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Things That Really Aren't A Thing

PC Culture IS Getting Worse and Worse

By Jason APublished 4 years ago 5 min read

I think it’s safe to say that most reasonable people of all backgrounds, ages, ethnicities and genders agree that political correctness has spiraled out of control. That being said, it seems that it has even gotten to a point that we completely make things up out of nowhere in the name of political correctness and the idea of being ”woke” in this modern society. Here are 10 examples of concepts that have come about through the lens of PC culture and why they are really just false realities.

1 – White Privilege

How is it that somehow people are now suggesting that white people, especially men, have built in benefits in society? This is basically using occasional and likely very rare incidents to suggest a widespread issue for people. I know many white people who grew up with very little. Some made something of their lives, others didn’t. Same goes for every race and gender. And, while there are some cases in which minorities may be pulled over by police or face other problems a little more often, there are also advantages to being a minority like scholarships, job quotas, a less likelihood of being fired out or fear of a discrimination lawsuit…The truth is, we are on a more even playing field than ever.

2 – Systemic Racism

The idea that our nation in the US is systemically racist is ridiculous. First off, anyone who says this either has a warped view of reality or doesn’t understand what “systemic” means. I’m inclined to think that in most cases it’s the latter.

The word “systemic” is actually a medical term defined as “Relating to or affecting the entire body or an entire organism.” The definition can reasonably be extended to include a general sense that something is widespread. This is clearly not applicable to racism as that it is obviously and even statistically the exception and not the rule.

3 – Being “Triggered”

When it comes to mental health conditions, we often use the word triggered. In those cases, it is legitimate. However, in PC culture we are not referring to mental health but to people who simply don’t like and are angered by what you have to say, what you wear or what you think. The solution to being triggered in these cases, grow up and deal with it.

4 – Gender Pay Gap

This one is basically an issue of a few industries throwing off the averages and making it look like something it is not. I have never been in a job in which a female coworker doing the same thing made less money per hour that myself. I know this for a fact. You won’t find this happening anywhere in our country in jobs held by your average person. The only places in which this exists are a few careers that usually make very high salaries to begin with like professional athletes, A-list actors and other notable figures in entertainment.

In the case of sports, it is often because men’s sports generate more revenue. And in some cases, like the modeling industry, women massively out-earn men. It was a big joke for a long time how Gisselle out earned her husband Tom Brady.

5 – Micro Aggressions

These are often considered commonplace or daily verbal, behavioral or environmental actions that may either intentionally or unintentionally give off hostile or prejudice slights or insults to someone.

First and foremost, this can’t really be defined because each person’s perception varies. Second, anyone can take something in a way that it isn’t intended and when that happens, it’s not the fault of the person giving but the person receiving. Sure, outright nastiness and prejudice have no place in a civil society but we can’t go around legislating what we think someone might have meant or thought with no real basis to back it up.

6 – …”Phobic”

Here is another issue of people using a term without understanding its meaning. When we call someone Xenophobic, Homophobic or any other term, we imply hate or distain. In reality the definition is “A persistent, abnormal, and irrational fear of a specific thing or situation that compels one to avoid it, despite the awareness and reassurance that it is not dangerous.” Thus, instead of shunning people for “phobias” if they do have them at all, we should be having pity on them and provide support.

7 – Income Inequality

Yes, there is some truth to the fact that minorities sometimes make less money on average. With all things being equal, this should not be the case. However, not all things are equal all the time. For example, if you don’t graduate from college, you’ll probably make less. If you work in an area with less opportunity, you will probably make less. In some cases, it’s a matter of effort inequality. No matter what background you come from, you have the opportunity to make something of yourself. Millions of people have done it and so can you.

8 – Safe Spaces

These locations which are often associated with college campuses aim to allow people to speak freely without the fear of harsh criticism or any type of backlash. That’s great. Who wouldn’t be for that? The problem is that this is generally only applicable to one viewpoint. If you have a dissenting viewpoint, it will not be welcome or tolerated. This actually brings about a lack of freedom of speech.

9 – Cultural Appropriation

To say someone cannot adopt elements on another culture into their lives without complete and total consent from the original culture is insane. Do you have a favorite taco place? I guess you can’t eat their anymore unless you’re Mexican. Do you wear pajamas? Not allowed unless you get permission from the great nation of India. It’s just laughable on so many levels.

I understand making fun of a culture is not cool. But, in the vast majority of incidents, it’s not about criticizing a culture but celebrating one.

10 – Identifying As…

I have complete sympathy for anyone who feels like they don’t belong in the body they have. But, we have to use reason for this one. If you are one gender biologically, you are that gender. If you are one race, you are that race. If you are one species, you are that species. If you choose to have a gender change through surgery and hormone therapy, fine. But, you can’t change race or species and the internal elements remain the same as your birth. That’s why transgender sports can be a problem providing muscle mass advantages and similar things to biological males competing as women.


About the Creator

Jason A

Writer, photographer and graphic design enthusiast with a professional background in journalism, poetry, e-books, model photography, portrait photography, arts education and more.

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