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10 Things l Hate About You

Chapter 5_A Rainy Reunion

By RICHARDS DIVINE💜🌸Published 7 months ago • 3 min read
Love is not what is always seems

Rain pelted against the windshield as Dennis drove towards Ruth's mom's house. It wasn't to complain or seek solace; rather, it was a calculated move to manipulate her into fulfilling his desires. With promises of a hefty sum of cash, he convinced Ruth's mother to lie and claim that she was sick, desperately in need of her daughter's attention. Little did Ruth know that this was all a trap set by Dennis.

Upon receiving the call from her mother, Ruth couldn't ignore the concern in her voice. Despite knowing deep down that her mother had never truly cared about her well-being since her father's death, Ruth possessed a heart as soft as cotton candy. Without questioning the validity of the situation or doubting her mother's intentions, she began packing a few essentials for what she believed would be an urgent visit.


Just as Ruth was preparing to embark on the ten-mile journey to see her mom, Elizabeth intercepted her at the doorstep. Annoyance flashed across Elizabeth's face as she questioned Ruth's late-night departure amidst pouring rain. "Where are you going at this hour? And in such weather?" she demanded.

Ruth explained with earnestness in her voice that it was imperative for her to tend to her sick mother. However, Elizabeth couldn't contain herself any longer. "Your mom abandoned you after your father died! She didn't even contribute anything towards your education!" Elizabeth exclaimed indignantly. "She didn't care about you then and yet here you are rushing back into her arms just because she claims to be ill! When has she ever been sick before? Has she even bothered calling you since your marriage?"

Ruth fell silent under Elizabeth's barrage of questions and accusations but remained resolute in defending herself and maintaining faith in her mother. "Nothing will happen to me," she insisted confidently. "My mom can't hurt me. Don't be a scaredy-cat, Elizabeth."

Although still filled with frustration and concern, Elizabeth couldn't help but embrace her dear friend tightly. "Take care of yourself, Ruth," she whispered into her ear. "And remember to call me whenever you need anything." Ruth simply nodded in response before hastily making her way out the door.

As Elizabeth watched Ruth disappear into the rain-soaked night, an unsettling feeling nestled itself deep within her heart.

As the night settled in, Elizabeth found herself grappling with a newfound realityShe couldn't shake the sense that something was terribly wrong about this journey Ruth was embarking on.

Elizabeth took her phone and called an old college friend(Eric)and pleased with him to put an eye on Ruth_she told him some few reason details to watch every Ruth moves.


Raindrops cascaded down the windowpane as Dennis eagerly awaited Ruth's arrival at her mother's house. His plan was meticulously crafted, and he anticipated it would unfold flawlessly. He grinned sinisterly as he envisioned the trap closing its jaws around his unsuspecting prey.


Little did they all know that this rainy reunion would be a pivotal turning point in their lives—a moment where hidden truths would be exposed, alliances shattered, and unexpected consequences unleashed upon them all.

In the darkness of that stormy night, secrets would rise to the surface like ripples on a disturbed pond, forever altering their perceptions of love, trust, and what it truly means to hate someone you once held dear.

This journey would lead them to confront not just their own demons but also uncover secrets buried deep within their intertwined lives—one driven by love and compassion; the other fueled by manipulation and deceit. The storm raged on outside as fate silently weaved its intricate web, ready to reveal the ten things they would come to despise about each other.


About the Creator


I have the gift of defining reality and creating fantasy 💜🌸🦋

I create dreams -l actually write dreams for you👽🎃

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