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How to write SEO-friendly meta descriptions for your blog posts

Why every blogger should care

By Mathis Raja OfficialPublished 12 months ago 3 min read
How to write SEO-friendly meta descriptions for your blog posts
Photo by Sincerely Media on Unsplash


The meta description is an important part of your article's ranking in search engines, so make sure it is both useful and engaging.

A well-written meta description can increase your click-through rate and drive more traffic to your site.

But a poorly written meta description can have the opposite effect. The goal of a meta description is to entice users into clicking on your link in search results.

It should be relevant, accurate, and specific enough that it makes users want to click through to read more about what you wrote about.

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What is a meta description?

Meta descriptions are used by search engines to describe the content of your page. They’re also used to promote your pages in search results, and they should be unique for each page.

Here’s how that works: when someone searches for something on Google, like “how to cook a steak” or “best thing ever,” their query will be converted into text and displayed at the top of the SERPs (Search Engine Results Pages).

This is known as an organic SERP — it shows up without any help from an SEO specialist or paid advertising campaign.

The organic SERP may show up before or after paid ads; either way, it has been determined by Google's algorithm as relevant information that users might find useful in their decision-making process about which site they should visit next time around!

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Why you should use it.

Meta descriptions are used by the search engines to display your article in search results.

They're also used by social media sites like Facebook or Twitter, which display them as a snippet when you share an article on their site (and they'll show up in your feed).

Finally, meta descriptions play a role in helping web browsers display your content—for example, Google Chrome will use it if you're on a website with Google ads and other widgets installed.

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How to write a good meta description.

When you're writing a meta description, it's important to be clear about what your article is about. This will help readers decide whether they want to click on it or not.

It's also important that you don't overdo it with keywords in the meta description—the more words there are, the less likely someone will see them as relevant and click on your link!

Instead of using every single search term in every single sentence of your title tag and meta description (which would look super spammy), focus on conveying some core elements: what problem are you solving? Who am I talking about? Why should I care?

If possible, make sure these answers relate directly back into whatever content was written by someone else.

For example: "How-to guide for SEO" versus "A step-by-step guide showing how anyone can become an expert in search engine optimization."

The meta description is an important part of your article's ranking in search engines, so make sure it is both useful and engaging.

The meta description is an important part of your article's ranking in search engines, so make sure it is both useful and engaging. It should contain relevant keywords and avoid using too many keywords in the first 160 characters.

The meta description is displayed as a snippet at the top of Google Search results when someone searches for your keyword phrase or key phrase (the actual phrase you want them to see).


Whether you’re creating a blog post, a page on your website or something else entirely, there are two things to keep in mind:

1) An article should be useful for the reader;

2) The meta description should be as engaging as possible.

This is probably one of the most important parts of SEO when it comes down to actually ranking well in search engines like Google or Bing that use algorithms based on how relevant an article is when compared with other content around it.

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About the Creator

Mathis Raja Official

"Financial enthusiast & affiliate marketer sharing my journey through finance, blogging, & YouTube videos. Helping others make the most of their money & reach financial freedom."

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