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Inclusion Matters - Part 2

If the world was our landlord it would have evicted us centuries ago - how patient and forgiving is that!

By Teriu LemonPublished 4 years ago 30 min read
Inclusion Matters - Part 2
Photo by Yaroslav Boshnakov on Unsplash

In hindsight, the introduction of Inclusion Matters Part 1, left me realising that the discourse is massive, broad, and could go in so many different directions. I would need to prioritise and minimise! Perhaps areas will overlap but prioritising will be important to be more informed.

Setting the Scene:

What comes first? The chicken or the egg? The people or the planet?

By Bobby Johnson on Unsplash


Why the planet? Because it's our home and our home should be in good shape but it's not. The reason it's not in good shape is because of the damage we have done to it. The actions that damage the planet earth are devised, directed, sometimes called progress, innovation, financial, power over land or resources. It's quite selfish really and we rely on our leaders, like our parents, to ensure the home is safe.

As individuals we have to take some responsibility, so the issue of how and whom then becomes another consideration, but we have to change our habits with each other, the communities around us, with our children, family and friends and actions towards the planet as the caretakers should we wish to continue living on planet earth. If it was a personal rented or leased property, as the owner you would have the legal right to evict us, give us a day or a weeks notice to find somewhere else to live. We are terrible tenants! Tenants from hell!

This article, blog, writing, story, news or however anyone wants to term it, like many other bits of information in the world today, are just words and the movies are just 'moving image stories'. Information about the destruction of earth will be important to some people, and not to others. Then there are always those who will have no idea and may never get to see, read or hear about the issues. These ones don't want to know, don't want to help, don't really care and others are just oblivious because they live remotely away from the technologies and troubles we face.

It's not only fascinating what we have done to the planet but astounding how we justify our actions and continue to excuse ourselves, or cover it up, hide it away. I read an article about how Sweden leads the way in burying its nuclear depleted waste. Seriously! This is called leading the way? But they are just one of the countries 'leading' the way. Check out the article below which is only one of the issues that doesn't get any attention with regards to the planet.

"The US will have to look for a new site, having abandoned its Yucca Mountain repository where a crack has appeared. Germany has 43,000 cubic metres of waste stacked up without additional protective measures in a leaking salt mine. In Belgium a decision has been postponed for 10 years to enable an underground laboratory to continue investigating how clay reacts to heat released by the storage canisters."

Just google this topic #nuclear waste disposal, and you will find the worlds positioning.

Now here's a thought! Instead of having to hide it away underground, why don't we just start finding another source of power. Billions of dollars is spent each year building and maintaining these underground storage stations and this has been on-going for years. Every day the world is asking for our help and if we continue to ignore it's calling for help, like our bodies, it will eventually shut itself down. Yes, a bit dramatic but true.

"What would happen if the humans were to be removed from this planet?"

Movies have been made about this question, in particular, and for the purpose of this article I will refer to 'The Day the Earth Stood Still', a 2008 American science fiction thriller film and a loose adaptation of the book, Farewell to the Master by Harry Bates, in 1940.

"Farewell to the Master" is a science fiction short story by American writer Harry Bates. It was first published in the October 1940 issue of Astounding Science Fiction. It provided the basis of the 1951 film The Day the Earth Stood Still and its 2008 remake"


Synopsis: A God or representative of God is sent to remedy the health and well-being of the planet earth. The solution identified is simple; provide arks to save two of everything as in the bible and as in the story of Noah's ark, remove them from earth, clean the earth of all things including the human race who have failed to care for the planet and then return the arks back to earth. It's the solution for the planet to survive.

In the trailer below, Keanu Reeves highlights the necessity of the decision made and the action planned for earth. "If the earth dies you die, if you die, the earth survives". The Day the Earth Stood Still (2008).

