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Avoid These 6 Common Driving Mistakes (You’re Probably Not Aware of Making)

Let’s admit it: We’ve all been charged guilty at some point of time in our lives for committing at least one or two of the most common driving mistakes

By Natalie IgePublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Let’s admit it: We’ve all been charged guilty at some point of time in our lives for committing at least one or two of the most common driving mistakes mentioned below. (No matter how skilled someone believes themselves to be!)

Did you know a staggering 99% of car accidents are a result of human error?

Well, it’s either the novice drivers chasing the windspeed to pump their adrenaline level or adults like us who have been following a pattern unaware of the fact that we could be making a common mistake.

(No wonder driverless cars shall be the future!)

Here’s a list of the six common driving mistakes you might be making without any realization of it.

Adjusting the mirrors wrongly

The side view and rearview mirrors of a car are important as they provide a clear picture of the vehicles behind you on either side.

While it may sound to be a very basic thing (probably something that you’re taught in your first driving lesson), it plays a pivotal role in ensuring your safety.

There are times when the mirrors are poorly positioned so much so that the driver gets a view of their own car handle rather than the road. And, when you’re switching lanes with wrongly adjusted mirrors, that’s when your chances of getting hit by some other vehicle from behind increase.

Stopping all of a sudden without any warning

Okay, now this is one of the most serious and the most common mistakes of all. We have all done it at least once in our lives.

Whether you suddenly came across car park marking somewhere or made an impromptu plan of stopping by at the Starbucks you saw, stopping all of a sudden without any prior warning can result in a serious collision with the car right behind you.

Switching lanes while turning

Those road marking are there for a reason. You need to stay in your lane and make sure to turn while staying in the same one.

Switching lanes while turning is one of the most dangerous mistakes one can ever make. This can lead to a serious collision with the cars in other lanes and also annoy people for obvious reasons. You leave no choice for them but to act on the very last moment.

Keeping daylights of the car running at nighttime

As the name suggests, daylights of a car are meant to be used in the daytime. However, most people end up switching them on at night as well.

The problem with using them during nighttime is the running risk of not being discovered by the other vehicles since they are dimmer. And, this is yet another cause of accidents.

It’s always best to use the night lights for a safe driving experience not only for yourself but also for others too.

Driving too slowly in the passing lane

Have you ever been a victim to frustrating stares by those overtaking you in the passing lane?

Well, that’s because you were driving too slowly in the passing lane which is really disappointing.

All drivers must keep in mind that the lanes to the right are for slower moving vehicles however, those on the left are for the ones who move fast.

So, you either follow the speed limit or bear with the honking that follows!

P.S. It’s inconsiderate on the driver’s part to drive in a lane that’s not suited to him.

Forgetting to use your turn indicators

Please don’t surprise the vehicles behind you by making a turn suddenly. You are expected to use those turn indicators for the same.

Again, it will help prevent any unwanted accidents and collisions and will also ensure a smooth driving experience for everyone.

P.S. It’s pretty annoying too! No one likes to act the last moment because of someone’s negligence when they can enjoy a comfortable drive.

These are some of the most common driving mistakes people tend to commit on the road. Now that you’re aware of them, we expect you to act on them as well. Also, do share them with your loved ones so that they also remain safe.

Wish you a safe and comfortable drive!

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About the Creator

Natalie Ige

Natalie is a Blogger . She loves writing about lifestyle,home decor, relationship and so on. She is good at her job and passionately writes for Brands and helps in building their fame.

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