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Surving America

WeThePeople Vs.America Pt.1

By Donte Easterling BenfordPublished 2 years ago Updated 2 years ago 5 min read
Surving America

Surviving America

By. Donte Easterling

Chronicle 1:Covid Stories

It's hard to survive in America. Covid-19 cases are as high as we have ever seen and many Americans are facing tragic and hard times. Lots of these same America. There is such a vast amount of Americans struggling to survive on every part of the income spectrum. Americans were already going through troubling times pre-pandemic. America is the greatest country on Earth. Why is survival such a problem in modern-day America! How could we face so many problems with homelessness and poverty and be the Greatest country on Earth? Simple we are not being Aided more less Helped!

Many people just trying to make it and survive on a daily basis the story today is a scream for all the people who need help. People like you people like me. Covid-19 has shaken up the world.Covid-19 has killed millions of people. Covid-19 is real and it really hit me very close to home recently I lost my uncle to covid-19. This was the first covid case of the first person that I have personally experienced covid within its 2022. The pandemic has been here for quite a while but the US government pretends to care But Why are hotels at an all-time compacity and no housing needs being essentially prioritized. We have a lot of people struggling here in the United States of America we the people are going through some troubling times. We the people of the United States of America going through some of the worst times in history.

We the People United States of America kept captive and helpless throughout the most serious pandemic in US History. The US government let us down, again and again, we the people are always there for our government even though they blatantly do so. We make sure our government is flowing with due process. We try to make sure that money circulates correctly as much as possible and we hold this country up with a great presidency. We the people get bamboozled misled and undervalued over and over every time. They leave us to sit here and/or fight for the right to survive. A fight we cannot even fight without them.

They fail us every time on all issues especially just making simple decisions for the American people and/or abolishing and fixing laws Lost in Translation, outdated, and just not manageable due to standard time evolution. These government officials are not affecting or protecting us in a positive way especially the way we glorify them. It's baldly affecting our kids due to the increase of mass shootings and mental health issues growing. It's gonna impact the future very badly. what about the kids of the future.Were trying to survive our government essentially? We the people need help!

With the inflation so high I leave everything been so costly it's hard to survive. Many Americans are facing hard times the homeless are going through hard times. Low-income and middle-class citizens are going through hard times, the doctors and nurses are going through hard times, all of our friends and family are going through hard times. Losing my uncle to covid-19 really mentally damaged me. Pulled me into a sunken place in my life in such a negative way. I've been to several different traumatic situations but this one was particularly devastating to me trying to survive through a pandemic. It put me in a very crazy space socially, mentally physically, and emotionally.

Going from place to place hotel or hotel is so hard I've been giving 120% and it seems I always get it always comes out of a situation and about 65%. Tired stressed and even more aggravated. I'm so tired and worn out by just trying to survive. This is what I mean by and it is imminent you have a clear understanding of the adversity and troubles of trying to survive in modern-day America. America and this is coming from an individual who doesn't do drugs or rarely drinks the only thing I do is anything but live life on life terms but yet I'm having huge difficulty surviving. Last year I spent almost $20,000 on hotels alone. Especially due to the rental and lack thereof caused by the pandemic.

For most of these hotels and inn and suites do you have to have a weekly rate? some may offer you a monthly but not many. Personally, the lowest monthly deal that I have is what I'm currently on in that $1,100 a month. Housing is very very few due to the pandemic it's not easy to find places right now. A lot of people are worried concerned in a lot harder for people who are low-income based middle-class citizens to obtain it's not right for people to work for nothing and they say that's what I'm saying is people are just working to make it I am one of those people I am tired of being that person. Overworked and underpaid.

Currently, I am renting a room for $1,100 been currently having people shame upon me because I do such as if I do not pay or rent the standard way to a Landlord. It kills a real part of me every day. People judge you on the craziest things and I have people look down upon me badly. I don't do anything unconstitutional. I barely get time with my family and some be shamed upon. it's just sad the way that we treat people the way America treats us as citizens.... and that's with unfair, unjust, unloyal treatment!

Hotels are overfilled shelters are full and the American people have not even heard a simple thing about this. They have not given any solutions to curing this problem. We the People are fighting for everyday survival and Part 2 will go into more hindsight from my own story of Struggling and Surviving America. I have a dream. Those dreams turn into nightmares,but in reality. I share the same dream as MLK and We the people of America to be comfortable, truly free, and live life on life terms happily!


About the Creator

Donte Easterling Benford

I am a very Diverse yet versatile writer.I have always had a deep connections with writing and the arts.Been through so much in llfe and opening a door for youll to take a trip down a wonderful path of emotional imigary as ONLY I CAN! ENJOY

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