Science fiction in the last century is more real today than we realise, with predictions of technology control, class systems, poverty and inequalities. The movies almost provide a psuedo-prediction of our future, and the words, books, videos, documentaries, research and the many commissioned documents that highlights the problems we face often come with positive strategic recommendations - the solutions. But when do the words stop and the action takes place! When do we start to fully action the words and have them unify positivity as a power base to make change! When do we accept the responsibility of creating a positive and wealthier world for all people, for our children and our children's children!

Sir David Attenborough, points out how we got this point to better understand what we need to do in order to save the planet and the human race from extinction.

How to Save the Planet. (8 minutes and 27 secs)

In 2019, 16 year old, Greta Thunberg, an amazing inspirational young woman, spoke at the United Nations Headquarters.

"How dare you! You have stolen my dreams and my childhood" Thunberg.G (2019)

Greta Thunberg says it in the best way possible, from her heart and soul, sharing her frustrations and pain regarding the damage to the earth, the unresolved issues that continue to be put on hold, never acknowledged or prioritised with any sense of relief or importance. She condemns our leaders for lack of action, lack of integrity and lack of accountability to provide a more positive future.

"How dare you!" she claims ... " ... people are suffering, people are dying, entire eco systems are collapsing, we are in the beginning of a mass extinction, and all you can talk about is money, and fairy tales of eternal economic growth! How dare you!"

It's now 2020 and we have endured a pandemic, the outcomes of the pandemic have yet to be fully resolved, we continue to have ongoing wars for land, power, resources, we are still killing people, fighting the slave trade markets, abusing our young, the old, animals, the land, sea and air, and continually and consistently damaging the planet and it's resources of the home where we live, the air that we breathe, the food that we eat and the water that we drink.

How on earth (excuse the pun), but how on earth can we as human beings save the world when we are so busy trying to save ourselves from our selves? The relationships we have with each other just in our communities let alone globally, is dysfunctional. There is no unity, inclusiveness is minimal, as is collaboration, and most of the general public, are unaware of the pending issues regarding our planet.

Sure, there are many amazing things happening out in the world, inspirational, motivational, collaborative and inclusive but if they were so exceedingly amazing and on top of the day to day problems we wouldn't even have to consider how to save the world or deal with Black Lives Matter and racism. We are the problem!

Greta Thunburg questions the world leaders and asks for accountability to lead us through these times before we destroy our home, our planet and the future of the generations to come.


It's not money! The world can be healed and it could be done in a shorter time and within this century. It has nothing to do with money as it is plentiful and available for use. has provides a report on how much money is in the world today and highlights the different levels and ways in which it is available.

"According to the Central Intelligence Agency, in 2017, the gross world product (combined gross national product of all countries) totalled $127.8 trillion in terms of purchasing power parity."

The point here is that it has nothing to do with NOT having money in the world, quite simply, the money is in the hands of those who choose not to use it to make the changes necessary by holding and manipulating the control of power. Our leaders have been delivered the recommendations and statistics along with time factors, but still we wait. We might have access to money but soon we won't have the time!

If we consider how much money is available or in circulation ($1.7 trillion), knowing that other money such as investments, derivatives and cryptocurrencies exceeds ($1.2 quadrillion), we could virtually build a brand new world!

Like a broken record, it's not money, it's the people, it's our leaders, it's political, it's bla bla bla bla bla! There is a lot of money to be made in wars, depressions, weapons, ammunitions, destruction, poverty, drugs, death, pharmaceutical control, religion, and racism. The actual list of negative productivity is endless.

The problems we created for planet earth is a pandemic and we should see it as such, treat it in the same way, racism is a pandemic, how we behave, how we treat our world and the people around us, is a pandemic. When Covid19 hit, we had no immediate control, it put us on hold and created a distraction and the time for the world to reflect on how things were, how things are and how things could be. Did we take advantage of it? And to what means and to what purpose and what direction did we take?

COVID19 - Our great distraction!

