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Breaking Point

by Darius Cherry

By Darius CherryPublished 3 years ago 5 min read

In one of my stories I wrote about being a track enthusiast, I can tell you right now that it can be a hobby that I love but at a certain cost. That cost is getting to my breaking point though because I am carrying a lot of weight as it is, so bad to the point I almost considered just waiting till I get a better job that leads me into a career that has a bunch of old crusty guys who could not achieve the career of a professional race car driver. Now I'm not saying they had the choice but I know anyone can get through anything, I even wrote a story about that. I'm not here to school you on life lessons again even though I can do that all day. I am here to describe how much I push myself for an activity that makes me happy and I enjoy to the point of costing time with friends and family. The price I pay to be a track enthusiast almost feels like I am selling my soul but in the end it is worth it. I always feel good after I am done driving. It is like my worries and problems aren’t even there. I still remember this guy in the neighborhood I grew up in telling me it was too late for me at the age I was at. I was 23…….. I can’t tell you how many cars I have sat in or drove that are worth that man’s house and family. I don’t even own them, in fact I just washed and valeted the cars to pay for my track time to get me ready to take my pro license test. People always said I take things too personal but I forgot those people are average and haven’t walked in my shoes, neither do I have time to wish cancer on someone when I can be wishing to be a professional GT1 Driver or just wishing people were better but doing is way better than wishing. That's where I am at now and I cannot stress to say that I am so happy with driving on the track no matter what it is. At the moment I drive go-karts in a league and that's even fun, because I can see the outcome and I know what that looks like. Successful people don’t wake up with success in their pocket. They have to go through so much garbage before they can see the cleanse which usually starts at the breaking point after the garbage and it's all how you handle it. I definitely just get quiet and observe then act but with this process and the goal I am trying to obtain now it's gotten harder and I am not about the moving in silence plan but if it ain’t broke don't fix it. Like I described in one of my stories I am not rich, no trophy wife , no big house…. Right now I have a one bedroom apartment, 50 inch tv in the living room with the game system, 42 inch tv mounted to my wall, a bed, running water, and clothes to put on my body. I still haven't even bought a car yet I just told people I did via text message and email and these weren’t people I just met, it was friends and family. I’m not going to struggle in my living situation for driving on the track. I would rather take public transportation, fix my financial situation and still execute the career goal while living in an apartment that's under one grand a month…. Oh wait I am doing that, I also fixed my financial situation too and now I'm a few months away from owning a home but wait there's more. I don’t mind taking public transportation and I will tell you why, because I live on the outskirts of downtown. Within 20 mins of walking my happy legs I am in front of a Major League Baseball Field, WNBA/NBA arena and all the other beauty downtown has to offer. That is not even the best part though remember this is about being a track enthusiast , I don’t drive too my races or tire myself out from driving around. In fact I actually get a workout from it and I feel so healthy and always awake and alert. People always ask me why do you like cars and have no car. I am going to ask my pilot or driver when they are transporting me to my first professional race that same question because it will baffle me why I get paid so much not to drive myself to my own race. I would think working 2 ½ jobs, writing, eating ramen, sacrificing my dating life so I could save money would be enough but I guess doing what's best for me to get on the track is the right price actually. I will also let you know you witnessed my superpower I described in my last story and no its not being a track enthusiast its turning negativity into a positivity. Since social media has become a popularity contest and people bragging about how much they made off their so-called passive income, I am going to face, fake, frolic it until I meet the person who started their online business or store. Because I guess not having a Professional Basketball player in your contacts giving you advice or sitting at the bar with the ex CEO of TMobile and getting mentored is not enough to have a lot of followers or friends or whatever you need now to look like you are doing something on the internet. Let me just continue to be happy and enjoy this activity of track driving because I am living the best life and living within my means. When I am on the track I am not thinking about this you are just reading me rant because I do enjoy writing and this does create room to drive on the track. Driving fast in general has led me to a lot of positive outcomes in my life so why would I stop? I learned to accept who I am and it is what keeps me going, finding the apex on the track was the equivalent of me threading the needle in life and finding what makes me happy. I just killed two birds with one stone. I am so great looking at that, I do not think I should stop doing what I love. What do you think? You know what, I don’t care just stop reading this and turn on your TV in a couple years and you will see the answer in the trophy I am holding when I win my first championship.


About the Creator

Darius Cherry

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follow my IG: @writerontheblock21

Track and Car enthusiast

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