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Top 10 hidden places in the world that are off-limits to the travelers

The Earth is full of secrets, and we have to accept the fact that we will never get to experience all of them. Here are ten secret places on the planet that aren't accessible to travelers who want to explore them.

By Mv AjayPublished 2 years ago 8 min read

Traveling is a spiritual undertaking. Traveling around the world is to step beyond the limiting limits of your normal cultural bubble, to discover the limits of human nature and, in fact, nature itself. What could be more in love with that? You make new friends, try different cuisines, soak up amazing wisdom, and take in amazing sights.

However, not all areas of the globe are within reach. There are some that are secret as well as hidden areas that no human hands can reach if you don't have the right clearance. Check out this article to discover the secrets that lie behind the metaphorical doors of some of the world's most exclusive destinations. Here are 10 hidden locations on Earth that are almost impossible to reach.

The White's Gentlemen Club, UK

London's White's is widely believed to be the most elite private club in the world and is the oldest of its kind in London. It was established in 1693 as a cafe selling hot chocolate by Italian immigrants. Then, it turned into a well-known gaming site and gentlemen's club before becoming an exclusive restaurant shortly afterward. Throughout its history, White's has been working to preserve its exclusivity.

A small percentage of members are allowed to be members. Although the name doesn't refer to any bias based on race--hopefully--its style is clearly sexist. As it is likely to be obvious, women are not allowed to join.

Also, no low-income people are allowed to join; the cost of joining is among the highest of all. Members of the male gender belonging to the British Royal Family have historically joined the club too. However, the Queen is allowed within the walls of the club under very specific circumstances. Through the course of her existence, she's only visited the club twice.

However, with this blatant and unapologetic elitism in the world today, why would you desire to go there? The prestige of exclusivity can be appealing, but it is also incredibly uninspiring.

Disney Club 33, USA

In terms of exclusivity, Within Disney's secluded rooms is a once-secret oasis known as Club 33, an exclusive location that only select guests and members get to experience.

Only members have access to the best resort experiences that comprise Club 33, the Club 33 restaurant, a special jazz club known as Le Salon Nouveau, and the obscure Salon 1901. It's also the only venue that serves alcohol during the normal hours of operation. What a significant benefit!

If you'd like to be an active member, you'll require two things: huge amounts of cash and a massive amount of patience. From 2011, there's been a waiting list of 14 years to become an official member of Club 33, and each corporate member has to pay an initiation fee of $40,000 (which is $25,000 for those who only want the basic membership) and, in addition, around 10,000 in annual fees. This is a high price to pay just to drink in Disney Parks.

Area 51, USA

The most well-known secretive and non-secretive secret around the globe, Area 51 in Lincoln County, Nevada, has long been hidden from view. The United States Air Force facility has been the source of many stories of mystery and deceit that have caught the imagination of the public across the globe. Are UFOs and aliens the real culprits? Are there secrets to technology? There are very few who know, and chances are that no one you know is one of them.

If you're an average tourist, then there's no way to be permitted to visit. There might be no barriers around the perimeter, but the military will employ deadly force against all human beings. So don't even think about the idea.

There are a lot more fascinating things happening in the world. Aren't there?

Poveglia, Italy

Poveglia is a tiny island located near Venice, Italy, which is a bit eerie and disturbing in its history. It is said that in the 18th century, this island was utilized as a quarantine area for sick people, especially for victims of the plague. When the plague was first discovered on two ships at that time, the crew was escorted to Poveglia, where the majority of them perished without comfort.

At the beginning of 1900, the first mental hospital was constructed at the end of the island. According to reports, the doctor who worked there conducted various experiments on his patients, from electroshocks to lobotomies.

After becoming insane from what he believed to be ghosts that were haunting him as well as the entire town of Poveglia and the surrounding area, he climbed up the highest tower of the hospital and leaped. The spirit of his deceased loved ones is believed to remain close to the shores of the island, forever haunted by other ghosts.