By David Veksler on Unsplash

Covid19 was a reminder that we must work together as a community to heal ourselves, our planet and the communities around us! The resolve has to be close to home and no different to how Covid19 unfolded.

There were different levels of leadership during this period where some countries fared well and others did not, but the decisions were forced by Covid19 and the decisions were both proactive and reactive but they were still leadership decisions regardless, and they were implemented within very short timeframes. Any decision is better than no decision.

Covid19, Lockdown Level 4, closed borders, airports, shopping malls, streets, businesses, hospitals, schools! Decisions were made as the threat of a major pandemic catastrophe was possible. The world relies on the leaders to make important changes that we are accountable as 'humane beings' and 'tenants' on this planet and more than capable of making the right decisions when forced into it. Why do we wait and don't try and tell me "It's complex", Covid19 was complex.

We need to be more informed about what and why there is dysfunction in order to better support a just cause, no different to the panic to understanding how to resolve the medical impact of Covid19. However, we needed the leadership to provide the basic infrastructure that enables and empowers the way forward. Right or wrong, the leadership needs to make the decisions, be well informed and probably against many who will challenge and make attempts to demoralise the leader, the process, the research, the researchers, the experts and consultants. At all cost the leader needs to be strong and vigilant in the face of adversity.

Throughout the Covid19 pandemic New Zealand had that leadership under the direction of the Rt Hon Jacinda Adern, Prime Minister, who pulled a team of experts together and lead New Zealand through it. She had the National Party and many other voices challenging her decisions, but she stuck firm to the medical and scientific advice provided and pulled the country out of what could have been disastrous for the population of 5 million with the isolation of the country from the rest of the world, and it worked well for New Zealand, but it could have been very different.

The point I am trying to make here is that the leadership is just as important as the knowledge and awareness of the problem to resolve. But the courage to make a decision in the face of adversity is the key.

Black Lives Matter now, even more because it is not just a black problem it affects all races and all races have felt the emotional impact, and this more obvious in the response to the killing of George Floyd and the many others prior to this incident. We also have to understand beyond the surface of the emotion to heal the deeper wounds as it is too easy to generate a lot of scattered noise and not go anywhere. Politicians will also use media, to distract us from headlining agenda that requires attention. It's not a new tactic but a common one. President Trump is now famous for his 'fake news' comment, he is right, there is a lot of it around but in reality it's 'manipulative news', and they (politicians), often use it to their advantage.


How does all this correlate to the planet issues and Covid19 and why is it important? Why do Black Lives Matter?

By James Eades on Unsplash

Just check youtube, google George Loyd or find any viral racism related video and you will find millions of viewers to each individual video posted. Millions of viewers with comments for all the viral videos on race and racism. It's deep, it's personal, it's offensive, there is anger and frustration.

This is the level of emotion we have to have for the planet and for our place here on earth and therefore the world we live in. We need the emotion to impact the communities around us, our friends, families, our work colleagues, immigrants and for people of different colour. The emotions need to be consistently more informed, positive, supportive, focused, helpful, kind, with integrity, honesty and sincerity before anything can change and before anyone takes notice, such as with Black Lives Matter.

Black Lives Matter because the issue to resolve it has to follow the same process that requires a resolution for the planet - urgency, leadership and decision making. The resolution is far more important than the issue at this stage, because if the issue is not resolved it will remain just another issue, tomorrow, next week, next month, next year and for many years after that. It simply means that we could still be discussing this and the planetary issues in the year 3000. Like the planetary issues there are always solutions, that is something we humans are pretty good at, generating well researched theoretic solutions. Putting a proactive and immediate action into place is something we are not that good at, unless it's in the final hour, like a pandemic, like Covid19.

Black Lives Matter have been out in the world for a very long time and the problems identified for America have come in a variation of forms that provide an awareness, solutions, poverty, racism, pain and suffering. America was the lead in all things worldly. I would go as far to say they lead the world in any context, whether we were for or against. Would I go as far to state that they were the greatest country in the world. Yes, I would, because they used to be. Everyone looked for what they were doing and more often followed or were influenced by the innovative directions they would take. So, I would ask, with that much greatness, how come they have not resolved the issues for African Americans and racism and did they become great and not have to deal with it?

