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By Tumaini ShokaPublished 9 months ago 4 min read
Photo by Joshua Newton on Unsplash

Scientists have been finding the existence of long since believed to be extinct species all over the world including the existence of marine animals that were roaming the oceans during the time of dinosaurs.One region that is said to house some of these creatures is the Democratic Republic of Congo, a country found within the African continent.It appears to be earth’s actual-life jurassic park.

The Congo jungle is a substantial and dense tropical rainforest that covers a large part of primary Africa.The area is distinctly rich in biodiversity with lots of species of plant life,animals and insects.The Congo jungle is estimated to house around 10,000 species of flora,1,000 species of birds and 400 species of mammals.However,this jungle is so large and a bigger part of it remains an explored due to the dense vegetation,tough terrain and lack of infrastructure thus making it a tough surrouding for exploration.

Moreover,security instability within the region has also made it difficult for scientists and researchers to gain access to many areas of the forest. In line with the estimates through the wildlife conservation society,only about 10 percent of the Congo Basin has been explored by scientists.However efforts are underway to increase exploration and research in the region through the establishment of various protected areas and the use of technologies like satellite imaging and remote sensing.

There is a creature that is referred to as ‘‘the one who stops the flow of rivers’’.It’s a mysterious creature that has been mentioned in several stories by the natives who live within the Congo River Basin.These people frequently come into contact with this creature and they describe it as half a dinosaur and a half elephant.The natives believe that this mysterious creature resides in Lake Tele near the Congo River.In Africa,it’s used as a reference by scientists to prove that a small population of dinosaurs live in remote regions.It has been defined as an elephant-sized creature with smooth brownish gray skin, a long flexible neck and a long tail that is as energetic as a crocodile’s tail,however many of the natives who reside in the region and who are said to have encountered the creature desribe it as being similar to that of a miniature sauropods; a group of long-necked herbivorous dinosaurs that lived during the Mesozoic era.Sauropods had small heads,long necks,massive bodies and large pillar-like legs.Their most differentiated feature was their long necks which they used to the leaves from branches on trees and perhaps also known for leaving behind its large footprints which are said to be having three claws and also leaving behind deepimpressions in the ground.These can be found all over the swampy jungles of Africa with the locals using this as prove that the creature is real and has been in existence for the past three centuries.

Local pygmies and foreign explorers have described how this the creature used to live.This animal fed on the nut-like fruit of a riverbank plant and and lived in the deep pool and subsurface areas like the underwater caves and the unexplored areas of the forests.Lately expedition has shown that these stories have been told for many decades and that the locals believe that this creature is real and not a myth.One of the researchers on the team said that it may have been a dinosaur like Brontosaurus which recent science says has been extinct for over 70 million years.The same researcher,Roy Macal had gone deep into the middle swamps of the Congo Basin where it was believed that the animal lived and interestingly , he was able to come back with a photograph of a footprint that is said to belong to the mokeli in bembe.The forbidden swamp region is located at the middle of the Congo region and it occupies an average area of 49,000 square miles which is as large as New York.The locals told missionaries where the Sauropod dinosaur lived and when the missionaries showed them photos of various animals,surprisingly when a picture of a sauropod dinosaur was shown to them, they said that this image matched the creature’s description.They knew that this mysterious creature lived along the rivers and deep swamp pools but they did not know what it fed on until the missionaries told them that it is said to feast on vegetables and fruits of the jungles.One thing that has been noted is that it doesn’t get along with hippos and various tribe members since it was seen several times battle back in 199.

Times of London reported that the people of the Kabonga tribe had managed to kill one ot these creatures using their hunting tools.In 1981,Hermann Registers led a team to Lake Tele and is said to have returned with items belonging to this ancient creature.This included things like footprints casts droppings and a mysterious sound which could not be pinned with amy local wildlife.Reports od mckellenbembe go all the way back to the 18th century and since 1980,over 25 expedition teams have searched for the mysterious animal .In 2018,another expedition was sent with DNA experts to look for clues of the creature but they found nothing that could help them pinpooint the animal but interestingly they did discover a new type of algae. Some say that there’s still many creatures and organisms on this planet that we don’t know about!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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    TSWritten by Tumaini Shoka

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