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Bears on Beech Mountain, NC

For people new to the resort town Beech Mountain, North Carolina

By Matthew SposatoPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 7 min read
Bears on Beech Mountain, NC
Photo by Pete Nuij on Unsplash

The resort town of Beech Mountain is one of the top tourist destinations within the state of North Carolina. An ideal place for skiers and snowboarders coming for a winter getaway. And a summer destination for those who desire scenic mountain views. But a fun filled family vacation destination all year round. And there's no shortage of real estate for vacation rentals, seasonal and all year round residents. If you need to make a quick grocery run, a new pair of shoes, and a fresh pot of flowers for the house. Head on down to Fred's General Mercantile. Which also supports local artisans. If you desire to go out for some beer and pizza, then head down to the Brick Oven Pizzeria. With an arcade for some after dinner entertainment. And for vacationers, seasonal or full time residents who feel the need to stay fit and healthy. Buckeye Recreation Center is the place to go. Which has a tennis court, playground, and baseball field outside the building.

There is a little bit of something for everybody who comes to the town of Beech Mountain. Everyone enjoys the natural picturesque scenery by simply looking out the window. Both tourists and locals often have no trouble viewing the local wildlife in either their front yard or along the hiking trails that dot the mountain town. Quite commonly you'd see turkey, rabbits, and deer. In fact, there are always new deer fawn popping up often during the summer months. As tempting as it is to feed the deer outside the house. Don't do it! Too many people have been doing it for years. And as a result, the deer have grown too use to human presence. And see us as a source that just gives away extra food. Most people have forgotten that deer are still wild animals. For anyone who's new to Beech Mountain you need to know the difference between a wild habitat and a petting zoo. So bags of deer corn might be up for sale. But it's highly recommended that you don't feed any to the deer. Because doing so would only turn your lawn and garden into a free buffet for wild animals. And before you even realize it, the whole food chain can and will be involved.

Just as you see prey animals like deer around Beech Mountain. Assume that other predatory beasts are close by. Such as coyotes and bobcats. There have even been sightings of mountain lions from time to time. But the animal you need to worry about the most is the black bear population. Yes, Beech Mountain is the home of black bears. If you want to hike, jog, or walk your dog, best to do it during the daytime. Because black bears often come out at night. And it's also easier and safer to see the trail when it's not dark. But the bears can also appear during the daylight too. So when on the trail, keep your eyes peeled and head on a swivel. While shopping for hiking gear in Fred's General Mercantile. Be sure to grab some bear bells for yourself, your family, and your dog. The bears can and will keep their distance if they know you're there before they see you. Why? Because black bears don't like being surprised. If you somehow just jump out from nowhere from a bear's point of view. They'll attack... Unlike grizzlies or Kodiak bears... Black bears are known to kill more humans than most other bear species. Fortunately there has been no fatal bear encounters on Beech Mountain so far. And hopefully this Vocal post will keep it that way.

Bears are omnivores, which means they eat both plants and meat. So when they smell a possible food source from miles and miles away. They'll come for it first chance they get. Even if it's leftover scraps in the garbage. So when disposing of your trash. Take it to the Beech Mountain dump first chance you get. Because the bears can and will make a mess if you leave your trash outside for too long. And you've just come back from grocery shopping. Make sure you remember to take "all" of your groceries out of your car. And make sure that your car is locked. If any type of food is left in an unlocked vehicle. The bear will have no trouble opening the door. For example, there was one time when a local woman forgot she left carrot cake cupcakes in her car. Cause the next day, the cupcake containers were found scattered and smashed all over the yard. With the car door wide open. Needless to say that a bear had opened the car and ate the cupcakes. What was surprising that the nether the car door or interior was damaged. The bear had opened the door and removed the cupcakes without leaving a scratch. But it did leave behind some dirt from it's paws and a bad lingering odor in the car. So remember, avoid feeding any of the animals on Beech Mountain. Especially the bears!!!

Every once in awhile, you might see black bear cubs in the area. And then you'll be, "Awww. How cute. <3" No doubt it would feel like a Disney cartoon in a way. There is something about a bear cub that's like a giant teddy bear you'd want to hug, squeeze, and cuddle. WAIT!!! If you see any bear cubs at all. Avoid them at all costs!!! When there are bear cubs, expect their mother to be somewhere very close by. Because a mother bear will remain hidden while keeping her cubs in sight at all times. Once again, learn the difference between a wild animal and a petting zoo. Keep your distance and move away from the cubs. Because if a mother bear senses a perceived threat to her young. She will come running in to attack aggressively to protect her cubs. So get the idea of taking a selfie with a bear cub out of your head. And if you see a bear cub in your backyard. Keep any small children you may have inside.

Since you decided to come to Beech Mountain for a good time. Just remember that the local black bears are dangerous wild animals. They practically come with their own unwritten warning label. Just be sure to dispose of your trash at the dump properly. Because some people arrogantly view bears as dumb animals. But they do have a remarkable learning ability. Mainly when it comes to food sources. On Beech Mountain, bears often sniff around trash cans and dumpsters at restaurants. And this is why the dump is a fenced off area. It because the bears perceive any uneaten leftovers or scraps thrown away in the garbage as one of their primary food sources. From half eaten cheeseburgers to moldy casseroles. If you end up thinking that the bears are invading your property. Then you have no idea on how wrong you really are. The bears aren't invading any public or private property. In reality, humans are the real invaders. Because the locals have torn down some trees and built houses in their territory. And some people think that getting a shotgun would solve the bear problem. But shooting animals within town limits is illegal. The only possible solution that doesn't end with violence or an animal's rights lawsuit. Is to learn how to live with the bears. And the best way to prevent bear related problems is to cut off their access to the garbage. Doing so will force them find a food source somewhere else. Of course that might be easier said than done. There are plenty of things on Beech Mountain black bears can find to eat in other people's backyards. Berry bushes, fallen nuts from trees, wild edible mushrooms, etc... And if a coyote or bobcat succeeds in killing a deer. All the bear would have to do is scare the animals away and help themselves to some fresh venison. And during the pre-hibernation months, the bears will go for as much food as they can find to fatten up for the upcoming winter.

Now that you know about Beech Mountain's black bear population. It might help you be more prepared for when you decide to travel to North Carolina's highest mountain town. As long as you remember to properly dispose of your trash and keep as far from the bear cubs as possible. You'll find your stay on Beech Mountain enjoyable.

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About the Creator

Matthew Sposato

Hobbyist writer and aspiring author.

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