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Financial Tips for New Entrepreneurs

What should I take into account financially before starting a business

By Mindsmatter.Published 2 years ago 3 min read
Financial Tips for New Entrepreneurs
Photo by Kristin Wilson on Unsplash

Starting a new business is a very attractive idea, but we tend to ignore the large number of details that must be kept in perfect balance. Marketing, finance, manufacturing, are just some of them.

The point is that everything has to be carefully managed when you are an entrepreneur. On an average day, you may have to deal with a big mess in the development of your company. It's easy to let your personal finances take a backseat when so much of your work life depends on your ability to balance things effectively.

Finances are usually the weak points of many entrepreneurs. You have to think strategically. Are you spending too much? What can you spend more money on and why should you? Are your bills paid on time or are they barely making ends meet?

Let's see some financial tips for those who are thinking of starting their own business.

Maintain optimal cash flow management

Most startups fail for a variety of reasons, but one is far more common than others: running out of money. You need to know where each dollar is coming from and where each dollar is going.

If you don't stay on top of your cash flow, you will put your business in a very dangerous position.

Control all expenses

With a new project, there will be expenses coming from all directions. Hiring a full-time staff member to handle the books isn't very cheap at first, so use accounting software to stay organized.

Not only will this help with cash flow management, but it will also make it much easier come tax time each year.

Limit your fixed expenses at the beginning

Keeping expenses to a minimum is essential for survival. You don't need a huge, elaborate office in the heart of your city or fully prepared meals three times a day.

Trade just enough so you can allocate the majority of your capital to growth, allowing you to one day realize any profit you desire.

Hope for the best, prepare for the worst

You never know what can happen when starting a business, so it's best to prepare for the worst possible scenario. Don't quit your job and eliminate your primary source of income until your business can replace that income.

Keep reserves, both personal and business, in an emergency savings account. You can never be too prepared for bad situations. Unfortunately, they happen, often when you least expect them.

Value the time

This tip is very short and concise: time is money.

Nothing has more monetary value than your time. You only have part of it each day, so keep that in mind when planning your schedule and daily tasks. Every second you spend doing something unrelated to your business is wasted time (and money).

Focus on customer acquisition

Without customers, you have no business. The sooner you figure out how to acquire customers and scale, the better chance your business will make it. Once you identify different acquisition channels, work on optimization to lower your costs.

Make sure you pay yourself

Your hard work and dedication alone are not going to put food on your table – it has to be paid for. While you don't need to pay yourself a big fat paycheck at first, make sure you pay yourself enough to live on.

Give yourself enough to live comfortably and focus on building your business. When you remove personal financial stress, it allows you to stay ultra-focused on your endeavor.

Set financial goals

Instead of saying, “I want to build a multi-million dollar company,” you need to break financial goals down into achievable, measurable goals.

Monthly, weekly, or even daily income goals allow you to stay on track and make adjustments as needed for consistent growth. You can even set small goals that you can achieve more immediately.

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About the Creator


Mindsmatter is written by Bola Kwame, Jack Graves and Emma Buryd.

De-stigmatizing mental illness one day at a time.

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