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The Crisis Within

Troubling Times

By Dr. WilliamsPublished 3 years ago 4 min read

The years of inner turmoil have already begun. What many thought the first half of the 21st century would bring are now even more perplexed by the complexities of life today. Amid the inadequacies of government to deal with this rising continuation of the Covid-19 pandemic and the rush to administer a so-called vaccine to the whole population all have contributed to the ongoing catastrophe of this pandemic.

The results we are seeing have intensified the growing anxiety within. The reactions of many especially in government have only contributed to the plight millions face each day. When we look at what is actually happening on a daily basis the complexities have made many disregard the very basic rights of civility. A more civil society should have been realized by now. And yet, the rudimentary guidance that would have made it all happen was lost in translation by the dividing factors that have been allowed to multiply.

Today, we are faced with a pandemic that shouldn't have been, deadly gun violence on a daily basis, a generation of intellectual growth lost, a planet facing irreparable environmental harm, a continuation of nations pitted against one another and more life threatening contingencies facing humanity. These are all part of the complexities of our existence today.

By all indications it has been especially the United States government that continues to fail to bring about a harmonious union into the fellowship of mankind. With all that is occurring many of us can't help but think that our world is faced with foreboding times ahead. With so many facing urgent crisis today has inexpediently rendered governments virtually incapable of easing the many urgent crisis that are sweeping all across the world.

In the United States with the current infrastructure and reconciliation bills before congress are attempts to ease many of the burdens millions of Americas are facing. But, like everything else congress has done especially in regards to improving the lives and livelihoods they have always come up with too little and to late. Today, with his infrastructure bill comes at a time like is so many other times really is too late and doesn't address many of the other urgent priorities this nations needs.

Now, with the world stumbles it's way forward by the inadequacies of governments have unilaterally subjected millions to an existence dependent on the failures of their own government. A far cry especially in the U.S. from the rugged individualism that made America accomplish so much since it's founding until the mid 1970's.

Since the mid 1970's there has been an erosion of competency and moral ethics that have commandeered our political system. The consequences have laid the foundation of the vast amount of polarization of political parties and the divisiveness that has only exasperated the deep divides in our nation today.

What we are facing now is the continued onslaught of this pandemic and an unparallel rash of gun related violence. If this pandemic is as bad if not worse than when it first appeared a year and a half ago as the medical and scientific community now say it is then drastic measures must be taken to expedite the elimination of this deadly contagion. That involves developing an antidote to cure this dreaded virus and usher in a true vaccine. And until that is accomplished we have to adhere to the basic safeguards that protect one from becoming ill in the first place. Education is vital to reach all to accomplish the eradication of this virus and it's future mutations.

If we as a nation want to eliminate the horrific carnage of the rising gun violence that is rampant through-out this nation we first have to really understand the 2nd Amendment and put that in practice. Secondly, the gun manufactures must provide micro chips in the manufacture of all weapons that are sold to the anyone over 30. The public is restricted to non assault weapons and must wear a matching micro chip so that they are the only ones capable of using the non assault weapon.

If we fail to address these contingencies that are currently plaguing our nation these crisis will only exasperate anything else this nation tries to solve.


About the Creator

Dr. Williams

A PhD in Economics. Author of National Economic Reform's Ten Articles of Confederation.

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