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9 Must Ask Questions Prior To A Roadtrip

When Wanderlust Whispers, Wisdom Wonders – Are We Ready?

By Nathan ChenPublished 11 months ago 3 min read
9 Must Ask Questions Prior To A Roadtrip
Photo by averie woodard on Unsplash

(Disclaimer: The following tips might cause spontaneous road trips and excessive usage of the phrase "Oh, I totally knew that". Use them wisely.)

Can I Handle Hours in a Vehicle?

Now, I'm not saying that you'll transform into a human pretzel, but let's be honest – eight hours of road, mixed with an extra dose of traffic, can easily turn a fun journey into a test of patience. Do a mental check-in. Can you handle hours on end in a confined space, or are you more of the teleportation persuasion? If your wanderlust trumps your discomfort, congrats! You're one step closer to that road trip. However, if you're looking doubtful, consider shorter trips first. Easing into it might be the key!

Is My Vehicle Reliable Enough for the Journey?

Your ride should be more of a sturdy stallion and less of a… well, let's just say, a limp llama. Take your vehicle for a tune-up or risk becoming BFFs with every mechanic along the route. Fluid levels, brakes, tires, and a dozen other things should be on your checklist. Remember, the aim here is for your car to purr like a kitten, not growl like a grumpy bear woken up mid-hibernation.

By paje victoria on Unsplash

Have I Mapped Out My Route?

I'm all for whimsical adventures but let's not forget that getting lost on a straight road requires a special set of skills. Mapping out your route, knowing your rest stops, and keeping track of gas stations can save you from a fiasco, not to mention spare you from becoming the central character in a real-life survival show. And, hey, Google Maps is a wonderful co-pilot but keep a physical map handy. You never know when you'll find yourself in a signal black hole!

Do I Have a Solid Budget?

Budgeting is like the spinach in your smoothie – it's not the most exciting part, but it's essential. Calculate your gas, accommodation, food, and a miscellaneous fund for those cute roadside souvenirs you just have to have. Also, factor in a 'just-in-case' fund. Flat tire? Extra fund. Unexpected toll booth? Extra fund. Alien abduction insurance? Extra fund. You get the drift.

By Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

What's My Playlist Looking Like?

Now, music and road trips go together like popcorn and movies. Let's avoid those awkward silences, where the only sound is your vehicle's engine, and you're left contemplating existential crises. Create a playlist that will have you singing at the top of your lungs, jamming with invisible drums, and chair-dancing like nobody's watching. Road trips are the best concerts, where you're the star and the highway is your stage!

Have I Packed Enough Snacks and Drinks?

Dehydration and hunger aren't fun passengers to have on board. Load up on water, healthy snacks, and a cheeky treat or two. Do you really want to be caught snack-less in the middle of nowhere, negotiating with a cranky vending machine that only accepts exact change? I didn't think so!

By Carlos Lindner on Unsplash

Are My Documents in Order?

Before you hit the road, it's time for some adulting. Check your driver's license, registration, and insurance. Being able to confidently flash these to a traffic officer can save you a lot of time, not to mention preserve that perfect singing voice for your backseat concert!

Do I Have a Plan for Emergencies?

No one likes to imagine a breakdown or getting lost in an unfamiliar town. But having a contingency plan could mean the difference between a slight detour and an all-out disaster. Pack an emergency kit, have a contact person, and know the local emergency numbers for the places you're visiting. On a lighter note, remember that a sense of humor can be the best tool in your emergency kit!

Have I Embraced the Spirit of Adventure?

Road trips are equal parts planning and spontaneity. Be open to the unexpected and the moments that make your journey unique. That surprise detour leading to the most scenic sunset? Yes, please! And remember, if everything went according to plan, we'd have fewer hilarious stories to tell.

So, my friends, ask yourself these questions and pack your bags (or not, if you're one of those spontaneous, adventurous types). Your highway adventure awaits!

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About the Creator

Nathan Chen

I'm Nathan Chen, a queer Asian writer advocating for LGBTQ+ issues, Asian representation, millennial lifestyle, work life & mental health. Let's explore life's complexities together!

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