The technologies today and the social media provided, is the platform where anyone can post anything. We need to be careful. Just because it is posted does not make it a valid account of the truth. President Trump has a point about fake news! It's too easy to manipulate anything before it goes live and these online tools are often provided free and yes they are used consistently for marketing anything. You can hide anything, manipulate anything with the new advances of technoly today.

The problem is that everyone has an opinion (lol as I do), and social media provides the forum, but this has to be managed or media, words, video, television and social media will just become wall paper recordings and in the end pointless noise. It also has the opportunity to open the wrong doorways to a solution and keep the issue on 'incidents' instead of resolving the issue through the 'prevention'.

If you haven't seen the Black Lives Matter videos just check out youTube to see where it has gone. If nothing is done it will soon become noise, and noise is annoying and when things are annoying, we have a tendency to try and kill it or sweep it under the mat for and into the too hard to do basket for later.

The Black Lives Matter incident affects everyone, all colours, all races, so let's not get distracted that the problem is a black one. It's not a black problem, it's the system and whatever the system it affects all who are subjected to it. Our leaders define the system, the policies, the protocols that apply to all colours all races and for Black Lives Matter, they, the African Americans, know best how it has affected them, and for those of us who are not African Americans, we will never fully know.

For the non African Americans, we have to go back in time to understand where the system started and just what it was and what it is today. This helps determine if there has been any change at all but more importantly, whether change was wanted in the first place.

It's worth highlighting that African Americans were only given the right to vote in 1965 under the Voting Rights Act. Thats only 55 years ago. However, freedom for each individual African American would only be approved to have 3/5ths of a vote, simply because African Americans were only considered to have 60% of the value of a free person against someone who wasn't African American. Had they freed of slavery, no, the stronghold remain. Freedom America has hidden this agenda well.

  • Thanks to a compromise between Southern slaveholders who wanted enslaved blacks counted in the population, for the sake of boosting Southern congressional representation, and Northern whites who didn’t, the framers enshrined the three-fifths clause in the Constitution. This agreement set the census value of a slave as 60 percent of the value of a free person.

Published in the Washington Post: August 21, 2015, By Theodore R. Johnson

It's all the message. Messages have been around for decades, they get heard they get hidden. But a message is no good if it doesn't move someone at a higher level in power to even consider the change unless it is directly personal to them or they are just great leaders.

Stevie Wonder's message, Living for the City, (1973), is just as relevant then as it is now and this is part of the problem. On the other side of the world, we listened to this song, we sang it, we performed it, we understood the words, but we did not have any true perception of how it truly was, what it meant, how it felt, or what the problems were. The music itself was captivating, new and different. We weren't living the problem or in it. Why should it change or get our support, it doesn't have the emotional impact that social media has today. It reaches into our homes and our hearts. His final verse speaks to all of us.

Verse 6 - Living for the City

  • "I hope you hear inside my voice of sorrow
  • And that it motivates you to make a better tomorrow
  • This place is cruel nowhere could be much colder
  • If we don't change, the world will soon be over
  • Living just enough, stop giving just enough for the city"

There were no computers back then, therefore no youtube or social media in 1973!


Stevie Wonder, highlights the 'black' problem with his release of 'Living in City' lyrics, 1973, INNERVISIONS.

  • NB: There were many more great musicians who could also be counted along side Stevie but I was brought up with Stevie Wonders music and Innervisions is one of my favourite albums, so there is an immediate bias.

Check out his lyrics 'Living in the City'. Someone has even set up annotation for the lyrics. Click off the annotation to get out of it.

DAX. (2020) 'I Can't Breathe' contribution and support to 'Black Lives Matter'. His message is another plea for change.

