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Lilly's Game

A start to an end

By Richard Allen IIIPublished about a year ago 4 min read


Every night at midnight, the purple clouds came out to dance with the blushing sky. Mara and I would sit in the back of Papa’s truck and play with sparklers he’d forgotten from his last pick up. Like most things, it was better then. Simpler. Less - crowded. Mara says we stayed there because it reminded Papa of home, but I always thought it was more than that. The fireflies were fun to catch.

“Come on. It's about to rain,” he’d say, but he knew we’d never listen. Rain was too much fun. Dusk was a comfort for us. It was home for Papa. It was Mama. Course, she was gone by that point. But it was the only healing we had. It was bumpy in the back. Not unusual, but we should’ve noticed. Never knew why he let us stay back there. Was always a dangerous choice.

Cold. That's what changed when it came. Hot to cold. And then a halt.


Mara screams.

Blood and tears. But, I never knew why. Not until I saw it.

The bear.

Papa fought. Of course he fought.

He lost.

I ran.


“How's the analysis going?” Juda was a twenty something data analyst. First year with the investigative branch.

“I mean it's going. There’s clearly still a few glitches with this decipher tool. Some of the translations are not really- coherent, I guess.” Adam considered himself a clicker. Someone who expressed their focus, anxiety, or concern through clicking. A fidget. Hell, he was doing it now.

“Yeah some of the old crypts are not exactly compatible with the new tech. Especially with that one being what, 70+ years old. I mean the 2000’s were still analog.” Juda was also very skilled with coding and tech fabrication. He prided himself on that fact. It got him the job.

“Yeah I get it. Just makes it take more time. But it's not a big issue. You have any big plans tonight?”Adam would of course decline.

“ A few of us were going to split a craft and head over to that new club. I think Shan said it was called The Haze. I don’t know, not my typical thing, but you know gotta get in good with the crowd.”

“Yeah I definitely get it. Hate the early stages. Heard Haze had a cool vibe, sounds fun.”Adam hated ill named clubs.

“You thinking about going? I think it’s me, Shan, and like 4 other first years.”

“I may stop by later. Just wanted to close out this first session strong. Grant’s going to be on our ass if we don’t keep up with our intakes. Kinda nervous I may have taken off a bigger bite than I could chew.”Adam resumed clicking the decoder.

“I for sure get it. Well just ping me or Shan. I know the others are trying to get out of their mind high or wasted, so we’ll probably be the only semi sober ones.” Adam liked Juda’s smile. It was kind of warm. He was attractive, but Adam did not have time for that shit right now. Especially after the way things with Viv had gone. Two years was too soon.

“Definitely, definitely. Have a drink for me. But don’t party too hard alright. Gotta get everyone home safe.”

“Most assuredly, me lord.” Accents. Cheesy. Juda’s accent. Endearing.

The office was big when no one was in it. A large blanket of lonely unclaimed air. Adam loved it. He clocked so many hours because it was the only place in the city he wouldn’t have a panic attack. Guaranteed. He ordered some eats and scrolled on his socials on his mind link. It always scared him to use the chip because it was so new, but the older com models were way more inconvenient. Convenience was key.


Mama cried when I found her. Not right away, but eventually. Red envy and orange rage shone on her skin from the burning fire. Silence was the only thing that filled the space for some time. Silence and her screams. My whimpers weren’t audible.

Warmth. Her hold brought warmth. Not heat. Warmth.

She bathed their blood off me. We didn’t share tears. Just the blood.

Trauma was not hard to come by in the mountains. It was next to cleanliness.

Fifteen was my next embrace with it. Shame was my partner.


Adam knew Lillian. Not personally, but her story was something he was all too familiar with. He tried to avoid women like her. It was always too painful. Most of the team would call him a coward if they knew that truth. He felt it was more wisdom.

The first clip was over. They had gotten no closer to getting to the crux of the case. Dormant unsloved’s were tough. But they always had the best stories, so he took them. The pay off could be massive too. These day’s royalties went to the detectives involved. It was a nice perk. Viv hated it. It made his parents proud. He never knew what to focus on.

He usually crafted home, but teling was quicker when he was exhausted.

Shan had messaged him he realized.

Hey Adam. Know you're working hard, Juda told me. You should come out. The club is not too crowded. Not too loud. Clean. It’s good to meet the first years. Plus, I’d hate to have to give you shit for not being good at your job on our end of the year report so, I better see your ass here soldier. Alright, catch you later.


He ordered a craft to The Haze. Her holly did make it seem appealing. Why not? It was Friday so work could wait. Let’s just hope shit doesn’t get too crazy. Plus, most of these first years were good conversationalists. Very intelligent. Should be fun.


About the Creator

Richard Allen III

Just a writer

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    RAIWritten by Richard Allen III

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