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The female gaze

Does it really exist?

By KaikamahinenaniPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
image from -i-D magazine VICE

Through her eyes

The term "female gaze" was coined by feminist film theorist ,Laura Mulvey, in order to combat the "male gaze"theories. To say that women don't have to exist in a world where they are under the attention of straight men at all times. Nor do they have to be represented by anyone in a negative or untrue way. To say that there is a chance to be seen as beautiful, sexual, and intelligent human being without being considered an accessory. There is a chance to lead and feel heard. So that women don't feel that they have to subject themselves to the idea that in order to be desired,or respected, they have to take part in the male fantasy. Whereas the male gaze may be focused on sexualizing and objectifying women, the female gaze is the opposite. Being that it focuses on how there is more to a woman than just her body and sexuality. However her sexuality is still a part of her, it's just a small aspect of who she is. Not her entire personality, or reason for being on earth.

Through his eyes

Despite this new-found awareness. There are some people, mainly straight men, who have made it difficult for others to see the female gaze in the way it was first portrayed. There are some that say that the female gaze is how women objectify men. And, by this sense of definition, this would mean that the female gaze doesn't exist. Because this would suggest that for years, in our society, women were the ones dominant, while men were the ones who always had to be subservient. Which is not true. That's not to say that straight women are not able to objectify a man. That's just saying that generally the male gaze has tried to control women and their views on themselves with years and years of stereotypes and expectations.

Too powerful to be an object

image from "Age of the female gaze" that reminds me of myself

Not only does the female gaze express that we don't have to fall subject to the male gaze, but it also conveys sexuality in a whole new light. Now sexuality isn't something to be ashamed of; something for so many years women were shamed for. The female gaze introduces that a woman is not a slut just because she shows more skin. Your body is powerful, and the way that you carry it is a reflection of how you see yourself, not what others think of you because of it. And especially not what men think of you because of how you present yourself. It expresses that a strong independent woman's sexuality can exist without having to objectify another person just because they are attracted to them. Therefore the male gaze doesn't have to objectify women just because they are attracted to them either.

See unlike the male gaze, the female gaze acknowledges the fact that there are other sexualities that exist outside of the heterosexual norm. For example if a movie perceiving lesbian representation was made through the female gaze. That movie is not being made to show lesbian love for male arousal, instead they are showing that lesbains exist without the consent of a man. Not just because they aren't attracted to men, but because no woman(straight or gay) should have to live in a world that was not meant for them in the first place. And then be forced to be subjected to the male view and opinion everywhere they go. This philosophy can even be applied to all genders.

Slaughter the patriarchy

I would argue that the female gaze does in fact exist. And it exists for the purpose of giving women the power they rightfully deserve over their own representation. It is a way to show that women are more than just their body, or other traits that are sexualited. It is a way to display that the world was made for everyone, not just men, therefore representation should be for everyone. Plus not only is it about how other women view women, it's about how a woman views herself. This is what we need in our media,films,music, art,poetry,etc. This isn't to say that all men are toxic bastards, but instead a wake up call. To all those you have neglected to notice the ones who have been silenced for so long and stand with them( not for or against).We are not alone in the world. We are not odd, or from venus. We have potential to be understood. And we can smash the patriarchy together.



About the Creator


Hi, I'm Hine


i <3 to write poems, trying other forms of writin

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  • Bohemian Bird2 years ago

    Enjoyed the read! <3

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