His lyrics are below the video.

  • Remember when we were kids and didn't see color?
  • Like, Comment, and Share...
  • Proceeds going to Campaign Zero

stream everywhere:

  • Follow Dax: @thatsdax
  • Shot By: Damien Sandoval
  • Produced by:@barbasauce
  • #blacklivesmatter #racism #protest #blm #riots


Another songwriter contributing to Black Lives Matter. A white American musician, singer songwriter reaching out to the killing of a black person. We all feel it, regardless of colour, race, and regardless how or where we are placed in the world, we feel the emotions.

We simply don't like what's happening, we want change, this is why INCLUSIVENESS is required. We need each other.

Black Lives Matter (Lyrics on video or directly on youTube video).

  • "It's sickening. It's hard to say something useful. It's hard to find the right words. There will never be enough words. But sometimes where words fail music speaks. I will use my voice for justice. I STAND WITH YOU!
  • In the past, I sometimes closed my eyes and pretended racism wasn't a thing to protect myself and my sensitive heart. How ignorant.
  • I will do better. I promise. Being a non-racist just isn't enough anymore, it probably never was. Use your voice. Educate yourself." Nicole Milik (2020)


Irrespective of who we are, a lot of people have reacted to the Black Lives Matter posts, supporting change, but change for African Americans is a bigger and deeper issue to resolve.

If we consider the key issue that sparked Black Lives Matter, with the killing of a black man by white policemen, captured and placed into the social media networks world wide, it's easy to see why it caused the level of outrage. However, we are reminded by viral social media that this is not the first, second or third time an incident such as this has been televised. The issue is much bigger than what has happened in the last 10 years, because the wrongs of the past that dehumanised a race of people, displaced them and forced them into slavery is still unresolved and should no longer be ignored or dismissed as it has done. If we make steps with this issue then they will also see the value to saving our planet and I am convinced that those stripped of their identity will find a greater 'sense of place' on the planet once they have been acknowledged and reunited as being a human being and will contribute to the greater cause of humanity.

I am not a historian so will only summarise in order to make a point and leave the historic context to the experts of American history. My apologies now, should it need correcting in future, and I am open to editing and acknowledging righting the wrongs for any corrections required.

The first blacks to arrive as slaves dates back the early 1600's who then spent 400 years of suffering, torment and pain by a racist culture that arrived as the British colonies, where they provided a cultural practice of killing blacks where it was far more acceptable at the time, degradable, deplorable an inhumane.

The book ...

At the Risk of Being Heard: Identity, Indigenous Rights, and Postcolonial States edited by Bartholomew Dean, Jerome M. Levi (2003),

... highlights just how rife the history of indigenous massacres have been.

"The massacre of indigenous peoples was routinely practiced and routinely accepted in the heyday of imperialism. The imperialists enjoyed the advantage of overwhelming power, which enabled them to kill their subjects for a variety of reasons, to emphasize their subjections, to teach them a lesson, to clear them off their lands, or even for the sheer sport of it." (2003)

Racism today is a reminder of the abusive past. It's not about extermination but of ownership as slaves were considered chattels not people. Slaves served a purpose for the 'owners' and could be discarded at will or at the discretion of the owner without consequence. The slave atrocities in America have never truly been acknowledged, apologies have never been made, and compensation has never been provided. Reparation has been and is being discussed - some are for and some against. Go figure. However, this is not in isolation to America but includes many of the 'British colonised countries', across the globe.


It's a start and it can be done it just takes leadership, heart, grace and for America, courage! Courage because even in the last 100 years, America or Americans are still in conflict where the slavery and race card is still ominous and vulnerable.

Google will show you every world governmental apology that was publicly announced (with photo evidence), but here are a few to start.

AUSTRALIA apologised to the Aborigine, the indigenous people of Australia for the 'wrongs' caused to the indigenous people.

  • The Australian government has made a formal apology for the past wrongs caused by successive governments on the indigenous Aboriginal population.

