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Rebirth: A Solo story

A journey of self-discovery and taking chances

By David Published 4 years ago 6 min read
A leap of faith

OK, here is a little story for you. Wait! Did I just start that off by saying “ok” what is wrong with me? There is nothing wrong with me I just wanted to start off with something catchy. Good evening my lovely readers. OH, evening, morning, afternoon. Ah well, can we ever tell the time nowadays? Let us talk about COVID19, well all I can say is Mother Rona what did we ever do to you in 2020. On that note, aren’t I here to talk about my solo trip? Well, here it goes.

Mum: David darling, we need to go on another family trip, what do you think?

Me: Oh yes mum you were literally thinking the same thing I was but where to mum?

Mum: This year I want you to decide

Me: Huh. Mum. Me. Really. Is this a joke or prank, are you catching me on tape? Is this one of those pranks that end up on YouTube.

Mum: No, I am being serious this year I want you to pick where we go.

Me: Mum, that is nice and all, but have you forgotten what corona is doing to everyone.

Mum: Corona who, Corona what, Corona where. David, regardless of Corona i still want to enjoy myself.

Me: Wow! Mum, you are really taking a leap of faith there.

Mum: Son, sometimes you know in life, you must take chances despite what life throws at you and you should not give up on achieving anything you put your mind to. My dad once told me this and now as your mother, I am also telling you the same thing. When a chance or opportunity is given to you then you have to take it whilst you can because it may never come again.

Me: Thank you mum for that, it will make me think about a lot of things in my life and about the trip, I will get back to you on that.

So here you might have thought I would get back to my mum on a destination. However, I brought forward another proposal. I wanted to travel on my own and new things on my own. I did not know what my parent's reaction would be like. I am just 21 and just finished my university degree and for my parents to let me go to a different country on my own would be daunting for them. However, there comes a time in your life you begin to wonder how you can grow and discover more things. I came to a place in my life where I knew it was time to rediscover myself and venture out into new and unknown grounds. You see in life if you do not take chances and risks then you will not know the opportunities out there for you. I had to remind my parents of the same advice they were given at my age. Therefore, I was debating on different things and activities to do. Then I realized that I wanted to travel somewhere that felt like home but was not home to rediscover myself. I am from Nigeria so therefore I brainstormed the different countries close to home and Ghana came up as the number one choice for me. Many would wonder why I picked Ghana, but you know one thing about me is that although I may be going to a country that is like home every place has its own aura and essence. I wanted to feel like I was back home but at the same time, I wanted a feeling of surprise and seeking the unknown. This would be the first time I would ever travel unaccompanied and it was a daunting experience as I did not know what to expect. I wanted to do this on my own because I needed to figure out what I wanted in life and the opportunities available to me out there and the help I can give back to the community. For me it is more about engaging with the people living in the country, getting to know them, and understand their values and opinions. I personally enjoy learning about different cultures and how people relate to one another.

When I finally decided I wanted to go on this trip the planning stages were the most difficult and stressful. With the ongoing COVID19 pandemic many things were uncertain, but this barrier did not taint my eagerness to travel abroad. When faced with obstacles you must endure them and find ways to defeat them. There were also many financial costs that came in place such as flight tickets, accommodation prices, spending money, and most importantly prices for taking the coronavirus test in the UK and a test when I land in Ghana. When considering all this cost, there was a point I wondered to myself ‘is this really worth it? All this planning and expenses for what, just one trip’. However, I knew that I had to go on this trip, I needed to take chances and that leap of faith despite the circumstances at hand. After travailing past this process, I had to divide my cost up.

Flight Ticket

KLM- London Heathrow airport to Accra January 1st, 2020

KLM- Accra to London Heathrow Airport January 12th, 2020



The gallery, Boundary Road, Accra, Ghana


Corona Virus test

UK- £100

Ghana- $150

Spending Money

Food, Shopping, Transport, Sightseeing all-inclusive




Counting the overall cost of the trip was heartbreaking as it was a lot of money but I knew this trip would benefit and despite the ongoing situation happening, money is tight for many but with my good saving skills, I was able to save up and gather funds for this trip as it was something I wanted and deep down will maximize my benefits in the long run.

Activities in Ghana

Day 1:

Kotoka International Airport

Arrive at Kotoka International Airport. Afterward, do the required test before leaving the airport. Travel to the apartment and check in to my room. Once in my room, I settle down, unpack my things, have a shower, and call it a night.

The gallery apartment

Day 2:

The Shai Hills Experience:

Wake up and get ready for the day. Go down to get some breakfast and plan the route for the day. Go to Accra mall for departure. Once arrive at the destination, prepare for the Shai hills experience. This would be a day full of different activities such as Hiking at Shai Hills, rock climbing, boat cruise on the volta lake, then to end the night of dinner buffet at Afrikiko river front resort. This experience will allow me to go out of my comfort zone and take a leap of faith. It would be an adventure I have never imagined happening.

Day 3:

I would be meeting some friends I have over there and we will be going to Labadi beach to enjoy the beautiful scenery, the lovely atmosphere and also for some horse riding. This gives me a chance to relax with some friends and catch up with them whilst also experincing what Ghana has to offer. I also get to learn more about the culture.

Day 4:

I will be exploring the beautiful Anagkazo bible school and training centre. You thought this was just a fun trip but this is a trip of my spiritual discovery and learning more about my faith. Christianity has always played a big role in my life. Since I was a little child I have always been taken to church and to this day I don't think I have missed a single day of church. Taking a tour of the bible school will allow me to understand the roots of christianity and the history of many pastors and philsoophical figures across the world. Once I am able to discover it this then can help me to teach others who may not know about this things. It is an avenue for me to educate others from what I have learned and this gives me a sense of satisfaction because it means that I can give back to the community.

Day 5

Wait! You think I am about to reveal all to you. Well, a little suspense keeps the book turning. You are probably wondering what Day 5, Day 6, Day 7, Day 8 entails. But then it won't be my story. It will become your story too and your experience. You keep reading on to find out more about my experience then wait it becomes OUR story. A solo story is a road to self-discovery. If you want to find out more stay tuned for the next edition of my leap of faith where things I never imagined could happen will happen.

Ghana 2021 here I come!!!!!!!

Be expecting me with a hug

oh, wait no! not possible Mother Rona has her ways.

solo travel

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