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It’s Time For You to Admit You’re in a Cult of Belief

By M. ROCK STONEPublished about a year ago 7 min read
Your Mask is Your Religion

Personally, I’ve been criticized a lot for admitting that I’m a political Anarchist because most people believe that they need a government to keep them safe. Seriously? If that’s the best argument you’ve got, then you’d better try again. In the 20th Century, more people were killed by their government than they were by the luxuries of cancer or heart disease. It’s a little thing called democide, ever hear of it?

DEMOCIDE definition, Collins Dictionary

A casual glance at the record of our known world history should reveal (to anyone capable of critical thinking) that governments have always only ever acted like mafioso crime syndicates running a protection racket. You can imagine one saying to its people, “Hey, you’ve got a pretty nice place here. Sure would be a shame if somebody were to start busting the place up…” as they smash the storefront window. “Looks to me like you could use some protection here – and that’s going to cost you”.

So, people call that “keeping them safe” even though there’s no guarantee that they won’t come after you even if you’ve kept your payments up-to-date. Well, you can rest assured that your government will always “keep you safe” in the Federal Penitentiary (that is, of course, unless you’re Jeffrey Epstein), but "keeping you safe” isn’t their job anyway. Good thing too because if they run the “keeping you safe” operation anything like the DMV, you’d better make sure you’re not behind on your insurance premium.

Tim Robbins Says COVID Has Become a “New Religion”

Six Feet, Suffocation, and the Zero Trust Scenario

Now, think back to when this whole thing began. Remember two weeks to “flatten the curve”? I mean that was like three years ago, how’s that curve doing anyway? All the lockdowns, social distancing, and mask-wearing did nothing to reduce “viral transmission”. How do we know for sure? Because there were countries that did not impose “covid restrictions” on their citizens, like Switzerland (the home of those douchebags in Davos and the UN and WHO in Geneva), proving that a lack of restrictions did not lead to higher rates of infection.

The covid restrictions, however, proved to be incredibly effective as tools for social engineering – even though they were predicated entirely on a flimsy lie. Dr. Mike Yeadon, a former VP at Pfizer, has identified 8 Covid Lies behind the deadly and destructive global restrictions, but there is one that I find particularly insidious as it lies at the heart of the Zero Trust scenario and the birth of the prison planet in which we are being confined. Zero Trust means that you’re guilty until proven innocent and, along with lockdowns, was previously almost exclusively used to manage inmates in a prison scenario.

Dr. Mike Yeadon's "8 Covid Lies"

Up until this C19 business and the “novel” SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus became a thing, we all understood that if your head was stuffy and you were sneezing and coughing then that meant you were sick. If you weren’t though, if you had no symptoms of illness, if you were asymptomatic that is, then that meant that you were healthy AF. The covid lie that was used to manipulate the masses into accepting prison-style lockdowns, 666 social distancing, and self-administered slave-muzzle suffocation devices was that a person could be infected with this new and novel cold virus for up to two weeks without ever showing any symptoms or even knowing that they were potentially a civilization-ending Typhoid Mary super spreader. Except, that’s impossible.

As Dr. Yeadon astutely points out, it takes a relatively large amount of viral load for an infected person to be able to transmit their malady to another person – a fact which even “Ouchie” Dr. Fauci has stated on the record. So, if you’re not showing any phlegmy symptoms of being infected with a potentially deadly flu virus then you simply lack the viral load necessary to transmit your unknown infection to somebody else, even if you’re an asymptomatic carrier. There is, in fact, no evidence that asymptomatic carriers of any contagious infection have ever been a significant factor in the spreading of disease.

Oh, but this is a novel coronavirus and no human being has ever seen anything of its kind on the planet before, so you just have to throw all that useless scientific learning from the past out the window because it simply doesn’t apply here. Yeah, except no. It turns out that SARS-CoV-2 is only about 20% novel in comparison with its other known members in the SARS coronavirus family. That’s why the cool story about how this is a “novel coronavirus so you need a novel vaccine” made its way onto Dr. Yeadon’s list of covid lies.

View the full PDF in the RSTV Library

Take The Last Train to Stockholm Syndrome

According to Encyclopedia Britannica, Stockholm syndrome can be defined as a psychological response wherein a captive begins to identify closely with his or her captors, as well as with their agenda and demands.

The most infamous example of Stockholm syndrome may be that involving kidnapped newspaper heiress Patricia Hearst. In 1974, some 10 weeks after being taken hostage by the Symbionese Liberation Army, Hearst helped her kidnappers rob a California bank. – Stockholm syndrome, psychology, Britannica

In my opinion, this phenomenon of behavioral psychology can be somewhat understood by its relationship to a similar such phenomenon known as trauma bonding.

Trauma bonding happens when an abuser uses manipulation tactics and cycles of abuse to make the victim feel dependent on them for care and validation, causing a strong attachment or bond. This often occurs in romantic narcissistic relationships, but can also occur in families, friendships, or work relationships.

Choosing Therapy: The 7 Stages of Trauma Bonding by Erica Laub MS, LICSW

As you can imagine, this sort of thing could be quite handy in accomplishing the goals of social engineering. So, it should be no surprise that the intellectual elites of the Tavistock Institute of Human Relations (IHR) are known to have perfected the techniques of something they call trauma-based mind control.

Tavistock Institute has long been known as the precursor to the infamous CIA MK-ULTRA mind control program. Some say the Nazi doctor, Mengele, was secretly trained at Tavistock Institute before World War II began. Special Intelligence Service (SIS) of MI6 dealt with all types of mind control. Tavistock was under SIS.

Mind Control For Dummies, Tavistock: Mass Brainwashing Institute

Bush admits a lohgstanding practice of propaganda

In order to see how this relates to the lingering effects of the prison-style covid restrictions having been placed on civil societies around the globe, it’s useful to have an understanding of the simple three-step process that’s involved in a successful trauma-based mind control program.

The method to successful trauma-based mind control is three steps…

Unfreezing – Confusion and basic needs deprivation, questioning of identity

Changing – Implanting a new identity through information overload, control, and a system of rewards and punishments enforced by the group that demands compliance or loss of a relationship.

Refreezing – This reinforces the new identity, suppresses the old identity, and isolates the person from those who could make them doubt their new identity and new normal.

The above is a top-down model that views the methods of control from the authoritarian or controller. It doesn’t detail the biology, psychological torture, and the conflict of rewriting an entire identity that a person experiences under Trauma Based Mind Control.


This is the part where there should be light bulbs appearing above peoples’ heads with a caption that reads “Aha!” but, if you’re still having a hard time connecting the dots here, I’m not sure what to tell you. Do you suppose this apparent cognitive dysfunction that you are experiencing could have something to do with the military-grade mind control programming that you’re under? Or, are you still calling that “science”?

politicsopinionnew world orderhumanityeducationcorruptioncontroversiesactivism

About the Creator



VOCAL does not allow the vocalization of thoughts, ideas, beliefs, or opinions that call into question the programming narrative of your controllers. Real writers write on SUBSTACK. |

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