NEW ZEALAND apologised for historical Maori injustice at Parihaka.

  • The Crown has apologised for the historical injustice at Parihaka, and emotional tributes have been given to those who suffered when colonial forces invaded the Taranaki community.

AMERICA apologises for the internment of Japanese American Citizens.

  • Ronald Reagan signing the Civil Liberties Act of 1988 that apologized for the internment of Japanese American citizens and permanent residents during World War II. (Courtesy of the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library, via Wikimedia Commons)


Pope Francis apologises for Catholic crimes against indigenous peoples during the colonisation of the Americas

  • 'Grave sins were committed against the native peoples of America in the name of God'

We should be asking why the African American slave trade and the degradation that followed 400 years ago was not on his list!

However, regardless of an apology or not an apology, not everyone will believe in it, support it, vote for it, want it, justify it, or put up with it. It wont suit everyone, and, being an election year means the politicians could lose your vote.

Before we even go there we do need to look at what they are apologising for and they (the Americans who are racist), will not like what they find. As with the imagery found and exhibited of the Auschwitz concentration camp, and the opening of the camps for families or tourists to see and gain a slight sense of the experience, it will be painful.

We, as a people who have not walked the path will never know the pain and suffering, so having access to all the information with any visual image representations, as painful as they could be, will evoke the emotions and the empathy in the same way that Black Lives Matter. That is when the world will make decisions together.


The move to formerly 'abolish' slavery in America only came to light in 1864 and passed in 1865 with the 13th Amendment to the Constitution. It was then followed with the 14th and 15th Amendments, and the very complex journey of freedom, acknowledgement, equal rights, and liberty for African Americans continued. It was only 1965 that the African Americans were allowed to be registered to vote, but even that came with conditions that retained those of privilege and those who were not. The African Americans were only considered to be 60% free. I guess that means the other 40% is servitude or slavery.

History shows us that we as human beings are capable of many great inspirational and innovative changes, just as we are for the many more actions that have scarred and continue to scar us forever. There are and probably always will be, members of the human race that are aggressively judgemental, arrogant, egotistical, angry and frustrated, where a full resolution to slavery and racism does not register as positive outcome.


If we consider how the Jews found an improved sense of peace in the chaos of their own struggles through the power of 'remembrance' for the millions who suffered and the millions were killed as part of the total extermination of a people, a white people.

The best analogy I have heard as to the reasons why it is important to remember and acknowledge that a wrong did happen was in reference to the Jews and the Holocaust.

The outcome of the holocaust is not hidden, but officially remembered to avoid it ever happening again. It was done in such a way, and in collaboration' with the Jewish knowledge based communities, that was respectful and provided the world access to photo archives and film, directly to the general public in museums, tours, and exhibitions around the world. They have been delivered in schools and universities as history to inform the generations of young learners and others who were not aware that they may become aware of the genocide that these atrocities will be prevented in the future, especially for the generations to come.

By David Clode on Unsplash

This does not mean that racism will not be around for Jews or other races in the future or that every human being will abide by the concept of prevention. A majority of the world itself has a tendency to educate with appropriate knowledge, awareness and kindness to better support the movement for a positive future for their own children. The value of this is when it is professionally and formerly preserved, that it empowers the change, acknowledges the past and the wrongs and provides an insight into a better future.

Unfortunately the movement against racism for blacks worldwide is very different and has never had the same support. The different poverty levels between the Jewish communities and American blacks are extreme opposites. The Jewish culture could be considered to have one the greatest business and financial management infrastructure mind-sets in the world and therefore they already had access to an important education or knowledge base passed down to them. This supported them to help overcome their challenges in order to have the past remembered that required hard work, commitment as they worked through the extremities of re-living their past pains and the damage inflicted to either them, their parents, grandparents, friends and/or other families.

