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How to do seo for your blog or website (The beginner's guide)

Every blog or website owners have the dream of ranking number one in google. SEO helps them. SEO is very powerful to get more traffic to your blog or website especially organically.

By The marketer's platform Published about a year ago 7 min read
How to do seo for  your blog or website (The beginner's guide)
Photo by Merakist on Unsplash

Every blog or website owners have the dream of ranking number one in google. SEO helps them. SEO is very powerful to get more traffic to your blog or website especially organically. If we do SEO for our blog it will drive more number for organic traffic to our blog and increase our ads revenue.

How you can do SEO is the biggest question

Let straightly drive into it

Here are 7 actionable steps to do SEO for your blog

1) keyword research for your blog

2) Including the keyword in the heading

3 ) Introduction paragraph with keyword

4 ) Image with SEO optimization

5 ) Include as many keywords as possible

6 ) Link to another website

7 ) Conclusion with SEO

Keyword research

what is a keyword?

A keyword is a search term that is used by a customer to search for a particular service or product in google or any other search engine.

There are two types of keyword

1) Long tail keyword

2) Short tail keyword

Long tail keyword

A long tail keyword refers to a keyword which is long and has brief information in it. For example 'how to create a blog in google using blogger'

short tail keyword

short tail keyword will be short but used by many. It doesn't contain more information but it is crisp. For example "how to create a blog".

So this is the difference between long and short-tail keywords.

Now you have to find a particular keyword for your niche. It is really easy to find a keyword to do SEO but you have to consider something which is very important while doing keyword research for SEO.

Consider theses things while finding a keyword for SEO

SEARCH VOLUMES: Search volume means how many people are searching for a particular keyword monthly. If it is high there is more chance of people visiting your blog or website because the people who searching for that are large so we can target a large number of people. If the search volume is low then the chance of reaching people is also low. If it has a low search volume, it will be really hard to get traffic for your blog or website.

In simple terms the more number people want equal to the more sales or traffic.


If the competition for the keyword is high then it will be really had to rank on google, so we must consider the level of competition a keyword has. you have to find a keyword that has low competition and high search volume in order to higher in google.

These are the two main factors that you have to remember while taking keyword for you blog or website. You can take or research the keywords from google ads or any other keyword research tool like SEMrush etc. It is really easy to find keywords for your blog or website. Next time while you do keyword research for your blog consider this two factors for getting a perfect SEO keyword for your blog.

Including keyword in your heading

Including keyword in your heading is very important SEO factor because google reads blog title. So placing our SEO keyword in our heading can help us a lot in google racking. so whatever keyword you are taken you must include that in your title or just put the keyword as a title. The best way to do this is that take a long tail keyword and put it as a title of your blog. It will be even more easy to do SEO with that. Title must be catchy and must include your keyword. In the title you can include one or more than one keyword to rank even more higher. Name you Heading with SEO keyword help in both way, it will attract audience as well as help us to rank higher in google.

Introduction paragraph with keywords

Introduction paragraph means the very first paragraph of your blog or article. In that you have to add some of the keyword so that you can remind google that this is what you are talking about. Adding keywords in the first paragraph of your blog can also increase your blog readers because it actually engage your readers and make them to read the full article. Putting your keyword in the first paragraph of your blog will tell the audience that your going to read only about what you have searched for (in google or any other search engines). Google always focus on the intro paragraph more so that if you put the keyword there it will automatically push you website higher. It is essential to add at least one or more than one keyword to be added in the intro paragraph. it is very useful for SEO.

For example: "Today we are going to know about how to create a blog in google using blogger in 5 minutes" in this way you can add your keywords to your intro paragraph to rank higher in google.

Image with SEO optimization

It start it with an example. If google has only one place one place in the top of the google, it will compare all the website and find a best one ( which is SEO optimized) and it will keep it there. While comparing websites if there is a website with the image it will give preference to that website then the website without the image because the user engagement level will be high in that website. Image is also one of the part of the SEO and what is written in the image is also a SEO factor. So always try to put images in between your blog which related to your niche. You can write a caption about that image with the keyword in it. It will also help you to rank higher. Make sure that you images is light weighed and it should not trouble your website loading time if it is it will ruin the entire thing so make sure that you use image which size is exactly as equal as the google recommended size for images. This can actually improvise the SEO of your blog.

Including keyword as mush as possible in the entire blog.

Content is the king of the blog. what you write is the blog is the main matter. Throughout the content you have to include your SEO keyword as mush as possible. Basically google reads a particular article and finds that, if one of the keyword is repeating again and again through out the paragraph, google will easily get to know that, this is what the blog is all about. So it will put you blog or website first for the particular keyword. You can add keywords to your Headings, sub heading, in image and paragraphs also.

One thing you have to remember, content is really important and the keyword help the content and google to rank higher so by doing SEO you should not disturb the originality and strength of the content. Either write in the way that these both SEO and content work together or make sure that your SEO keyword should not over take your content. Simply don't over do. Your content should make google to believe that you are doing SEO for the content that serve the people. We have to manage both content and SEO.

Link to other website

This seems to be very simple but carry lot of value to your blog. You can add any link to your blog in your niche. Remember it must be within your niche. Fox example, if your niche is about making blog you can add any link of your own website or blog link to other article that you have post already or to other money making videos in YouTube.

It will help to rank in google because the if you give your website link it, the reader click that and spend more time on your website.

conclusion with keyword

when you are concluding your blog, try to do it with keyword and a call to action. Try to engage your audience with something interesting in your conclusion paragraph. It should make you audience to take another step like posting a comment or reading more blogs or signing up to your email list.

You can do a simple step in the conclusion which will take you higher in google ranking is that you can tell you audience to put a comment which you say.

For example: say 'leave us a comment "how to create a blog" to get all my secret SEO tips' or say "sign up to my email list for more blogging tips".

Why we are saying this because it is our targeted SEO keyword so if audience put it as comment we can get more number of view.

Because google reader the comment section too. It has lot of values if your comment section is with seo keyword.

So this is how you can do SEO as a complete beginner. There is lot of things in SEO but it is completely for beginner who don't know about anything in SEO and want to learn it. If you want more like this then follow this blog.

Remember one thing seo don't work overnight take times google don't read you're content overnight. Google take time to place your content in higher and because there is lot of people who were also doing the same thing we do. The only way to rank higher is to do what we do better.

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Thank and catch you later.

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