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The Middle Class Is a Trap

R.I.P to the American Dream

By Marcus LathanPublished 5 years ago 4 min read

The middle class is mostly comprised of everyday jobs such as doctors, lawyers, school teachers, firemen, retail employees, etc. Most of these people were taught to go to school, get a job and work for 40 years, some people didn't even get to higher education. They were programmed for safety and security. So taking a risk looks like an opportunity to fall into poverty so they stay stuck at the edge looking at others who either succeeded, died trying, or somewhere in the middle.

They are constantly taking fear pills (TV, news, society, and entertainment) and washing it down with a glass of practicality, guilt, and quiet desperation. So they are stuck looking for "safe and secure" risks, which don't give good returns in the long run. The kids see this and think it's normal, follow the pattern to go on, and repeat the cycle for future generations.

From growing up amongst the impoverished community, I see three archetypes. Impoverished just means somebody with poverty consciousness, with or without money. This will all make sense at the end, trust me. The torch passer, the paradigm shifter, and the "Lil Bit Mo" person.

The torch passer is simply the person who let their environment shape and mold them into staying in poverty and passing it on to the next generation.

The paradigm shifter is the person that was fed up with being on the bottom and decided to adopt 50 Cent's mindset of "Get Rich, Or Die Trying." Knew they could do better, strived for a better life and the universe blessed them beyond their wildest dreams. This type is where a lot of millionaires, billionaires, entertainers, and high-performance people come from. Those rough days made them into beasts and a lot of people envy them for that. Wish they had the tools to conquer life like them but their upbringing and scarcity mindset deprived them of those battle scars.

And last but not least, the "Lil Bit Mo" person. Working title, but it will do for now. They have managed to get a good job that pays well enough to escape their bad environment to a "Lil a bit" better area. This could also go for a person with a trade, college degree or a good resume that reached this status. They think since they are not where they used to be that it gives them the right to not strive for better or to "be happy with what you have"(hated hearing this statement growing up). But like 80 percent of society can't afford a $1,000 emergency, so how far have they gone? Only enough to keep working so that they can maintain until God, John Wick or The Avengers can save them, I guess.

This is not to downplay or degrade these people because everybody needs a proper appraisal. Either we the people give it or life will. And it doesn't play any favorites, only the ones that expand their consciousness to know that opportunities are right in front of your face if you would get out of your way. Those are the ones who are rewarded by the Universe for striving for growth in all areas of life. These people become apart of the millionaires and billionaires club or just the financially free club. These people play offense and defense only if necessary, but everybody can get there with patience, persistence, knowledge applied and not being so flashy throughout the process.

Life insurance is the easiest way to create generational wealth starting at the right age, plan of action and other details as well. People can do this at a regular nine to five job and leave their kids a fortune (or a great head start) so they won't have to work so hard for very little as they did. All is mental, once you change your mindset, your life will rapidly change. I am living proof of that. Also, it's more likely that if a rich person goes broke they can get back in no time as opposed to a middle-class person. Because once you've felt the vibration of something you can always tap into that frequency to get back there faster. The government promotes "the American dream" to society so they can become workhorses for the system. The harder they work, the more the government makes from their efforts. The people that fall into this trap, consciously or unconsciously, become apart of the middle class. Educate yourself through books, YouTube, Google, etc, apply the knowledge and you can bypass the barriers to financial freedom.

I'll finish off with a quote from the Bible, which is so true it's unreal. I laughed when I heard somebody mention it in a YouTube video a while back. "To those who have more, more will be given. To those who have nothing, even what they have will be taken from them."


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