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7 Simple Steps To Achieving Your Dream Body

This Summer Season

By Freddie's Lost TreasuresPublished 10 months ago 3 min read
Look, But Don't Touch

Summer is here, which means it’s time to put away your bulky clothes and show off what you’ve got! Whether you’re looking to shed a few pounds or tone up, achieving your dream body may seem daunting, but it’s definitely achievable with the right mindset and plan. Here are 7 simple steps to help you get the body you’ve always dreamed of this summer season.

Step 1: Set realistic goals

The first step to achieving your dream body is to set realistic goals. This means setting achievable goals, such as losing 1–2 pounds per week, rather than aiming for a complete transformation overnight. Write down your goals and make a plan on how to achieve them. This way, you’ll be able to track your progress and stay motivated.

Step 2: Mix up your routine

Variety is key when it comes to achieving your dream body. Mixing up your workout routine will keep your body guessing and prevent plateaus that can occur when you do the same exercise repeatedly. Try incorporating different exercises, such as yoga, Pilates, weight lifting, and cardio. This way, you’ll be working different muscle groups and improving your overall fitness level.

Step 3: Stay hydrated

Staying hydrated is essential when it comes to losing weight and toning up. Not only does it help to flush toxins from your body, but it can also help to reduce your appetite and improve your metabolism. Aim to drink at least 8–10 glasses of water per day. You can also add flavor by infusing your water with fresh fruits and herbs.

Step 4: Clean up your diet

Your diet plays a major role in achieving your dream body. It’s important to fuel your body with whole, nutritious foods to provide the energy you need for your workouts. Try incorporating more fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and healthy fats into your diet. Avoid processed, high-fat and sugary foods which can spike your insulin levels and lead to weight gain.

Step 5: Find a workout buddy

Having a workout buddy can help to keep you accountable and motivated. You can encourage each other to stick to your fitness goals and push each other during workouts. Plus, it’s always more fun to exercise with a friend!

Step 6: Get enough rest

Rest is just as important as exercise when it comes to achieving your dream body. Your body needs time to recover and repair after workouts, so make sure you’re getting enough rest each night. Aim for 7–8 hours of sleep per night, and take rest days seriously. During your rest days, you can still be active with low-impact activities like walking or biking. This will help promote overall health and prevent injury.

Step 7: Celebrate small wins

Finally, it’s important to celebrate small wins along the way. Achieving your dream body is not an overnight process, so take time to celebrate each achievement, whether it’s losing a few pounds, running for an extra 5 minutes, or feeling stronger during your workout. These small wins add up and can help to keep you motivated along the way.

Achieving your dream body doesn’t have to be an uphill battle. With the right mindset and plan, you can transform your body and feel confident this summer season. Remember to set realistic goals, mix up your routine, stay hydrated, clean up your diet, find a workout buddy, get enough rest, and celebrate small wins. And most importantly, have fun along the way!

By following these seven simple steps, you can be on your way to feeling and looking your best this summer. Remember, the most important thing is to love yourself and your body, and to maintain a healthy lifestyle throughout the year. So go ahead, enjoy all the fun summer activities, and embrace your dream body!


Original story (created by me) published on Any changes and/or updates that have been added on are for content consumption purposes.

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About the Creator

Freddie's Lost Treasures

A traveler in search of lost and hidden treasures. I have assembled a lifelong learning of being in the business world and decided to take a leap to see what is outside the confines of brick and mortar and left the 9 to 5 behind.

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  • Freddie's Lost Treasures (Author)10 months ago

    Thank you.

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