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Financial Freedom

Why You Need It and How to Get It

By Mathis Raja OfficialPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Financial Freedom
Photo by micheile dot com on Unsplash


Financial freedom is the ability to make decisions without worrying about whether or not you can afford them.

It can also mean having enough money saved up so that you don't have to work at all—or if you do need to work, it means being able to earn more than enough money so that it's never a struggle financially.

Financial freedom can mean different things to different people.

Financial freedom is a nebulous concept. It's not just about having enough money to live comfortably, it's also about being able to do whatever you want with your life and not worrying about how or where the next paycheck will come from.

For some people, financial freedom means being debt-free; for others, it means having a certain amount of wealth; and still others would consider themselves financially free if they could afford the lifestyle they want while working at their dream job (and perhaps even spending time with their family).

The thing is that everyone has different ideas of what constitutes "financial freedom" because everyone has different goals in mind when thinking about their future selves:

What do you want financial freedom to do for you?

Financial freedom is not just about money. It's about being able to make your own decisions and live the life you want to live. When you're financially free, you have the power to make choices that will allow you determine your own future.

Financial freedom also gives people the ability to spend time doing what they love instead of working for someone else who doesn't necessarily give a damn about them or their interests at all times—and this has been proven time and time again by studies done on how much happier employees are when they're allowed more flexibility with their schedules so they can pursue hobbies outside of work without having any interference from management."

Set the stage for financial freedom by understanding your finances.

The first step in setting yourself up for financial freedom is understanding your finances. If you don’t know where you stand, it’s impossible to make any meaningful changes.

The main thing to keep in mind when thinking about your net worth is that it's not just how much money you have coming in and going out—it also includes all of the other things that add up: savings accounts and investments, retirement accounts like 401(k)s or IRAs (individual retirement arrangements), business income from rental properties or other sources outside of work hours (like royalties from books), etc.

You should also consider what kind of spending habits are holding back progress toward achieving financial independence or early retirement as well as those which might be helping along the way—and whether those might change over time if certain changes were made such as cutting back on cable TV subscriptions or getting rid off some unnecessary expenses like those crazy-expensive smartphones everyone has these days…

Save safely and efficiently when you're building your financial freedom.

  • Pay yourself first.
  • Save for emergencies.
  • Save for retirement.
  • Save for college, if applicable.
  • Save for a house, if applicable (or at least some of your down payment).
  • Save for a car or other major purchase that's coming up soon (assuming you'll be able to afford it).

Make smart investments for both the present and the future.

By now, you know that financial freedom is possible and within your reach. But there's one more thing to consider before you start investing: You need to make sure that all of your assets are invested wisely.

When making an investment decision, there are several factors to consider—but some are much more important than others. For example:

  • Your current age and health status
  • Your risk tolerance level (or lack thereof)
  • How long you plan on holding onto the asset

Don't hold yourself back with debt holding you back.

Debt can be a good thing when used wisely. It allows us to buy things that we need, and it gives us a chance to start our own businesses or invest in something that will make us money down the road. However, debt is also dangerous because it can lead to serious financial problems if not used correctly.

For example: You may have bought an expensive car with your credit card because you wanted one of the newest models on the market but didn't want to pay cash for its purchase price (or worse yet—you were so excited about buying it that you forgot about all other financial obligations).

Or maybe someone gave birth during tax season and now owes thousands of dollars in medical bills due within 90 days (and no longer has any other way of paying them off). In both cases above, spending more than what you earn will eventually cause trouble since there won't always be enough money coming in each month after expenses are paid each month!

Commit to a financial plan that works for you.

It's important to set goals and track your progress before you start saving money. This will help you determine how much money you need in order to reach your goal, and it will also give you an idea of how much time it will take for those savings to accumulate.

Once a plan is in place, stick with it! Don't give up when life gets busy or difficult; keep working toward achieving financial freedom so that one day soon, all debts will be paid off and there won't be any reason not to spend every penny on whatever makes us happy!

You can achieve financial freedom with careful planning

Financial freedom is not just about money. It’s about having the freedom to do what you want and make your own decisions, which is why it's such an important part of life. Financial independence is also about being able to enjoy life!


Financial freedom is a dream that many of us have. It can be something as simple as being able to pay your bills on time, or it can mean having enough money to do anything you want. In order to achieve financial freedom, we need to take control of our money and create a realistic plan for how best to save and invest.

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About the Creator

Mathis Raja Official

"Financial enthusiast & affiliate marketer sharing my journey through finance, blogging, & YouTube videos. Helping others make the most of their money & reach financial freedom."

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    Mathis Raja OfficialWritten by Mathis Raja Official

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