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Observations Pt. 4


By Evelyn TurnerPublished 3 years ago 7 min read

Observations and Thoughts on Current Events

Is it just me, or does it seem that Democratic controlled cities / states are the ones with the worst rioting and looting?

Is it just me or did the majority of Covid-19 deaths also occur in Democratic controlled cities / states…

Is it just me, or are the majority of deaths at the hands of cops (George Floyd, etc) done in Democratic controlled cities and states?

Is it just me or have near all of the “hate crimes” occurred in Democratic controlled cities and states?

Are you seeing a pattern yet? Think for yourself – look some shit up for a change instead of binge eating main stream media bullshit….. Because if you put SHIT in you get SHIT out right?

WE THE PEOPLE are being manipulated and it has to stop!!! This entire racial issue is driven by mainstream media – YES we need change but that will NEVER happen if main stream media keeps pushing the rhetoric that we hate each other!

How can we move past the hate if mainstream media keeps telling us we are still hating? How can we heal if mainstream media keeps telling us there is a rift that will never heal?

WHY do law enforcement precincts keep brushing complaints under the rug? WHY do they not discharge an officer who has too many complaints against them?

WE THE PEOPLE are fed up! WE THE PEOPLE have rights! Those rights are not white, black, red, blue or purple! Those rights have NO COLOR! WE THE PEOPLE are one race – the human race!!! And WE THE PEOPLE want a change in this world.

Our rights have been trampled long enough!!! Our freedoms infringed upon for the last time!!!

Let me break this down….

1. Being a law enforcement officer or any kind, is truly a thankless profession. It is dangerous and they know there is a chance EVERY day that they might not make it home that night. They CHOOSE to put on the uniform and badge and do the job. However, some have allowed the “power” or the badge to corrupt them – not all though, remember that during this time of unrest. Just like WE do not like being labelled or profiled – it works the same for the cops – just because one asshole is corrupt it doesn’t mean they all are.

2. WE THE PEOPLE have not only failed the black community – but ALL communities, except the rich elite assholes who seem to be above the law. We have failed to provide a good education, failed to provide adequate housing, food etc…. We have failed as a nation in providing the very basics for survival.

3. Being black in America has been hell – I see this and I am white….. I am not blind. I am not deaf and I am SCREAMING inside at the injustice I have seen. I know most of the names, watched many of the documentaries and YouTube stuff….. The blue shield that hides this injustice must be removed!!!!

4. Being an attractive white woman has issues as well…..Sexual harassment is rampant. You cannot walk down the street without sexual remarks. Random people swat your ass. Even online trolls make sexual comments to you. None of this is remotely alright! Just like blacks are tired of being profiled and so forth, pretty white women are tired of sexual harassment that never ends. Just because a woman has big boobs or a “fine ass” doesn’t mean you get to slap it as she walks by!!!

5. WE THE PEOPLE have allowed our elected officials to “dumb us down” long enough!!! WE THE PEOPLE need to stand together as ONE for once in our lives!!!

WE THE PEOPLE do not need larger government making all of our decisions for us. That is what has gotten us in the mess we are in right now!!! We need to elect leaders who are NOT career politicians, not those who seek power and glory for themselves – but leaders who truly seek the wellbeing of the PEOPLE who elect them.

We must NOT permit Congress to vote on whether or not there should be term limits on their own seats…. You know damn well they will vote it down! We must also NOT permit them to vote on their own pay raises! They work for US not the other way around!!!

The injustices that have been perpetrated on the American people as a whole, are terrible, horrendous and unspeakable!!!

We watch men like George Floyd being murdered – live streamed!!!! We see people begging the police to help George and they do NOTHING! That could have been me (even though I am a little white woman)! I don’t dress like most, I don’t wear make up or do fancy hair do’s so I do get flack from cops from time to time.

I have been pulled over a few times for pretty much nothing. Because I have a lazy eye and a condition called “blephartis” I get accused of drinking or being on drugs. But, this condition makes the blood vessels in my eyes red all the time, even with medical treatment. I have large vessels in my eyes so my eyes are ALWAYS red, thus I get “profiled” all the time due to a medical condition. I also have a bad hip and cannot do their field test. This does NOT make cops happy when they cannot test you that way and you blow a -0- on their little machine. They do NOT want to believe that you are not on anything. So I DO understand!!! I get it!!!

Like YOU – I am sick of it too!!!

But, let’s look at this in perspective together ok?

1. It is not the supply chain that we are upset with….. Destroying our supply chain only hurts US in the short term and long term

2. It is not really private citizens we are upset with – it IS a corrupt establishment that permits these injustices to keep occurring

3. It is not small businesses we are upset with – they provide much needed jobs for the lower class that need it the most

Let’s finally direct our anger, our rage and our voices where the blame truly belongs….

They only way to “fix this” is not with reforms, not with hurting each other but first we must change our hearts!!! No “fix” will ever fix it until the change of heart happens!!! We must see each other as human beings and not numbers or statistics or a paycheck!

We have to stop killing each other, start holding hands and standing unified against the politicians who permit this shit. As long as they still hold office they still hold power! Keep in mind, it is “blue” states that seem to have it far worse than others…. So, let’s start there.

WHY do blue states have it worse? Well, they promote racism, hate and inequality on every level. Since I live in California I will use my state as the example. Look at our governor…..What a joke!

When the news of this virus first broke our Governor brought an infected cruise ship to our shores, disembarked the passengers – which I thought was suicide! He did have the foresight to advise at risk folks – like ME – to stay home. But, Democrat leaders have done NOTHING for the people except constantly put them in harms way!!! California has had it’s fair share of race riots too. Look at LA ’92 – the first true case to be caught on camera of white cops beating a black man. Rodney King….

LA nearly burnt to the ground and still justice was not served to the officers who did that! Time and time again, as technology gets better, we are SEEING this injustice unfold on live streams…. And time and time again we are SEEING the officers never be held accountable. WHY NOT????? Isn’t video evidence enough???? It most certainly IS if you are an ordinary citizen…..

If someone like me or you, regardless of skin color, can be arrested / convicted using video evidence – why are the rules different for cops?

Eric Garner – video evidence of him crying “I can’t breathe” as the cops held him in an illegal choke hold and he was NOT resisting – just trying to breathe! No justice for Eric – we watched him DIE live streamed to social media and the cops were never held accountable!!!

Freddie Grey – beaten by multiple cops, left to die in a cell unable to even call out for help! Cops never held accountable for what they did!!!

George Floyd – everyone knows this story for sure! Murdered on camera by 4 cops, 3 who held him down and 1 who did crowd control – to stop onlookers who MIGHT have been able to help George. Only 1 cop has been charged with a joke of a charge…. When a man has you down and he looks up at the camera and fucking smirks – he damn well knows exactly what he is doing. THAT is intent folks!

As we march during this time of unrest, as we shout and make our voices heard – please remember the following things:

1. If you burn down grocery stores – it is YOUR kids who suffer, your family that suffers when they have no place to get food

2. If you burn down pharmacys it is YOUR family that suffers – a diabetic family member cannot get their life saving insulin, or heart meds etc

3. If you stop the supply chain WE ALL SUFFER

If you feel the need to destroy something, burn buildings or whatnot – avoid NECESSARY businesses, you know, the ones you need for basic survival. If you MUST burn something down – turn that rage towards the buildings that you are angry at, not your food supply and critical medication supply!!!!

Looting and burning down a WalMart is not doing justice for the movement folks! It only proves to COPS that they feel justified in treating us ALL like animals!!!

If WE THE PEOPLE want to be treated better – then WE THE PEOPLE must set a better example!


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