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Packing for an Extraordinary Journey

Essentials for Your Space Vacation

By Stella OehtamPublished 9 months ago 3 min read


Imagine a thrilling opportunity to embark on the first-ever commercial vacation to outer space. As you prepare for this extraordinary journey, the space agency has provided you with a survey to determine what items you would pack for your cosmic adventure. Let's dive into this unique packing list together and explore the essentials that will ensure you're ready for an unforgettable space escapade.

Packing for Practicality and Comfort

Pencils: While seemingly mundane, pencils have a distinct advantage over pens in space. The lack of gravity prevents ink from flowing, making pencils the preferred writing tool. Not only can you jot down notes, but you can also engage in word puzzles and even create artistic sketches to capture your celestial experience.

Toothbrush: Maintaining oral hygiene is crucial, even in space. A toothbrush proves effective in space due to its ability to retain moisture. By wetting the toothbrush, you ensure that the water remains within the bristles, making dental care in space a breeze.

Socks: Practicality meets fashion with socks. While not a fashion showcase, socks play a crucial role in keeping your feet warm and comfortable. Moreover, they aid in sliding through spacecraft interiors with ease.

Wet Wipes: In the absence of water, wet wipes become a valuable asset for personal hygiene. These versatile wipes serve as a substitute for water, making them an essential addition to your space travel kit.

Velcro: Originating from a Swiss company, Velcro's anti-gravity properties have earned it a place in space travel. Astronauts use Velcro to attach objects to spacecraft walls, creating a functional and organized environment.

Personal Comfort and Entertainment

Photographs: Nostalgia takes flight as you carry photographs of loved ones from Earth. These cherished images serve as a reminder of home and provide a personal touch to your space quarters.

Laptop: Surprisingly, the International Space Station boasts internet connectivity, allowing you to stay connected and even indulge in some Netflix streaming during your stay.

Yo-Yo: While gravity's absence challenges its functionality, a yo-yo offers entertainment and curiosity as you observe its behavior in a gravity-free environment.

Jigsaw Puzzles: Engaging your mind with jigsaw puzzles becomes a fascinating endeavor as you navigate floating pieces in space. Completing a puzzle takes on a new dimension as each piece floats gracefully through the spacecraft.

Connecting with the Cosmos

Windows: As a space vacationer, you'll have the opportunity to experience a spacewalk, a rare and exhilarating adventure. Windows become your connection to the universe, offering glimpses of Earth and the cosmos beyond.

Camera: Capturing the awe-inspiring moments of your journey is a must. A functional camera ensures that you document your space vacation in stunning detail.

Culinary Delights and Creature Comforts

Pizza Delivery: Satisfying your palate with familiar flavors from Earth is made possible through pizza deliveries via cargo ships. You can enjoy the novelty of consuming Earthly delicacies while floating weightlessly in space.

Guitar: Music transcends boundaries, even in space. Bring along your guitar to strum melodies that resonate through the spacecraft. Musicians like Chris Hadfield have serenaded the cosmos, and your guitar can create a unique connection between you and the universe.


As you prepare for your cosmic adventure, packing the right essentials is key to ensuring comfort, entertainment, and a connection with the cosmos. From practical items like pencils and toothbrushes to personal touches like photographs and musical instruments, your packing choices will shape your experience in outer space. Whether you're engaging in celestial word puzzles, gazing through spacecraft windows at distant galaxies, or enjoying the comforts of your favorite Earthly food, your journey will be one for the ages. So, embrace the thrill of a space vacation and get ready to embark on a voyage beyond imagination.

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About the Creator

Stella Oehtam

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