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The 7 Different Types of Income Millionaires Have

Microsoft, one of the world’s top technology businesses, has made 3 billionaires, but it has also created over 12K millionaires, which is a significant figure.

By Claudiu CozmaPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
The 7 Different Types of Income Millionaires Have
Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

Indeed, we today have more billionaires than ever before, owing partly to the advent of the internet and globalization.

But creating or retaining money is difficult since the world is changing so quickly that if you aren’t clever enough, you may lose your riches in the blink of an eye; this is why the average billionaire has seven streams of income.

If something goes wrong, you don’t want to put all of your eggs in one basket! You’re screwed.

So, let us investigate the many sources of income.

1. Ordinary Earnings

The most common sort of income, often known as regular income. Wages, salaries, bonuses, and commissions are all included.

It is when you immediately exchange your time for money. Of course, it has its own set of constraints because your time is constantly restricted, but that isn’t the only issue with this form of income.

The government (US) collected 3.3 trillion dollars in taxes in 2018. and income taxes accounted for more than half (51%) of that. In comparison, the corporate income tax accounted for only 8% of the government’s revenue. This indicates that those with this sort of income pay the majority of the taxes.

Another 35% of income comes from payroll taxes, which are supposed to be divided between you and your employer in order to support social security, medicare, and other benefits. However, studies have shown that businesses pass on a portion of the expense to employees.

As a result, people with earned income pay 86% of all taxes, while billionaires pay nearly nothing.

In some ways, it’s the simplest type of income since you don’t have to do any thinking or take any risks; given a certain set of talents, you can get work, which is why it’s heavily taxed. However, it is not sustainable since if you quit this employment, you would lose your only source of money.

2. Gains on Capital

When you acquire an item, such as a stock or house, and then sell it for a greater price, you make a capital gain. Your capital gain is the profit margin.

Assume you acquire 100 stocks for $100 each, for a total of $10,000. If the stock price climbs to $120, you decide to cash out (12K).

As a result, your capital gain is $2,000. On long-term capital gains, the tax rate is normally 15 to 20 percent at best, and 37 percent in the short term. And if you pay attention, it’s very popular among millionaires not because the tax rate is just 20%, but because you can practically pay no tax on it if you’re smart about it.

The first method is quite simple. Just don’t sell; even if you make billions of dollars, you won’t have to pay a penny. However, this may not be feasible for everyone; you may need to sell some of your investment in order to have cash on hand. That is why there is a second option!

Tax-loss hedging! It is when you sell an investment at a loss in order to lower your tax burden. It doesn’t make sense at first look; why would you deliberately lose money? Allow me to explain.

Assume you are a professional investor with a diverse portfolio of equities.

Your stock “A” has climbed by $300,000, which is fantastic. But, regrettably, your stock “B” has dropped by 25%, making your $200,000 investment now worth just $150,000, and let’s assume you wish to sell $50,000 of your stock A to get some cash.

Ideally, you should pay a 15% capital gains tax (7.5K dollars). However, there is another option: sell your stock B first for $150,000 and then acquire a comparable investment for the same amount ($150K) to realize your loss.

Because you have a $50,000 realized loss, you may deduct it from your tax bill.

So, if you sell $50,000 worth of stock A, you may deduct the $50,000 loss. Your tax bill has been reduced to nothing! ($50,000 (capital gain on stock A) $50,000 (realised loss on sale of stock B) x 15% (capital gain tax) = $0)

It’s far more complicated than this, and I’ve oversimplified and skipped over a lot of information, but that’s the point! Typically, it is not done by hand, but rather by a computer using a special algorithm that makes it much easier.

Investors continually sell poor assets and reinvest the proceeds in a similar asset to realize losses since you may carry them forward for the rest of your life. As a result, when you generate a capital gain, you either significantly reduce your tax burden or pay nothing at all.

3. Income from dividends

However, owning stock does not provide you with the sole source of income. Owning stock is equivalent to owning a piece of a corporation, even if it is such a little fraction that it makes no effect. And it’s reasonable, given that corporations today have valuations in the trillions of dollars. And, as one of the owners, the firm is obligated to distribute its profits to you in the form of a dividend.

Companies that produce billions of dollars, such as Google, Boeing, or Facebook, do not often issue dividends because they keep the profits within the firm to reinvest. As a result, most investors are focused on the stock price rather than the dividend. However, corporations such as Apple do pay dividends. Apple paid a dividend of 73 cents per share to stockholders in November 2018. It’s not much, but it’s better than nothing.

Dividend income is taxed based on your income tax bracket, with the majority of individuals falling between 12 and 24 percent.

4. Rental income

Everyone’s favorite is definitely rental income. You own a home and then rent it out! It’s basically passive, with little need for active participation. However, in my experience, it takes far more time than most people believe.

Tenants come and go; some stay for a few months, while others stay for several years. Some people care about your property, while others don’t. Some pay on time and won’t cause you any problems, while others are just unneeded headaches, so it has its advantages and disadvantages.

However, there is also commercial property that you rent out to businesses, which might be a better option in some instances. In theory, you can rent nearly anything, from your car to your phone. Real estate, on the other hand, is the most prevalent.

5. Income from Royalties

In 1997, a man called Jeff Bezos submitted a patent for an online ordering system. You may simply click buy instead of first adding your item to your shopping basket and then hitting BUY (on Amazon). It seems so obvious that no one should have patented it, yet Amazon has made billions of dollars licensing this property to firms like Apple over the previous two decades. That’s why firms register for a large number of patents, even if they don’t need them, because they might be a source of revenue.

This is the true definition of passive income. You continue to get compensated after your labor is completed, but this also includes authoring a book and filming a movie. This type of revenue is typically common among artists. Musicians, for example, typically generate money by allowing others to use or sell their music.

6. Interest Earnings

It’s one of the simplest and most straightforward ways to earn money. It’s more of a passive income in which you’re not actively participating. As a result, the rate of return is often substantially lower than that of other types of investments. It is when money is loaned to the government, banks, or companies in the form of bonds.

Typically, the bank will take your money and lend it to someone else at a greater interest rate! It continues to collect payments from the borrower, then pays you back your half of the transaction while pocketing the remainder! In a nutshell, it is how banks generate money! The government frequently raises funds by issuing bonds! So, when you buy a bond, you are directly lending money to the government!

7. Revenue from a business

It’s exactly what it sounds like: the money you make from conducting business. either by selling something or by delivering a service.

And this is probably the most important of all of these types of income because, with other forms of income, you can expect a 5, 10, maybe 15% rate of return and the job is to minimize taxes, but that only works if you already have some wealth, whereas, with this form of income (business come), you can have a thousand percent return, especially now that we have this thing called the internet.

Of course, having several sources of income is beneficial; if one fails, you still have a plethora of others to fall back on; nevertheless, it is also a significant distraction. Managing one source of income is a full-time job; imagine what happens when you have several. So don’t hop from one source of money to another. Put all of your efforts into perfecting one of them first, and then when you’ve earned enough to establish another source of income with minimal work, move on! And, if you look closely, it is how individuals get wealthy in the first place!


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    Claudiu CozmaWritten by Claudiu Cozma

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