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8 REAL Things Poor People Do That Rich People Do Not

The Internet is full of articles like “10 things poor people do that affluent people don’t” or “15 things rich people do that poor people don’t.”

By Claudiu CozmaPublished 3 years ago 7 min read
8 REAL Things Poor People Do That Rich People Do Not
Photo by freestocks on Unsplash

Many of them are fascinating and entertaining to watch, but they don’t fully explain the difference.


Neither do I. If you suddenly start washing more frequently or watching less TV, you will not become wealthy because the actual difference is in the attitude, in the way you play the money game. We’ll look at eight ways that impoverished individuals do to keep themselves poor.

1. Poor People Participate in Defense

What are your chances of winning if you play a game solely on defense? Isn’t it either incredibly low or none at all? And yet, most individuals play the money game in the same way. Their major objective is not to win or to be the best, but rather to avoid losing. They only want to pay their expenses and remain out of debt.

The difficulty with this method is that if your aim is merely to be above the water, you will only get so far.

Of course, some individuals are a bit better than that; they save 10% of their salary, put it in the stock market, and pray that the stock market doesn’t crash so that they will have something to rely on when they become old.

But, until then, they’ll be stuck in the comfort zone of a low-paying job!

There’s nothing wrong with that, but if your only aim is to pay the bills, you’ll just stay where you are. Stop playing defense and start playing offense and shooting for the stars if you want to earn true riches.

“If you shoot for the stars, you’ll at least hit the moon,” a wise man once remarked.

2. Following that, poor people do not value freedom.

When I mention freedom, I don’t mean whether or not you live in a democracy. Living the life you desire, not the one someone else wants you to live, means doing what you want, how you want, and where you want!

That is why many people remark, “Money isn’t everything!” Don’t live your life just for the sake of money! probably the most well-known: Money is the foundation of all ills!

And yet, you might find folks laboring from sunrise to evening for little merely to keep the bill collectors away from their residence. doing the job that they wish they could quit, not only because they despise the work, but also because they despise their employer! They would leave that employment if they had the chance.

That is why money equals liberty! So, how can you expect yourself to seek money if you see it as a negative thing? Rich individuals keep growing richer because it allows them to do whatever they want with their life.

3. Poor individuals work really hard for their money.

It appears to be a bit contentious; aren’t you supposed to work hard for your money? Allow me to explain. What do most individuals do to increase their earnings? They work harder to advance, and if that isn’t enough, they may consider working extra or taking on a second job. The issue with this is that, no matter how much you are paid, your time is limited at the end of the day.

And wealthy people are well aware of this, so instead of working hard for their money, they let their money to work hard for them. They see money as a tool that can help them earn more money, rather than just a piece of paper that they can use to buy anything they want, as most people do.

Of course, you’ll have to work hard for the money at first, but for the affluent, it’s only temporary, and for the poor, it’s permanent. You will have greater freedom once you have earned enough money to replace yourself!

4. Poor People Concentrate On Obstacles

One of my pals wants to create a restaurant franchise. In fact, he has been telling me that for the last 3 or 4 years, but every time I question why he hasn’t begun yet, his standard response is, “I don’t have the money and I don’t want to go into debt.” And therein lies the issue. Poor people are always on the lookout for things to go wrong. He may have found an investor or saved enough money to get started in these four years. He hasn’t even researched the market, and he doesn’t even have a strategy. He feels that once he receives the money, the rest will fall into place on its own. But what will happen is that he will simply run against another roadblock. Whatever business you want to start, there will always be difficulties, and there are millions of things that may go wrong.

And if you’re like my friend, who doesn’t do anything but moans about how terrible things are, you’re probably in the same dire financial situation as he is.

Some people are even on a higher level; even if they have the money and all the necessities, they would remark things like, “What if it doesn’t work?” What if others find out that I failed? No one cares about it, for God’s sake.

5. The poor like to be paid on a time basis.

How frequently do you hear individuals say, “I deserve to be paid $50 an hour or $60 an hour.” I have a degree from such and such a school, I work harder than anybody else, and I am brighter or more skilled than everyone else.

You know what I mean! Nobody cares. At the end of the day, what counts is how much value you can produce.

You may be working harder than Jeff Bezos, but Bezos will be earning 4.5 million dollars per hour while you are whining since his company is delivering value to millions of people all over the world while you are complaining.

6. Poor people despise wealthy and successful individuals.

I was watching an interview with a successful and well-known entrepreneur the other day. Then I went down to read some of the comments, and I noticed that a lot of people were like. This jerk has no right to be on this channel; he is a slime.

And that really terrified me out since the guy worked hard to get there. Even if he inherited part of his fortune, he is certainly far more disciplined than you.

Some people appear to have a moral responsibility to despise the top 1% or certain wealthy families. Here’s a useful tip! Instead of disliking them, why not join them?

7. The poor believe they know everything.

This is the one that has gotten the most flak. What do individuals do when they run into financial difficulties? They grumble about it, and there are a billion things to blame, beginning with the politicians that control the country and ending with your employer.

However, if you encourage him to take up a book and study the fundamentals of money management. He’ll tell you, “This is my money, and I know how to manage it.” Well, if you’ve worked everything out, why are you constantly broke?

And then they’ll make even more excuses for you. And it’s not just about the money. However, everything else. Have you ever noticed that when individuals get into an argument, they strive to prove that they are correct, even if they are not? And, to be honest, I had this mindset as a teenager, when I was rather obstinate. But then I realized that if I keep going like this, I’ll never improve, so I stopped behaving as if I knew everything and started paying attention to my flows and how I might solve them.

8. The Poor Mismanage Their Money

Knowing how to manage money is not something you are born with; rather, it is something you must learn. Just because you have money does not guarantee you understand how to manage it appropriately.

People believe that starting to manage their money will limit their independence. They don’t want to stick to a budget or ponder long and hard before purchasing something.

They’ve finally received their salary, and they want to enjoy it. But the truth is that if you don’t manage your money, you’ll never attain financial independence and that fleeting sense of thoughtless fulfillment isn’t true freedom. Second, many believe that in order to handle it, you must produce a lot of money. Trust me, it gets a lot more difficult than you think, and if you can’t manage your salary effectively, how do you think you’ll handle ten times that amount?

You’ve undoubtedly learned by now that what makes poor people truly poor is a bad attitude, and not having money is one of the repercussions. The good news is that you can alter your mindset.

That doesn’t imply you’ll be sitting on a lot of cash the next day. No, but over time, you will begin to see things differently, think differently, and instead of moaning, you will begin to take advantage of all the possibilities that come your way, and your financial condition will improve.

A wise man once remarked that the greatest way to help the poor is to avoid becoming one of them.


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    Claudiu CozmaWritten by Claudiu Cozma

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