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Russia-Ukraine war has escalated

The end of war is a contest of national power

By Figure RodiPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

After Russia entered the military-industrial wartime mobilization, the United States also started military-industrial mobilization. Lockheed Martin CEO Jim Lackluster announced that the production of Hamas rockets will be increased from 60 per year to 96 per year.

When the Russian-Ukrainian war first broke out, the annual production of Sea master was only 48, then raised to 60 per year, and then to 96 per year by October. The U.S. side pledged to assist the U.S. Army with 38 Sea master rockets, and by now has military aid for 20 Sea masters.

Recently, the U.S. Senate proposed granting the Pentagon wartime procurement authority to provide military aid to Ukraine on the one hand and replenish the U.S. ammunition depot on the other. The Americans look ready to provide long-term military aid to Ukraine and spar with Russia for national power.

According to the U.S. Defense News, special authorization will be important for the procurement of ammunition and various Army equipment. Among the weapons and ammunition to be sold to Eastern European countries for military aid to Ukraine and to supplement the U.S. Army in Europe include 700 Hamas, 1,000 M7777 155 howitzers, and 750,000 rounds of 155 artillery shells.

There were also 100,000 Hamas satellite-guided rockets, 20,000 Stinger anti-aircraft missiles, and 25,000 Javelin anti-tank missiles. At the same time, the wartime authorization will also produce a large number of weapons and ammunition for the U.S. Army, mainly including, 30,000 Hellfire anti-tank missiles and 36,000 AM-179 Joint Ground Strike missiles.

1,000 Harpoon anti-ship missiles, 800 Navy long-range strike missiles, 10,000 Patriot 3 air defense missiles, 6,000 Hamas-launched MGM-140 Army tactical missiles, and 20,000 AIM medium-range air-to-air missiles and AIM-120 medium-range air defense missiles, among others.

Among other things, LOAM has said it is expanding its Arkansas production site with more industrial robots, as well as training more employees so they can work on multiple production lines. to reactivate the sequestered production line.

Meanwhile, the annual production capacity of Hamas is limited to a maximum of 96 doors per year, to produce more weapons and ammunition as soon as possible. The U.S. is launching South Korea to increase production capacity. Poland has officially ordered 288 South Korean-made multiple-launch rocket systems. In fact, South Korean weapons use U.S. technology and equipment, and only the production line is placed in South Korea.

In August of this year, Poland ordered South Korean K-2 Panther tanks, and by October 19 of this year, South Korea began delivering the first 10 K tanks to Poland. South Korea will deliver 180 K tanks to Poland by 2024 and 212 K-9 155 self-propelled guns to Poland by 2026. Meanwhile, Poland itself is to produce 640 K-2 tanks and 428 K-9 155 self-propelled guns.

The United States is also asking South Korea to produce 155 artillery shells and other ammunition for Ukraine. It is now certain that the Russian-Ukrainian war has escalated and that the battle has turned into a war involving dozens of countries.

On one side are the U.S. and NATO countries, South Korea and Eastern European countries, and more than 30 other countries, and on the other side is Russia, already behind Russia, Belarus, Iran, and other countries. All are in full swing producing weapons, ammunition, and clothing gear to send to the Russian-Ukrainian battlefield.

There are at least 650,000 regular and mobilized troops in the Ukrainian army and at least 400,000 regular and mobilized troops in training in the Russian army. This was a real ground war with millions of land troops and a long confrontation. In a few months, Russia and Ukraine lost about 8,000-10,000 armored tank vehicles and artillery transport trucks.

In a few months, Russian and Ukrainian forces shot off more than millions of artillery shells, and in a few months, Russian forces flew more than 37,000 warplanes and helicopter sorties for air strike operations. In a few months, Russian forces fired more than 4,000 ballistic and cruise missiles, among others, and the U.S. Army consumed tens of thousands of anti-tank missiles.

By 2023 the war continues, with more troops in the war and faster consumption of weapons and ammunition. Both the United States and Russia will have to start wartime military mobilization to fill the pits and make up for the huge losses on the battlefield. The last of the war is a contest for national power.


About the Creator

Figure Rodi

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