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The President Is Tired—or Tiring

He's actually tiresome. Time for new blood.

By William TurnerPublished 5 years ago 2 min read

A recent story indicates that Trump's campaign staff is worried about the 2020 reelection effort because the candidate, at 72, is starting to show his age and is tired. His campaign realizes that he has lost a lot of support in some of the states that helped him win in 2016, and worries that he may not have the energy for campaigning that he mustered that time.

Then there is the problem that the "Never Trump" contingent at the 2016 Republican National Convention apparently bruised his tender ego, so the staff is trying to avoid having it happen again. It makes sense that anyone who works for his campaign would be unable to appreciate the point that his behavior as President has likely only strengthened the resolve of the Never Trump campaigners because he has turned out to be even more embarrassing than anyone could have anticipated.

The Never Trump crowd were Republicans who cannot admit that they made Trump possible. It is possible to agree with the sentiment and still feel no sympathy for them and their irresponsibility. Trump is the logical outcome of degraded, faux, US "conservatism" since Nixon. Since 1969, Republicans have pursued an entirely cynical approach to politics, choosing policies more with an eye to winning short-term political victories than for what is best for the country as a whole.

Trump embodies this strategy by playing to tribal instincts, demonizing immigrants, calling for his wall, and trying to prohibit Muslims from entering the country. Nothing in the Republican Party since Nixon has tended in any other direction than towards Trump or some figure like him, which is why the party could not afford to stop him. Every Republican since Nixon who has won the Presidency has relied on some version of the age old plutocrat tactic of telling working class and poor white people that all the federal government does is take money from them to give it to lazy black people, thus relying on and exacerbating the racism that is one of our most pressing and enduring problems.

Stopping Trump would have cost the Republican Party what little credibility it had in 2016, after eight years of deliberately opposing a Democratic President for no good reason other than political spite. They tried to make pettiness a virtue and ended up with the pettiest President in the history of the republic.

Trump is tired. He is also tiresome. Time for fresh blood.


About the Creator

William Turner

Ph.D. in U.S. history from Vanderbilt, with an emphasis in the history of public policy; two articles published as a graduate student, two books as a historian. J.D. from the University of Wisconsin; eight law review articles in print.

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