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Peter Mandelson: Sunak and The Tories Terrified of Farage.

A Nightmare on Tory Street.

By Nicholas BishopPublished 9 days ago 3 min read
Lord Peter Mandelson.

Lord Peter Mandelson was the spin doctor who masterminded Labour's victory in 1997. Sky's Trevor Phillips was interviewing the former Labour Minister.

Trevor Phillips asked Mr. Mandelson what he thought about Reform UK and Nigel Farage. Peter Mandelson, said the Tories were "Terrified of Reform UK". That Sunak was scared of Nigel Farage and by trying to 'out Farage' Farage, only made Farage stronger.

Mr. Mandelson said that trying to compete with Mr. Farage or being scared of him, wasn't the way. Sunak should stand up to Farage and the Conservative Party as a whole should also stand up to Reform UK.

Some polls are saying that the Tories will end up with 72 seats. Far lower than the Tories had after Tony Blair swept to power in 1997. Some pundits are even saying Sunak could lose his Yorkshire seat. These predictions will be a nightmare scenario for Sunak and the Conservatives. Mark Harper a minister in Sunak's cabinet has repeated the oft-mentioned mantra that a vote for Reform UK "Will be a vote for Labour".

Some are saying that if the Tories are smashed at the general election and reduced to fewer seats and Farage, Tice, and other Reform UK candidates get elected, a merger may commence between the Conservatives and Reform. Some go further and say if such a merger goes ahead, Nigel Farage will be the Leader of the Conservative-Reform Party. Then in such a scenario, you would have Nigel Farage facing Sir Keir Starmer at the dispatch box if Labour get elected. And, all polls are giving Sir Keir and his crew, a massive majority after July 4. Even bigger, than what Tony Blair had in 1997.

The Conservative Party, whether we like it or not, has always been called by supporters 'the natural party of government"! Why, because out of all the administrations in the 20th century and so far this century, the Conservatives have been elected more times than Labour. However, if the Tories are reduced to 72 MPs or even 37 (as some polls are saying) it will be historical. It will be groundbreaking, the party of Winston Churchill and Margaret Thatcher will be all but decimated. The Tories from Cameron to Sunak, have only themselves to blame. 14 years of mismanaged, inept, out- of-touch, cut-back government, 5 useless Prime Ministers, etc, have brought them to this.

Peter Mandelson said another reason for Wishy-Washy-Rishi going down the plug hole is because he has failed to distance himself from the likes of Johnson and Truss. How could Sunak distance himself anyway? Sunak had his snout in the Tory trough with all the other Tory ministers. Despite claiming to be different from all the Tory Prime Ministers who had gone before him, Sunak stands as stained as they are. Up to his neck in sleaze and corruption.

Right at this moment as I type this, on a 'Daily Telegraph' broadcast on 'YouTube' Mr. Farage is going to launch the 'Reform UK' manifesto. Parties at election time in the UK, launch 'manifestos'. To the uninitiated, a manifesto is a document outlining a political party's policies. The so-called major parties like Labour and the Conservatives have already released their manifestos. If you are interested in looking at the different party's manifestos they are or will be available online to read.

Some say there is a battle, probably to the death, for the soul of right-wing politics. A battle between the Conservatives and Reform UK. Whoever comes out of this intact, right-wing politics, may be changed forever. Even Labour under Sir Keir Starmer has brought the Labour Party to the right. This election could be exciting for some and fearful for others, as the Chinese curse says, we do indeed 'Live in Interesting Times'!



About the Creator

Nicholas Bishop

I am a freelance writer currently writing for Blasting News and HubPages. I mainly write about politics. But have and will cover all subjects when the need arises.

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    Nicholas BishopWritten by Nicholas Bishop

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