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Unbelievable Stories About Vladimir Putin


By silviu69Published 2 years ago 10 min read

Vladimir Putin is one of the maximum famous leaders of our time. He is likewise one of the maximum worrisome. In current years, Putin has invaded neighboring countries, stifled reporters and loose speech in his country, and reputedly solidified whole manipulate of the region.As his affect has grown, exciting tales have pop out approximately him. Besides his public career, Putin has lived a existence extra uncommon than all and sundry should want to have.

In 2013, Pope Francis visited Russia for the first time. There he was supposed to meet Vladimir Putin, but something strange happened. For 50 minutes, Pope Francis was just waiting. Finally, Putin arrived after having the Pope wait almost an hour. This is not Putin's isolated case. According to journalists, Putin is regularly several hours behind press conferences and other public appearances. Putin doesn't seem to care who he meets, no matter how important they are. In 2012, Putin made Secretary of State John Kerry wait three hours. In 2003 he was late for a meeting with Queen Elizabeth II. Totally inappropriate, Putin is delayed. He was reportedly two hours late for a meeting where the mourning parents of the children who died in the plane crash were waiting for him.

He made important officials wait up to four hours. The same was true for the Ukrainian president during the invasion of Crimea. While the president was waiting, Putin continued to bite him by spending a lot of time talking to motorcyclists on the streets. It's not just his public life that he is lazy. According to his ex-wife, she often wept because he was consistently late when they first met. So why is Putin behaving this way? Some believe that he does this as a calculated form of manipulation. Political critic Dmitry Abramov described Putin's actions "born from the desire to show that he occupies the" emperor's position "in world politics, as in the heyday of the Russian Empire." There is. Basically, Putin wants to convey the image that he is in complete control.

Since Putin is the most powerful person in Russia, it stands to reason that he has a standard of living far above the average citizen. Even so, it appears that he has a personal fortune which is mindblowing: $200 billion.That number comes from Bill Browder, a former fund manager in Russia who has become a critic of Putin. Browder claims that Putin has put together a financial empire that would make him the richest man in the world.To put this in perspective, Putin`s alleged net worth is more than twice that of Bill Gates. Still, there are those who call foul. In 2013, Putin claimed that his income was just 3.6 million rubles, or $101,000.While champions of Putin claim that he lives a respectable life, his net worth in 2007 was put at $40 billion, and by 2012, that number had become $70 billion. So what is the source of this wealth? In 2007, Russian political scientist Stanislav Belkovsky claimed that Putin controlled 37% of the oil company Surgutneftegaz and 4.5% of the natural gas company Gazprom. However, there is little way to connect Putin to most of the assets he claims to own. But think this way. As a Russian leader, he can use any assets he deems appropriate, even for his own personal benefit. Despite these exposures to alleged corruption, most Russians responded indifferently.

In addition to financial property, another extravagant secret about Putin was revealed. It's his $ 1 billion property on the Black Sea coast. Originally intended as a modest summer villa, it eventually grew into a modern palace. The first image of the palace seen on satellite showed a vast marble complex with a garden, a private theater and three heliports. Immediately the question arose: how was this paid? According to former Putin aide, the answers are lies, fraud, and lots of smoke and mirrors. Sergei Kolesnikov, who fled Russia many years ago, said Putin and his colleagues had come up with plans to improve Russian hospitals. They persuaded several Russian millionaires to donate to the company and used the money to import medical devices. Kolesnikov's company did so at a discounted price, and Putin urged him to divert his savings to offshore investments without notifying the donor. Part of the money was spent on the shipbuilding industry, while a larger portion was spent on "Project South" (also known as Putin's Palace). Kolesnikov even claimed that he was in the palace with Putin when Putin discussed security details during construction. He did not try to justify the palace. He believed it was his right to have it. Nevertheless, the property is surrounded by elaborate mysteries. Officially, the Kremlin claims that he has never been involved in the construction or ownership of the palace. However, according to the document, Vladimir Putin, head of the presidential affairs department, has signed to build a mansion on state-owned land. The property was reportedly protected by both Kremlin security forces and civilian guards, as if it wasn't bad enough. However, the security company denied this and claimed to have purchased the Kremlin uniform and ID card for the employee.

n 2013, Putin announced that he had divorced his wife, Ludmila, for nearly 30 years. Few people knew he was married, which was a surprise to many. Only Russian elites and Western journalists knew more about the union. Putin and his wife were photographed together, but few knew who she was. There were rumors about Vladimir and Ludmila, but none of them were good. Some say that Ludmila was forced into the monastery. Others claimed she had taken medicine or was killed. But Putin's marriage was different. During his KGB era in the 1980s, Putin was portrayed as a molester and a woman. So Putin's marriage seems to have been destined from the beginning. When Putin was appointed to replace Boris Yeltsin in 1999, Ludmila cried because he "never saw each other." Putin has two children, both of whom grew up when Putin announced his divorce. Putin was alleged to have been dating someone else before the divorce, but Vladimir and Ludmila announced goodbye to each other. Perhaps the most interesting fact about divorce is that if a Russian couple divorces, their income must be split into 5050. So is Putin based on his relatively small salary or billions of dollars in wealth?

