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A Fun & Festive Writing Prompt

Christmas Festive (Unofficial) Challenge

By Xine SegalasPublished 6 months ago 5 min read

It's snowing right now, our tree is in the family room - naked. It's been there for a couple of days now, acclimating to its new home. Standing there in the corner, waiting to be adorned and dressed. I prefer to enjoy our tree in stages. Tomorrow, the lights will be placed. A few days later, the ornaments will go up.

When I had kids living in the house, this was not the way that the tree went up. In those days, the tree came in, it went up and was decorated all within the same day. These days, I like to enjoy the process that I rushed through in my younger days.

So, instead of dealing with the tree right now - I discovered this wonderful writing challenge. Daphne Sampson originated the unofficial challenge, and I am happy to join in the fun. If you would like to join in the fun - check out her original post for the Christmas Festive (Unofficial) Challenge.

1. If you could invite any fictional character to your Christmas party, who would it be and why?

I have to think about this one a bit. I read so much and there are so many characters that I adore, but whether I would want to invite them to a Christmas party - that I am not so sure of. I will have to say Tyrion Lannister from Game of Thrones, I think, would make for an interesting addition to a Christmas party. I have always admired his wit and wisdom.

2. What are your favorite Christmas desserts and why?

The Buche de Noël is my favorite Christmas dessert. I love cake. I love chocolate. I love whipped cream. So there is a win-win-win for me.

3. What is your favorite top 5 Christmas songs?

Let It Snow! Let It Snow! Let It Snow! - Dean Martin

Santa Baby - Earth Kitt

Grown-Up Christmas List - Pentatonix feature Kelly Clarkson

The Twelve Days of Christmas - Mitch Miller

White Christmas - Bing Crosby

4. What is your Christmas decorating style and why? Rustic, Whimsical, Modern, Minimalist, Monochromatic

My style is more on the whimsical side - I love Santas and have a collection of them that adorn the mantel and a few bookshelves.

5. What is your favorite Christmas movie, and why?

Scrooged is my favorite Christmas movie. I have always loved this classic comedic remake of A Christmas Carol. It has one of my favorite quotes - see number 9 to find it out.

By Roberto Nickson on Unsplash

6. Write a haiku for this picture.

Gentle snowflakes fall

On twinkling lights below

Silent night's embrace

By Karsten Winegeart on Unsplash

7. Write a funny caption for this photo.

Wait?! I thought we only had to dress up at Halloween?

8. What is your favorite Christmas book or child's Christmas story?

The Night Before Christmas by Clement Clarke Moore

9. What is your favorite Christmas quote?

10. What does Christmas mean to you?

I used to love Christmas. I would get all excited and go all out decorating. I loved how friendly people are that time of year. Greeting strangers with a "Merry Christmas!" or "Happy Holidays!" I felt the magic of the season all around me and as new parent I cherished the opportunity to try to be one of Santa's best elfs and give my children a magical Christmas.

I had to adjust to a new reality of what Christmas meant to me when I got divorced 18 years. It was once filled with too much family, too much food, and too much alcohol, which would lead to too much drama.

I learned that Christmas is a day that can be the toughest and loneliest day of someone's life. You just want the day to be a normal day - just like any other day. After my divorce, holding on to the Christmas spirit was hard. Sometimes impossible. You can't fake Christmas spirit.

The post-divorce holiday break became, I would have the kids for Christmas Eve and Christmas morning until 10am - then they would be with their Dad until New Year's Day. The kids would want time to play with their gifts at home before going away. So they would wake me so early that I would barely be able to enjoy my time with them. I believe I fell asleep on the couch while they opened their gifts one of those years.

The house would be alive in those early morning hours with their excitement and glee. Wrapping paper would be everywhere - despite handing out trash bags before starting. "Deck the halls with boughs of holly! Fa-la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la!" the kids would be sing-screaming as I set the fire. Got to watch the time, he'll be hear soon. My eye always on the clock.

Before we knew it, all the gifts were opened and the room was littered with wrapping paper. I'll have all the time in the world to clean it when they are gone I would think. Let them play and enjoy their time with their new toys. Snap a photo, be sure to get the photos - capture the memories you are too tired to retain.

Ding dong! He's there at the door. It's time for them to go with him. Off to Vermont they go to more gifts and a big Christmas dinner with lots of their gram, aunts, and cousins to boot. I loved that the kids were surrounded by family and having fun. I, on the other hand, I would sink into a deep depression before their father's car had left our street.

I would have to muster the energy - put the mask on and got to dinner with my parents, brothers and wives, sister and husband, nieces and nephews. Say "Merry Christmas" with a smile - each time a blade twisting in my heart. I've never felt more lonely in my life than being among other people at that time.

Eight years after my divorce, I became involved in a new relationship and the holidays took on a completely new shape. As our relationship grew, my desire and excitement to celebrate the Christmas was rekindled. I was less of a Scrooge and open to seeing and feeling the magic of the season.

As the kids grew into their adult lives, Christmas changed again. Sometimes, all three children are home, sometimes it's just two, one or none. Celebrating Christmas became more about making myself and my fiance happy and not living the holiday for the kids or other family.

It's about sharing the quiet moments of the holiday with someone special. Curling up together on the couch to watch whatever it is we want to watch. Going outside and playing a winter version of lawn darts - the colorful rings really stand out against the white of the snow. Snowmobiling, ice skating, sitting together in front of the fire.

So what does Christmas mean to me? It means a whole bunch of things - all wrapped into one. It's not about the presents you give or receive. It's about being present. It's about sharing a little bit of your inner magic with someone or someones special. Christmas is the good, the bad and the ugly sweater.

This Christmas I look forward to decorating the tree, putting my Santas out and making sugar cookies. My fiance and I have started some new traditions over the years and we will continue to hold dear some old family ones that we have weaved into our celebration of the season.

Writing ExercisePromptsChallenge

About the Creator

Xine Segalas

Exploring life through writing, art, and photography, drawing inspiration from the natural world and beloved tales. Author of "Xine's Pack of Strays & Others," about life with my dogs, I review books, hoping to encourage others to read.

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Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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Comments (7)

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  • Cathy holmes5 months ago

    You did a beautiful job on this prompt. Very nicely done..

  • Natasha Collazo6 months ago

    Loved loved loved your Haiku.

  • Modern, minimalistic and monochromatic is my go to style for everything! Loved your Haiku and funny caption. Also, I'm so glad Christmas became happy for you again!

  • Jay Kantor6 months ago

    Hi 'X' ~ So do they let little Jewish kids from sunny California in on this? Your Daphne knows I'm not into challenges but I did follow the bouncing 'Red' ball and sang along with 'Mitch Miller' if it really was 'Red' while watching in Black/White TV? Hmm... Enjoy the personalities of your 'family' dramas - I know 1st hand you would miss it when they are all gone....! Jay, in LA. surrounded by Snow Capped Mountains - Pacific Ocean Breezes and the Hottest Deserts ever within minutes of one-another.

  • Daphsam6 months ago

    What a fun response! So happy you joined in the fun!!! Thank you!

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