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Penny for Your Thoughts?

Creating a collaborative space for women and non-binary folks to share their mental health concerns, therapy tips, and make some fantastic art in weekly meetings!

By Kyra LopezPublished 3 years ago 6 min read

𝕄𝕪 𝕍𝕚𝕤𝕚𝕠𝕟

Hey, that's me!

The crux of my vision has been set on evaluating my mental health and healing my cultural identity by utilizing creative outlets. But where did this all begin?

Well, I was thrust out of Chicago into an entirely new home environment.

Moving out of the city last year, I felt extremely distanced from my usual safe spaces. I was once surrounded by a square surplus of skyscrapers, as Chicago is full of both multitudes and contradictions. It is a city that is never static, and a place to make your mark known or virtually unknown. There are the pangs of listlessness I feel from being away, and not being in the environment of my old daily life anymore. I found so much solace in meeting friends, ordering food in rare moments of solitude, and the sanctity in traveling on trains. When the pandemic began and jobs were scarce, I didn't have the funds anymore to support my apartment rent. With nowhere else to go, I knew that I had to seek out living at my mom's place.

In this time, I was reeling with my own negative thoughts pretty frequently. Within a cookie cutter neighborhood, I knew I was the only Mexican woman in a 10 mile radius with a few mental illnesses to spare. My identity was becoming lost in translation, and I wasn't able to talk to women my age who were in the area. Needless to say, there wasn't a defined communal space for me to express who I was, how I felt, and where I was going.

But, enduring this experience got me thinking.

My passions in life have sprouted from neuroscience, which I recently graduated college with in May 2021. The floating topics of mental health, womanhood, and POC identity have become the new staple of my journey. Achieving personal growth and finding people who matter greatly to you are essential in improving your mental outlook, and it was all I was hoping for. I wanted this sense of belonging yet understanding, which wasn't easy for me to seek out.

Some days I have attempted to make my own therapy appointments, which played a role to help the healing along. Those sessions allowed me to feel listened to, while acknowledging my problems as valid. Sometimes, I could connect with friends and get into some hobbies that I never could beforehand. But, I still felt like I needed something more catered to me. Amidst battling the emotions of mental illness, I was looking anywhere and everywhere for a space I could call my own.

What I realized after living here, is that clinical psychology and neuroscience are extremely special to me. Applying these skills in a community setting, such as with Black and Brown women and nonbinary folks in Chicago, would bring a lot of positive enforcement into my life. Graduating has only increased my desire for making these visions of safe community come true!

I love the idea of using art as a therapy method, and releasing emotions through bullet journaling. In order to make my passion of neuroscience, psychology, and mental health advocacy become a reality I had to think a little outside of the box.

This is where I came up with the idea of Doodle Desk, a mental health focused video chat for POC women and nonbinary young adults.

How I spend my time as an unemployed graduate^

My current life is narrowed down to a fairly simple schedule: checking countless emails, going to therapy, creating a few art pieces, and combing through Netflix movies. What I envision for the future makes me feel warm, welcomed, and satisfied with myself! I picture having the means, financial stability, and resources to offer a safe room for POC women/non-binary folks to talk about their issues.

My Vocal writing has become an insatiable hobby of mine, and I have been using this platform as a relief for my anxiety. It has taught me to adapt to new writing topics, connect with talented writers, and think outside of the box on what I consider important. People may be keeping up with what I post because they relate to the content, or they just want to offer their support! For both reasons, I am extremely grateful and honored to share my perspective on cultural topics, political movements, and lived experiences on mental health. However, in order for me to expand on this passion, I want to use my degree and love of art for something greater!

Hence, welcome to the concept of Doodle Desk!!

Credit: AdobeSpark Artists


𝗡𝗮𝗺𝗲: 𝗗𝗼𝗼𝗱𝗹𝗲 𝗗𝗲𝘀𝗸

Creating "Doodle Desk" would be the dream resolution I have for the future. This membership service would cater to women, POC, and non-binary folks to share their thoughts on mental health, identity, culture, and introspection. It would consist of weekly Zoom meetings on Tuesdays and Thursdays, with the option of purchasing a flower delivery service and art supplies package to accompany the video chat.

Personally, I have always wanted to join a collaborative group where I can express my thoughts while having fun! Receiving flowers every month when I am feeling a decline in my mental health would make all the difference. Getting packages in the mail is fun and exciting for many, and lets people know they are being thought of! Including those extra goodies as part of the Doodle Desk subscription would enhance the experience and serve to just make people feel good! By making a service that offers monthly flowers, art, and community, it provides a sense of ease or even friendship for those looking to connect.

Using my experience in psychology and neuroscience, I wanted to apply my education to a space that is both a place of learning and growing. Doodle Desk is a chance for art therapy to come alive, a moment in the week to release emotions, and a hub for understanding other's perspectives. Hypothetically, my goal for this membership would be to center the process of self-healing and togetherness for POC or minority groups.

During the beginning of the pandemic, I tried to craft a prototype of my branding cards for this subscription service.

If you were a member of Doodle Desk, here is what you'd receive from me!

Credit: Lillie C Creations- Etsy for Self Portrait

𝕊𝕚𝕘𝕟 𝕞𝕖 𝕦𝕡!

The chart above depicts the main tiers of membership that a person can sign up for. Tier 1 is free, and includes basic attendance to the weekly Zoom sessions. This tier is a baseline for all those looking to join a group without the extra items.

For Tiers 2 and 3, the flower delivery and art supplies packaging comes with this higher ranking in the membership. I wanted to price these fairly, while still having fun with the actual idea of Doodle Desk becoming a reality. While this could be an excellent side income, my real purpose is set on making a club that is inclusive and beneficial to my mental health. I'm hoping others can find solace in a group like this, as this community is something I have always craved within my own life.

❤️ Here's to the future of Doodle Desk! ❤️


About the Creator

Kyra Lopez

Writer from the 773

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