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Love and (candle) Light

with inner peace comes passion

By Darian JacksonPublished 3 years ago 3 min read
Courtesy of Shutterstock

Ya know, this is actually a funny story.

Did I think I would find the most calming of solace, find the sweet patience to muster, the passion to motivate me tenfold? The answer is no. Not until I turned 25. Not until my perspective slowed and the present moment set in.

I remember as a little girl, my mother would pull me out of the house to make our way to Bath & Body Works for the epic and ever so exciting, semi-annual sale. Each time this would happen, I knew exactly what it was she was seeking; we only have 10 of them for each room in the house. I also, had a pretty good idea of how long we were going to succumb to smelling every option the store offered. This was an event. This was the infamous candle event.

Courtesy of Fortune

Now I say this is funny, because I was never jumping for joy for this event, nor was I interested much at all. To anyone that has completed the task of smelling 50+ candles in one setting, by the end you're convinced each one smells the same, the label is wrong and your life is a lie. Up until the coffee beans come to save you and attempt at wiping your scent pallet from the last 20 minutes of scent overkill.

Courtesy of Imgur

Aside from the grueling scent test, scaling aisle upon aisle, you can't help but notice that these jars of goodness are actually kinda beautiful. Every now and again you come across a scent that triggers a sweet, sweet memory or feeling inside. You appreciate the beautiful flowers intertwined in the vibrant wax; setting the tone for whatever mood you're currently feeling. When it's chilly, the flame brings forth warmth and comfort to wrap you up in love and light. In time, I was discovering that I was becoming a candle hypocrite; after all these years of downplaying and complaining I was simply enveloped by them. Now, if my mother ever found out I was speaking so passionately on this subject, she would surely have a good laugh.

By Ralph (Ravi) Kayden on Unsplash

So a couple months ago, I was purchasing a plethora of essential oils for my oil diffuser at home. My partner and I are big fans of scents all over; the apple seemingly not falling far from the tree ;-) Around the same time, we were gifted a couple hand poured, wood wick, insanely beautiful, oil diffused candles. This got my mind reminiscing on old memories with my mother, but also sparked an idea. After speaking with my partner, we decided to put our creative juices together and began creating organic soy wax, wood wicked, candles diffused with essential oils and natural fragrance.

By Kelly Sikkema on Unsplash

After reviewing our product values, preferences, and competitive research, we came up with our company name, logo, labels, scent pallet, etc and mass ordered everything we need to kick off a productive day inside! Once we knocked out our first round of hand poured candles, we instantly fell in love with the seamless process, the endless combinations and touches of creativity. We became immensely grateful for the time we get to spend with one another while creating them and the opportunity to bounce our ideas around. This wasn't just a craft anymore, this was now our favorite past time turned financial endeavor all within the comfort of our home! This has brought inner peace to our world because we get to let our creativity run wild in creating a memorable product that appeals to most of our senses. We get to make our own memories creating, while attempting to trigger a positive memory within others with our craft.

By Federico Respini on Unsplash

I have always been told that when you're doing something you love, something that brings peace to your heart and passion to your soul; whatever that is, will never feel like work. As funny as it is, I am so grateful to stumble into a homemade craft, which so happens to be in a billion dollar industry. I'm no longer complaining about what was once a grueling task, but I am now basking in the aroma of my own creativity and hard earned product. It is through this newfound perspective that I have found purpose, peace, productivity and growth for years ahead.

By Noelle Australia on Unsplash

Love and (candle) light to all <3


About the Creator

Darian Jackson

25 years young.

inspired creative, entreprenuer and lover of life.

expressing herself through words, songs, images and sounds. writing her story daily, putting meaning to her path.

Welcome! :-)

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