or have questionable motives. Think of characters like Wolverine or Deadpool who fight for good, but with a gruff exterior and unconventional methods.

The Accidental Hero: Sometimes, heroism finds you. Imagine a bumbling office worker who stumbles upon a conspiracy and, through a series of mishaps and sheer luck, becomes instrumental in stopping it. Their journey is filled with comedic moments as they navigate situations far outside their comfort zone.

The Legacy Hero: The mantle of heroism can be passed down through generations. Perhaps the son of a legendary warrior must live up to his father's reputation, or a young woman discovers she's descended from a line of protectors, inheriting both magical abilities and a responsibility to defend their people.

Building the Hero's World:

The Setting: The world your hero inhabits shapes their journey. Is it a bustling cyberpunk city, a sprawling fantasy realm, or a seemingly ordinary town harboring hidden secrets? Consider how the environment presents challenges and opportunities for the hero.

The Supporting Cast: A hero rarely goes it alone. Friends, mentors, and even rivals can play crucial roles. A wise old warrior might guide a young hero, while a tech-savvy sidekick provides vital support. Explore the dynamics between these characters and how they influence the hero's growth.

Thematic Exploration:

Sacrifice: What are heroes willing to give up for the greater good? Explore the emotional toll of heroism and the sacrifices a hero makes, both big and small.

Power and Responsibility: With great power comes great responsibility. How does a hero grapple with their newfound abilities? Do they use them for personal gain or for the betterment of others?

These are just a springboard to launch yourself into the exciting world of heroes!


About the Creator

Moharif Yulianto

a freelance writer and thesis preparation in his country, youtube content creator, facebook

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