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A Very Poor Attempt to Make Someone Smile - Amanda Abbington Edition

*Disclaimer - A very poor and feeble attempt to, at the very least, put a smile on someone’s face. Written by a student, who loves her idol very much, and is ignoring her actual uni dissertation.

By Rebecca SmithPublished 4 years ago 5 min read

We all have people who we consider to be highly inspirational and influential to look upon, and in my case, my idol (the ultra talented, gorgeous woman that is Amanda Abbington) is an excellent example of these characteristics. She’s an extraordinary person in my life, because of her enduring strength that I dearly admire, and she is also kind, as well as supportive. One thing I most admire about her, is her strength, which is ever-present, even through hard times. A single mother, who still managed to raise two wonderful children, despite holding down an often demanding job. Her children are an absolute credit to her; just one example of how incredible she is.

(Being) An Inspiration - ‘making other people want to do, or achieve, something.'

I have great admiration for her, because of her determination, how she never backs down, and the way she stands up for what she believes in. She speaks out against idiots and the horrible people that are out there in this awful world, she stands up for those who don’t know how to use their voice, and for animals, who can’t speak up for themselves. She promotes kindness and is a huge believer of women supporting women.

Amanda is striking in appearance. She is absolutely beautiful, and I dare anyone to not fall in love with her eyes. But with most people THAT beautiful, the beauty is only skin deep. Well, not with Amanda. Annoyingly, she’s pretty fucking beautiful inside too. Joking aside, she really is wonderful, inside and out. But she has one flaw. Just the one. She doesn’t know her own worth. She refuses to see herself through other people’s eyes. I mean, you could argue that it’s a humbling quality, but it’s kinda annoying too. I just want to shake her and make her realise that she means so much to so many people. We all have someone who we watch, and wonder how the fuck they do it all. Well, she’s that person for me. I’m blown away by what that woman can do and what she can handle. Sure, I don’t know half of what’s going on in her life, but I sure as hell know that it’s a shit load more than she lets on. But her strength and unwavering loveliness is bloody inspirational. I don’t know how she does it. She’s actually super-human. I wish I had even an ounce of her strength.

A Hero - ‘selfless, a genuinely good person, and someone who gets the undivided attention of all of us and causes change.’

Funny, isn’t it? Those who mean the most to us, often don’t realise their worth, because we never really take the time to thank them. To show them just how much we appreciate and care for them. I’m guilty of it, as many are. I often tell her how much I love her, but I don’t believe I do enough to really show it. I’m not good with emotions or words. I was raised to believe that showing emotion was a sign of weakness, and the whole stiff upper lip thing was gospel in my childhood house. But, I’m learning. And Amanda makes me a better person (I think), so I’m trying. But I really do appreciate her. I’m in awe of her and everything that she’s able to do, on her good days, but especially her bad. Nothing I say or do will ever be enough in my eyes, because she’s given me more than I thought humanly possible.

Lifesaver - ‘a thing, or person, that saves one from serious difficulty’

One thing the general public may not know about Amanda, is her ability to save lives. I can hand on heart say that she has saved my life more than once. Twice, when I was young, she unknowingly saved me. From a lot of horrible things that were going on at the time. She knows herself from a letter I once wrote her in 2019, what she saved me from. But it was big. Experiencing what I did, but being able to try and block that out, whilst she was on television, may sound pretty lame, but it helped me so much. Just focusing on her instead of what was happening to me, saved me from going fucking insane as a child. And I’ve never been able to thank her for that. I’m not even sure how I would begin to, without going into detail about what was occurring at that point, but it would be awkward and she doesn’t need all the gory details either. But the sentiment is the same: she saved me.

And not just when I was nine. When I was older too. She’s always been there. Before she knew me, when she first met me and now. Poor cow can’t get rid of me.

“Amanda Abbington is my hero.”

So, in conclusion, this was probably a very poor attempt at making her smile. But the truth is, I really didn’t know what else I could do. And I just thought, a random thing like this, may make her smile (if she ever sees it), even if momentarily. She really is an incredible person and she may hate herself sometimes, but there are lots of us that love you. I know my life would be very different if I didn’t know you, and I am so thankful that I get to experience a life with you in it. You’re my hero and I hope that one day, you realise how utterly wonderful and gorgeous and loved you really are. Thank you for being you. You’re pretty fucking amazing.


About the Creator

Rebecca Smith


Just be f*cking nice 🙌

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