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Punching: Week 2

Week Two: Should my hand wraps be this sweaty?

By Imogen WringPublished 6 years ago 3 min read
Fancy New Gym!

Days until fight night: 50

Well. We're two weeks into training. My calves have never been so sore, my hands have never gotten so sweaty, and I've never spent so much time wrapped up in ice packs.

Training has been brutal (so no change there). The first week of training was pretty focused on technique, and so this week was all about defence; ducking, weaving, and keeping your guard up. That's the one element I've struggled with when training on my own, as when there's no one punching you, there's not much incentive to keep your arms high (which aches like hell!). That's been a definite learning curve, and it's a skill I need to nail with sparring just around the corner. We've been starting the sessions with the same ten minutes of conditioning, and I think that's the part of the session I'm finding the hardest.

With training becoming so intense, I've tried to step up my training outside of the scheduled boxing classes, and be more dedicated to recovery. For the last year I've been using my local community gym, which is free to use on the weekends but doesn't have any boxing equipment. So, after being jealous of the cool new gym my flatmates have been members at for the last year that's only a minute's walk from our flat, I booked a tour at my local Gymbox. It's more expensive, but a huge step-up from the other gym I've been using, and you can definitely see the benefits of paying an extra tenner. It had loads of cool equipment (including a climbing frame!) and lots of punch bags, which were my main draw. They also run a lot of sparring classes that I'm going to try and attend alongside my other training. I'm also excited to try some yoga classes, as I do like finishing a workout with ten to fifteen minutes of yoga. On top of that, the changing rooms are gorgeous, and have a sauna!! This has been a good incentive to get to the gym when I really don't fancy it, and it's helping with the aches and pains.

I have noticed that I'm incredibly achey after training, even more so if I forget to stretch afterwards. This week my calves have been very painful, as a lot of the conditioning element of training has been focused on them. Being light and quick on your feet is such an integral part of boxing that we need to devote a lot of time to it, but training two of three days in a row of them was pretty brutal. Ice packs have helped, and I've also started using recovery protein shakes by FreeSoul. My favourite flavour is currently chocolate, as it's helping me get in my protein and (as I'm trying to eat more carefully) fulfills any chocolate cravings. Still, getting around London (and up and down my flat stairs) hasn't been much fun this week. For my own training, I've been trying to focus on some anaerobic workouts, such as sprints on the rowing machines and a few sets of 400m sprints on the treadmill. I've been told that this is the best way for me to prepare for the two minutes on, one minute off nature of boxing, and it's definitely helping.

Next week, we start sparring. I'm not gonna lie, I'm pretty nervous about it. I feel fairly confident in my technique and my fitness, and even though every session is exhausting, I do leave feeling invigorated and excited for the next session. Balancing training with university and work has been a challenge this week too, but so far I'm managing, and I do love being kept busy. So, aches, and pains, and sweaty hand wraps at the ready—bring on next week.


About the Creator

Imogen Wring

Writer and student living in London. I love film and am currently training to compete in my first ever white collar boxing match!


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