When Putin first invaded the Ukrainian region of Crimea, there was international outrage. However, he was allowed to annex the territory and soon had complete control. This understandably angered the people of Ukraine.But what Putin did next especially infuriated them: He drank a 240yearold bottle of wine, a national treasure in Ukraine, with disgraced former Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi.After Putin claimed control of Crimea, he went to the Massandra Winery, which claims to have the largest collection of wines in the world. There, he and Berlusconi drank a bottle of 1775 Jeres de la Frontera which was brought to the region by Count Mikhail Vorontsov when Catherine the Great controlled the Russian Empire.While this may have seemed to be a simple diplomatic gesture between friends, the former prosecutor general of Crimea didn`t take it that way. In 2014, he filed a lawsuit against Putin with estimated damages of £60,000 for the bottle.It is unknown if Ukraine`s case will receive any serious attention because of the state of affairs under Putin. However, according to the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Berlusconi's visit to the region violated EU regulations and was therefore illegal.

In 2005, New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft visited Russia to meet Vladimir Putin. There he was believed to have given Putin his Super Bowl XXXIX ring. It was an official story for many years, but Kraft finally decided to tell a true story about what happened to his iconic $ 25,000 ring: Putin stole it. During a meeting with Putin, Kraft showed him a ring. Putin then received it and said, "You can kill someone with this ring." Putin put it in his pocket when Kraft tried to get his ring back. He left surrounded by three KGB agents. From there, the story becomes even more strange. The White House then called Kraft and asked him to give Putin a ring as a gift to keep Russia in good relations with the United States. Kraft agreed, and it wasn't until 2013 that he told the press the full story. Soon, a prominent person was involved. Senator John McCain called Putin and demanded that his ring be returned. Putin refused to take his ring, but he offered to replace it. Rather ironically, Putin said: .. .. According to The New York Times, the ring was stored in the Kremlin Library's government gift-only section.

In 2010, Putin shocked the audience with his musical skills while in St. Petersburg for a charity event. He went to the piano and started playing it well. Then he picked up the microphone and sang the popular American song "Blueberry Hill" in perfect English. The audience included celebrities such as Sharon Stone and Kurt Russell, but perhaps no one had seen such a gentle side of the famous stone leader. Despite his talented piano playing, Putin understated his skills. "Like most people, I can't sing or act, but I like to do it," he said. According to his press, Putin learned the lyrics for "Blueberry Hill" as part of his English study. There was another opportunity for Putin to show off his piano skills. In a meeting with the boys choir, he sat in front of the piano and said, "The song doesn't work, but I'm trying to play it. While the choir is singing, he begins to play the song" Window of Moscow. " I did. After he was done, they cheered him on.

In 2015, Putin began one of the most bizarre public campaigns in history: a boycott against European foods. French cheeses, Polish apples, and other imported delicacies were gathered in St. Petersburg and destroyed.Officially, the destruction of the food was to retaliate against the countries that boycotted Russia after the annexation of Crimea. But many natives noticed a more frightening parallel.St. Petersburg had been the site of a brutal Nazi invasion in which many of the citizens starved and went to desperate lengths to find food. There are still many older citizens of the city who remember the hard times during the siege, and they made it clear that they were horrified by Putin`s wasteful display.The ploy by Putin has become something of a public flop. The first week after Putin gave the order to destroy imported foods, over 600 tons were bulldozed. Many Russians were angry with the ruthless attitude of the government. In an interview with the BBC, muscovite Olga Savereva said: It's like our authorities don't care about people. Saveleva has begun an online petition to overturn Putin's orders. As of August 2015, her petition has already collected over 285,000 signatures. The effects of food destruction are already felt. According to Saveleva, inflation is rising and rising food prices are putting more and more people in poverty. After the protest, the Kremlin admitted that public food destruction seemed bad. However, they said the food was illegally smuggled and had to be confiscated anyway.

In 2011, the world was waiting to see if Putin would serve as Russian president for the third term. Of course he did. But at the time, surprisingly, Outdoor Life was one of the few Western magazines interviewed with him. Many have seen pictures of Putin's hunting and horseback riding, and his interview confirmed that he was an athlete. Interestingly, Putin revealed that most of his favorite reading material was American literature. Of the three authors Putin mentioned, Jules Verne was the only European. The other two were Americans Jack London and Ernest Hemingway. In an outdoor life interview, Putin said, "The brave and imaginative people in their books who embark on exciting adventures have definitely shaped my inner self and fostered a love for nature." Said. Hemingway's novel that wasn't about hunting. Putin's favorites are bell tolls, farewells to weapons, old men and the sea. All of these novels are about dark and injured characters, not wild adventurers. Putin also described the infamous adventurous figures Theodore Roosevelt and Barack Obama as US male presidents. Putin's interview may have been just a public relations campaign, but his admiration for the American writer seemed real.

Putin, as a Russian leader, has a long-standing reputation for cruel, cold and potentially criminal behaviour. But contrary to this image, there is the fact that Putin is an animal lover who confessed. From pet dogs to tigers to polar bears, there are hundreds of pictures of Putin spending time with animals. So the question is, does Putin really like animals, or is he just trying to show affectionately? According to Yankubik of University College London, there are three messages Putin is trying to convey through photographs of his animals. First, he rides a shirtless horse and strives to set Russia apart from other European countries. He describes himself as a rational man and a powerful beast, and describes Russian men as masculine compared to "softened" European men. Second, Putin is trying to show that he is not a ruthless dictator. Finally, in a photo of a calm and fierce animal, Putin shows that he can be a benevolent but tough, tame wildlife if needed. Putin's personal website details his work with animals, including endangered species such as the Siberian tiger, polar bear, beluga whale, and snow leopard. Officially, Putin chairs the Board of Trustees of the Russian Geographical Society, which works with most species in the country.


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