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The Unspoken Truths: What Historians Will Study but Media Ignores

In the fast-paced and ever-changing world of news cycles and social media, many critical issues go unnoticed or underreported. While the media focuses on the most attention-grabbing headlines, crucial aspects of our society are often ignored. These concerns will undoubtedly be of interest to future historians, who will scrutinize our current era and wonder why these vital topics were not given the prominence they deserved. This article sheds light on seven such issues that are quietly shaping our world.

By Liza Published about a year ago 3 min read

The Aging Population Crisis

Demographics are shifting, and the world is grappling with an unprecedented aging population crisis. With 70% of countries below the required population replacement levels, the consequences of dwindling birth rates and longer life expectancies will have far-reaching effects on societies, economies, and healthcare systems. Unfortunately, the media has largely neglected this looming issue.

The Lost Lockdown Generation

The COVID-19 pandemic has had a profound impact on education, with schools worldwide facing closures and disruptions. The consequences of these interruptions are severe:

• Reading ability in the USA is the lowest in 30 years.

• Maths scores are the worst since tests began in 1969.

• There has been a 50% rise in mental health emergency room visits for young people.

Despite the alarming statistics, this "lost lockdown generation" has been largely swept under the rug by the media.

The BRICS Overtook the G7 in GDP

A significant milestone was reached this week when the BRICS countries (Brazil, Russia, India, China, South Africa, Bangladesh, Egypt, and UAE) surpassed the G7 (Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, UK, and EU) in GDP. This shift in economic power calls into question the distinction between the developed and developing world. The new reality is an "ascending and descending world," with emerging economies gaining ground while established powers stagnate.

The Rise of Obesity in America

The wealth gap between the rich and the poor has long been a topic of discussion. However, the "diet gap" remains underreported:

• 29% of the world's population faces hunger and food shortages.

• 38% of the world's population is overweight or obese, with that figure set to rise to 51% in the next 12 years.

These stark disparities in access to nutrition and the resulting health consequences deserve greater attention.

The Video Game Industry Is Bigger Than You Think

Surprisingly, the gaming industry has outearned music and entertainment for the last eight years and is now larger than all music, TV, and film industries combined. Despite its colossal size and influence on popular culture, the video game industry often goes unnoticed by mainstream media.

Inflationary Industries vs. Deflationary Industries

The contrast between inflationary and deflationary industries is striking. While hospital services and college tuition fees continue to rise, the cost of TVs and software is consistently decreasing. The media has not adequately explored the reasons behind these divergent trends.

The Rise of the Leveraged Creator

The concept of "mainstream media" has become obsolete, replaced by "legacy media" and "new media." The only thing that gives "mainstream media" power is the legacy language of "mainstream media," akin to the Emperor's New Clothes. This shift is changing the way we consume and produce content, with the rise of the "leveraged creator" playing an increasingly important role in our information landscape.

• Branding in marketing started in the 1500's.

• Meanwhile, human facial recognition dates millions of years - which is why there's such a power law to individual creators.

These underreported issues will likely be the subject of future historical analysis, as they profoundly shape the world we live in today. By bringing attention to these concerns, we can begin to address them more effectively and foster a more informed andengaged society. The media plays a critical role in shaping our understanding of the world, but it is essential to recognize that not all significant issues receive the coverage they warrant. It is up to us as citizens to stay informed and seek out information on these lesser-discussed topics. By doing so, we can contribute to a broader and more nuanced understanding of the challenges and opportunities our world faces, paving the way for solutions and progress. Let us not wait for future historians to uncover these truths; instead, let us take the initiative to learn about and address them today.

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