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Jewish immigration from the former Soviet Union to occupied Palestine

The Russian invasion of Ukraine recently raised questions about Israeli-Russian relations, as well as the massive Jewish immigration from the countries of the former Soviet Union, especially Russia

By abdoPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

Russian relations, as well as the massive Jewish immigration from the countries of the former Soviet Union, especially Russia, to occupied Palestine. In this context, the former Soviet Union is one of the first countries to recognize the state of the Israeli occupation, and diplomatic relations were established in May 1948.

Relations between Moscow and Israel were severed in 1953, then in 1956, then relations were cut off in June 1967; Following Israel's refusal to cease fire in the June war with Arab countries; to resume contacts at the consular level during 1987; But the year 1991 witnessed the restoration of diplomatic relations between Israel and the former Soviet Union, and the continuity of relations at all levels after the dissolution of the Soviet Union; Between the Russian heir and the Israeli occupation state.

The Jewish settlement population in occupied Palestine is a gathering of Jewish immigrants who came from all over the world under the auspices of the Zionist project and the countries of the West that supported the direction of the Zionist movement.

The Jewish immigration to occupied Palestine was an essential factor for renewing the human energy necessary for Israel to continue in its functional role entrusted to it to serve the interests and plans of the Western powers that established it, and it still maintains its process as a racist state at the expense of the Palestinian people and their daily pain and suffering that has been going on for seventy-four years.

Climbing Mount Zion

Zionist sources have always called the waves of Jewish immigration to occupied Palestine “Aliyah”; That is, to ascend Mount Zion.

Strategists considered that the reservoir of Jewish immigration existed until the beginning of the nineties of the last century in the countries of the former Soviet Union; In particular, the Russian Federation.

The exodus of Jews from the former Soviet Union began en masse in the late 1980s; When Mikhail Gorbachev's government opened the borders of the impending Soviet Union and allowed Jews to leave for historic Palestine; After 1989, about one million six hundred thousand Soviet Jews immigrated, including their wives, husbands, and non-Jewish relatives as defined in the Israeli Law of Return.

(979) thousand chose to immigrate to occupied Palestine, while 325,000 preferred to immigrate to the United States, and (219 thousand to Germany), but soon thousands of Soviet Jewish immigrants to America decided to immigrate to occupied Palestine during the following years.

It is noteworthy that the Zionist movement used from the beginning all methods of misleading, enticement and pressure to compel Jews to immigrate to Palestine. It propagated the lie of “eternal anti-Semitism”, and fought any tendency that calls for the integration of Jews into the societies in which they live, and found in the movements of persecution of Jews a help to achieve their programs. It cooperated with all racist movements, including Nazism; Thus, Jewish immigration is the most important pillar for the continuation of Israel as an apartheid state.

migration tank

The mass emigration from the former Soviet Union to occupied Palestine is an important milestone in the development of the Israeli occupation state.

This emigration is not a unique event in the history of the establishment of Israel; It witnessed a large-scale mass emigration soon after its rise, in the late 1940's and early 1950's due to the falseness of Zionist propaganda and slogans. However, this migration contributed to the strengthening of the human structure of the fledgling entity, young and small, to proceed from it to the largest and the largest.

The mass emigration from the former Soviet Union came after four decades to strengthen the human structure of an expanded and greater Israel, or which they hope will increase in breadth, area and size; Israel benefited from the exodus of Soviet Jews; In addition to the demographic quantity, which is of course important; There are thousands of academics, scientists, doctors, atomic scientists, engineers and trained scientific and practical energies, which in total help in the development of economic performance and high rates of human development.

Israel has occupied advanced ranks in the human development reports issued by the United Nations Development Program issued in recent decades; As a direct result of the emigration of Soviet Jews, more than a million Jewish settlers from the former Soviet Union now live in Israel, especially Russia, which has strong relations with the occupying state of Israel.


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