Therefore, there could be a reason to stay away from the location. However, if there was a reason that you wanted to visit there, access to Poveglia is not permitted. We're not sure what the reason is.

North Sentinel Island, India

Have you ever heard of the fascinating tribes that have had no contact with the world? They have no knowledge of the latest technological advancements in science and technology, or of global history, or of conflicts and conflicts between nations or the petty squabbles of world leaders.

It's like a time capsule from the real world, forever frozen in a moment or, more accurately, they are a part of their own personal history. The people who live on North Sentinel Island in India are one such tribe. We have no right to alter this fact.

For two reasons, the Indian government has decreed that no foreigners are allowed to visit the island. One is that we could spread diseases that its residents are not immune to and kill them, much like the Spanish created their own epidemic which killed a large part of the Mesoamerican population.

Additionally, because of the immense significance of leaving a unique tribe in peace and unaffected. Therefore, even though the island is no secret, what it contains is. It is true that you can't visit, but you can see what the island represents from a distance.

Snake Island, Brazil

If you have the chance to visit Ilha da Queimada Grande, often referred to by the name Snake Island, it is a frightening place to visit. For the better, or for worse, you won't. The island is full of extremely venomous snakes. A single bite could kill a human being within one hour. To give an idea of the magnitude of the reptiles on the island, certain estimates suggest a ratio of one snake per square meter of the island.

Additionally, Ilha da Queimada Grande is the sole home of the highly endangered Tworops Insularis (the golden pit viper with a lancehead). So, for the protection of all snakes and humans alike, anyone who is not authorized to visit the island is strictly prohibited. And why do you need to visit a place with a lot of snakes, to begin with?

Ise Grand Shrine, Japan

In the country of Japan, the shrine is located, and the contents are an undiscovered secret that only members of the Imperial Family can witness. The shrine was constructed for the goddess of the sun, Amaterasu, and it is considered sacred enough that only members of the dynasty of the sacred can serve as its protector. This makes it the sole holy spot in the entirety of Japan. Isn't it fascinating?

Heard Island, Australia

In a remote region in the middle of the ocean, approximately two-thirds of the way between Madagascar and Antarctica, there is a spooky Australian territory. Heard Island is a pristine landscape (almost) left untouched by the hands of humans. The Australian government is determined to preserve it as such.

This is one of the most remote places on Earth, which means it's further away from the world than any other location on earth. Very few are allowed to visit the island, and those that do are able to prove a compelling reason to be able to visit.

Surtsey Island, Iceland

In the course of Earth's history, many islands have formed following enormous underwater volcano eruptions that pushed sediments up to sea level. Surtsey Island, named after the giant fire from Norse mythology, is just one of these places. The eruption that led to Surtsey took place over four years. It happened in the 1960s, and scientists have studied with awe-inspiring fascination the evolution of Surtsey and the processes that were involved, from the erosion of soils to colonization by biotechnology.

Surtsey is closed to non-scientists mainly due to the fact that scientists are interested in studying the changes that occur to it without human intervention. What species are found in Surtsey, how long do they take to arrive, and how do they manage to settle in? These are questions that cannot be answered by watching a group of kids tries to plant potato seeds on the land's surface. Yes, this did happen.

Svalbard Global Seed Vault, Norway

In the middle of Spitsbergen Island in Norway is a vault that is home to something precious. It is so precious that nobody is allowed to alter it. Seeds

That's right. It's true. The Svalbard International Seed Vault contains a vast assortment of seeds from around the globe to ensure they are protected in the event of an international catastrophe, which is akin to Noah's Ark just for tiny pips. The vault is well-guarded to ensure that there is no pollution or interference with the world's treasured heritage. A noble goal indeed.

There are plenty of other destinations which are not accessible to frequent travelers, but these ought to provide a good idea of what you may be missing out on. Which one do you like? Which of these would you like to go to?


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