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7 Travel Hacks for Women On the Go

Trust us— power banks, ear plugs, and menstrual cups are some of the items that you’ll be grateful you packed.

By Mackenzie LuPublished 4 years ago 7 min read

Created withINTIMINA

Top Story - December 2020

We’ve always known that women are bold, strong, and powerful, but now the rest of the world is starting to catch up, too. More than ever, women are achieving higher career roles, starting their own businesses, or working side hustles.

Shattering all those glass ceilings is rewarding, but it also comes with more responsibility. Whether to keep up with work demands or to escape and reset, travel is a central component of the lives of successful people.

While travel is exciting, it can also be very overwhelming. Don’t worry, we’ve got you— here are 7 travel hacks for women on the go. Whether traveling alone or with company, these travel tips are sure to make your experience smooth and enjoyable!

Travel Hack #1: Plan ahead.

There’s something romantic about spontaneous, unplanned travel in the movies… but in real life, it’s a nightmare. No, you won’t happen upon a kind stranger who will give you a lift to a perfect and practically-free bed and breakfast in the countryside. Quite frankly, if you want a certain experience, you need to work to make it happen.

Begin your plans by determining what your end-goal is. Are you traveling to a specific location? Are you looking to do a certain activity, like hiking or boating? Do you want to see as many things as possible, or are you looking to lay low? Many people know to book their flight well in advance, but some people are hopeful that they will happen upon a place to stay the night. Don’t assume that anything is going to work in your favor— it is better to over-plan and cancel (being mindful of cancellation fees) than it is to wing-it.

One of the most-common travel disappointments is feeling like you didn’t get to do the activities you wanted to do. This can easily be solved by planning and booking your high-interest adventures! Find one or two must-do activities, and research how to book or schedule them appropriately. We recommend booking your plans in the order of importance or availability— flights, then lodging, then activities, then dining.

Sometimes people mistake planning and scheduling days minute-by-minute. The best travel solution is to find the sweet spot where all the big events are taken care of, but there are open windows for spontaneous exploration so that you can fulfill a little bit of that rom-com fantasy.

Travel Hack #2: Prioritize safety.

Unfortunately, even though men should keep it in mind too, women need to be on higher-alert when it comes to personal safety. While planning ahead will help to take care of some of your safety needs, there are other things that women should consider.

Research the location you are traveling to, and see if there are any specific qualities of the area you should be aware of. Are you likely to be pickpocketed? Are taxis safe and regulated? Is there an area or a street you should avoid, especially at night?

Although we deserve to live in a world without these worries, we must protect ourselves by being informed and alert. One of the best safety tips is to always look like you know where you are and where you are going; don’t spend too much time looking at your phone or staring at maps in public places. If you know you’re going to be traveling or exploring alone, prepare a route in advance.

Pay attention to your surroundings, and if you feel as though something is not right, find a busy and safe area or business to step into until you are ready to continue your travels. Additionally, make sure you know or have saved emergency contact information for local police, fire companies, and hospitals.

By Kira auf der Heide on Unsplash

Travel Hack #3: Communicate consistently.

As an additional safety measure, make sure that you are keeping in touch with someone who is not on the trip with you. Ask a trusted friend to be your “communication buddy” while you are traveling, and plan together how many times a day you are going to let them know you’re okay and where you are. This way, loved ones at home know that you are safe and can help you if need be.

We recommend contacting your communication buddy during any interim travel as well, especially if you are using private transportation. If you are traveling to high-crime areas, it is even better if you can share your location with them.

Before you venture out for the day, be sure that your phone is fully-charged and that you have a portable charger on-hand if needed.

Travel Hack #4: Pack intentionally.

Oh, packing— perhaps the most-dreaded part of travel. It somehow works out that we either pack way too much, or far too little. What’s more important than quantity, though, is quality. To put it simply, some “needs” are more important than others. It’s annoying if you forgot your eyeliner, but it’s not going to significantly obstruct your plans.

Make a list of travel needs that you can access every time you’re planning a trip. Separate the list into sections— general needs, general wants, and needs specific to this trip. Taking the time to build an itemized list will ensure that you don’t forget any vital items or products.

When packing, be realistic. We recommend bringing at least one extra outfit and pair of underwear, but you don’t need extras of everything. Are you really going to wear five pairs of shoes in six days? Are there any double-duty items that you can get multiple uses out of? When you cut the fluff, you’ll be left with some extra room to pack what you really need. An extra bonus of packing intentionally is that you won’t feel overwhelmed unpacking and repacking at the hotel!

By STIL on Unsplash

Travel Hack #5: Be prepared for changes in your menstrual cycle.

Travelers need to be prepared to overcome any obstacles that might obstruct their plans. Women travelers need to especially consider how their bodies may change and act while traveling, and be prepared for headaches, moodiness, and bleeding. Yes, we’re talking about menstruation symptoms.

Believe it or not, period products are among those most-forgotten to pack. You would think that we would know better, considering all that we accomplish while bleeding. But if you don’t have your period while packing, you’re not likely to remember to throw your products into your suitcase. Even if you think you have the most-regular period in the world, the stress and emotions of traveling can create some hiccups in your monthly schedule. If you are a person with regular or irregular menstrual cycles, you should pack period products.

Our favorite period product company, INTIMINA, has curated eight period product bundles designed with every time of woman in mind. We love the Urban Warrior bundle, because it gives you options for both heavier and lighter days, as well as a cleaner and moisturizer to ensure that your period doesn’t cause any undue annoyance for your trip.

When packing for travel, space is always limited. Menstrual cups take up a lot less room than bulky packages of pads and tampons! If you’ve never tried menstrual cups before, check out the ABC Kit to test out the Lily Compact and other menstrual cups.

Trust us— period products are the one item you won’t regret packing!

Travel Hack #6: Collect memories.

Sometimes it feels like we come home with more items than we left with. When it comes to collecting souvenirs, be thoughtful about what you buy; souvenirs are often overpriced, and are often never touched again.

Rather than buying keychains and mugs, collect memories instead of trinkets. You will be much happier spending $25 to go kayaking for an hour than to spend the same amount on a t-shirt that will be shoved under your bed for the next seven years.

Considering the camera-quality of today’s smartphones, gone is the need for posters and postcards. We always make an exception to this rule when you stumble across something you truly love and will actually use— but chances are that in more cases than not, you will find more long-term happiness from memories than from items.

If you cannot imagine not bringing home a tangible memento from your trip, we still suggest avoiding stereotypical souvenirs (especially if you travel often!). Instead, treat yourself to something like a tote bag, a candle, or a piece of decor that you’ll always remember came from this place.

Travel Hack #7: Schedule you-time!

Last but certainly not least, make time to rest. This is especially important if you are traveling for work, but even personal trips can be exhausting. You don’t want to come home feeling like you need a vacation from your vacation! Leave open space in your schedule for some self care. Whether you visit the spa or lounge in bed, a few hours of calm can help you to ground yourself and reset.

Likewise, plan at least one special adventure or activity specifically for you. Work trips or vacations with large groups often mean that other people’s needs can take precedent. Find an opportunity to do at least one thing solely because you want to do it.

No matter the reason for your trip, traveling is exhilarating and worthwhile; don’t let the details keep you from enjoying your well-deserved explorations. With these travel hacks, you’re sure to explore stress-free and return home feeling fulfilled.


About the Creator

Mackenzie Lu

Namaste. Active yogi and life enthusiast. It has become her mission to spread the benefits of having the mind, body, and soul in tune with one another.

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    Mackenzie LuWritten by Mackenzie Lu

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