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The Wake-Up Call

Why is it important to save money?

By Kristen DeanPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

Even a welfare recipient can save money to the side. Someone who recieves SSI or SSD as well. Saving money has never been easy for a majority of people. The truth is every single person should have a retirement account. You don't have to put $100 in your Roth IRA. Perhaps place $10 or $8 per month, $5 or $3 is easier. Because of the internet individuals type blogs online to inform others how they manage their dollars. These people are known as financial bloggers. Bloggers can be useful. I've seen content creators on YouTube make a career discussing finances. If you're not starting off so great, watching YouTube videos can help you to manage your money. One example: How to pay off loan. Another example: How to keep up with your bills. There are also apps that prove to be effective in everyday spending. Much to anyone's surprise we humans do get old. That is why we need retirement. Once our bodies weaken, it could prevent us physically from working. I hope this will convince people. Don't beat yourself up if you're not able to afford your bills.

Saving money is not impossible. It's just very difficult to do. People have tried their best but they need a lot of things. The moment you realize you need that milk, that could be the last cash in wallet. Now that prices went up, a part time job may not be enough. Some monthly subscriptions have jacked their rates up. Depending on the usage of gas and electric, your bill may cost over $100. Wifi providers have now raise their prices. Depending how much data you use per month. In my opinion gas and electric should come free. We use these utilities everyday in our lives. It doesn't make sense to pay for something you use. That's like paying to breathe oxygen. I also feel sometimes there should be free wifi. Not everything can be free. Which is why you should prioritize your finances.

Come to the conclusion what bill to pay first. The bill to pay first is your rent. Second pay gas and electric bill, then your phone bill. You will run into dead ends at your first try. During my personal experience, there were times I wasn't able to save money for a whole year. Unfortunately after paying for a groceries I found myself broke. Sometimes your bank account is empty after each month. Another reason to save money is making car payments. Paying for a vehicle tends to consume most American's savings account. Consumers face penalties, having their car towed away. That is how it has always been. I never agreed with this mentality: "Oh you have no choice to but to put up with it." Why would you want other people to stay stuck throwing all their money away? If money was meant to buy nice things then I don't see a reason to earn money in the first place.

Saving money is about the long term not the short term. It's the individual responsibility to invest their money to themselves. Do not let subscriptions or loan companies consume you or take over your personal life. You should be able to enjoy a moment of your spare time. Not spend up your money paying all high bills and expenses. At last we live in an uncertain society with an uncertain future. The best thing for all of us to do is to think ahead. Think ahead will give us the ability to know what to do. If we don't maintain a sense of personal obligation, someone else could get a hold of our money. Also means no one will be allowed to use it. I do not wish to patronize anyone and that it is not my intention. I just want people to understand what is at stake.

personal finance

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