Racism has not had that level of professional support and instead have endured suffering firstly for lack of appropriate and/or formal acknowledgement from the highest levels from their leaders who have and still have conflict. Full acknowledgment and reparation is still being challenged in the 2020 for the atrocities that did happen and were wrong.

The task is a major undertaking for blacks to even consider implementing a similar physical outcome to restoring faith in the world, will challenge those who do not believe it is necessary and that the black communities need to find their way back. It is simply considered not the responsibility of the oppressors by the oppressors.

For the African americans, the culture was created for them, with the provision of ghettos, the blocks, and out of that came the birth of, gangs, drugs, abuse, racism, poverty, and this only supported the idea that African Americans were not capable or intelligant enough. The system had set them up to fail.

In part 1, I commented on a statement by Ben Shapiro who referred to the rioters reactions to the incidents that followed Black Lives Matter, stating that they should just "... act like a human being, it's not useful ...", and "... the more outraged your are, and the more angry you are, the more justified you must be is absolute nonsense ...".

My assumption is that he was not just referring to the African American rioters but all races involved, but I totally agree with his sentiments though the answer is far more complex than to state that they should "... just act like a human being...". The injustices and atrocities have not only been for that one act in 2020, but for many, and includes similar acts that date back to the 1600's. The immediate anger at the riots is a very different matter and often provoked by many who are not even involved in the resurrection of a community.

A New York woman's impassioned plea to rioters has gone viral after it was shared online, with millions watching her tell rioters: "You are here profiting off of our pain."

"Desiree Barnes was captured on video speaking to protesters who had been vandalising her neighbourhood in New York's East Village as protests against the killing of George Floyd turned into violent clashes across the city.

Freelance videographer Dan LaDue filmed the encounter and posted it to Instagram, where it exploded."

Barnes, who once worked for Michelle Obama and as a press aide in the White House, castigated the group for the damage they were causing.

"These are ****ing people who live in public housing and you just made a ****ing melee," Barnes said.

"You took down bus routes. There are people who live in this neighbourhood who have to go back uptown to work, and you are here profiting off of our ****ing pain."

‘You wanna f*cking do something? Make sure you’re registered to vote. Don’t start another goddamn fire'

Barnes also pleaded the group to be "****ing responsible" and "have a ****ing plan", adding that they should all register to vote and vent their frustrations at the ballot box.

"You can protest all you want but the s*** I just saw take place," she said.

"I know there are people out here, homeless people who ****ing rely on those banks to charge their phones. And you think it's okay to take down a neighbourhood. You don't see corporations here. There are human beings that live in this goddamn neighbourhood."

NZ Herald 5 Jun, 2020 12:15pm

In this context I support hers and Ben Shapiro's argument that rioting or violence is not the answer. In fact it does nothing but provoke others to participate and then it usually, gets totally out of control. (June 3, 2020)


If we can find the courage to help any of these 'Matters', black or otherwise, to have an impact on changing racism from every corner of the world as an inclusive supportive global infrastructure, and as one people, we will have the strength and the courage, together, to impact anything the Matters including our planets plea for help and therefore our pending self destruction.

David Attenborough provided a solution to how we can save the planet in a video 8 minutes and 27 seconds long and I would like to finish with providing his video comment on one of the ways we could solve it sooner.

"By investing in education and womens rights and raising people out of poverty we could bring about peak human even sooner. This changes everything. It gives us the opportunity we need to regain our balance. The plan for our planet is remarkably simple. Reduce our impact by making sure everything we do we can do forever."

David Attenborough April 5 2019.

NB: This is the same video played earlier, but I felt it is worth a second viewing as a reminder of how simple life could be.

Thanks for reading.



About the Creator

Teriu Lemon

Father, Step Father, Husband, Artist, Designer, Musician, Writer, Poet, Lifestyle farmer, Education, Indigeneity, Pedagogy, Technologies, Movies, Humanities, Integrity, Equity, VR & AR, Mana Whenua


(Pronounced Teddy-You)

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